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4Chan Rumor: The Last of Us Part 2 is rumored to be a story of revenge...

And as proven by how muslims treat Christians in middle east, the Christians helping these "refugees" will not be afforded the same compassion when those Christians become minorities in their own countries.

They dont integrate not because theyre not given support, they are and plenty, they choose not to integrate because they dont want to change how life was back where theyre from, they simply want to change the way other people live and have those people pay the bill for them all the while living in first world living standards that Europeans died for over multiple world wars to protect and provide for future generations.

Kindly fuck off with your dead end virtue signalling.

You cant help those who dont want to be helped and your compassion is weakness in their eyes.
You talking to me? I'm sorry if you don't think people can change, but do you have any idea how many times this scenario has happened over the course of my life?

1. Person thinks I'm their enemy simply because I don't agree with them on a fundamental level.
2. Same person comes across tragic hard times...
3. Boom, out of the blue I am there to help them.
4. Tears.
5. Bewilderment.
6. Love.
7. Understanding. Even if we still don't fundamentally agree sometimes...

Time after time I've been able to change peoples hearts and minds by being there for them in their time of need. The reason many of these people you speak of turn into "leaches" so to speak isn't due to people showing compassion and love. It's due to people not knowing what kind of love to show and how to show it. Much like you've shown in the tone of your post...

I agree though. Promising people everything isn't love. Giving them everything they want isn't love. It's enabling the behavior that got them there in the first place. And if that person in my analogy came upon hard times a second or third time and it was self brought then my "help" would be very, very different if I gave it at all. It all depends on the situation.

Part of real love is giving people what they really need when they need it. For instance, on illegal immigration/refugees. I believe that if people really want to take them into our country, then they should be taking these people in to their homes where they would be able to make sure their standard of living is as nice as they believe it should be and where they can help guide the influences these people would receive here. OR send them back to their own country while educating them in a loving way on why this is so important for the future of their country. That way, even if you send them back, they still experienced what true love is. No one can know how that will affect their lives.

I remember one day walking through a park for a car show, in a city I'd never been to, and this guy I hadn't seen in forever walked up to me and hugged me and just started bursting into tears right there in front of everyone. He was a guy I had mentored but ultimately had written off and left it to the Lord. The last time I saw him I'd left him with some stern love by telling him it's up to him, no more help... I barely even recognized him from what he looked like before. He was so well put together. He told me how much my love and effort had ultimately helped him turn his life around and how close to the brink he was. He had this amazing story of recovery and told me about the awesome stuff he was involved in now which was leading him oversees. I'll never forget his smile. Left me grinning for days.

Sometimes what you really need ins't what you think, or even what you want. For instance, an addict thinks they need drugs. But you wouldn't give them the drugs just because they think they need them and they asked you for them. That isn't love. Encouraging and helping to convince them to ween off the drugs would be love, but it would also be painful. Same as telling an obese person that has an unhealthy lifestyle they are beautiful and there is nothing wrong with them. This is doing more harm than good for that person. In the moment they might feel nice and warm and fuzzy, but in the long run it is only enabling them. This is not real love.

The problem is that our liberal society today is against this. It's always about instant gratification and getting and doing what you want for as little effort as possible all while pushing as many moral boundaries as possible in the name of acceptance. And unfortunately it's these people who are making things bad for people like refugees in the long run. I'ts an attitude that sets them up for failure and instead of becoming assets by teaching them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps by applying good old fashioned American elbow grease, they become leaches who think they are entitled to all kinds of things because of their "victim-hood" status.
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It actually is, especially that a group with priorities that misaligned would rise to the implied level of power and prominence.

A cult? Sure. A specifically homophobic and racist cult dedicated to hunting non-straight, non-white people in the wastelands? Not so much. If anything, they'd wanna figure out where they live and raid their supplies more'n that, whether they hate gay people or not.

TL;DR the scenario isn't, but the motivations and priorities are.

And I swear, if we have an arena full of clickers and/or bloaters where they're touted as "angels of judgment" or some shiz I will howl at how stupid that is. lmao
But what if the cult is 8 chan and the leader is Kevin Hart?



Pretty much its SJW central of shitlords the company.
dude, gears 5 literally has a stronk disturbed woman as a lead when previous game were all dudebro and the obsidian game when they were already under M has some of the wokest stuff i see recently and the sequel totally payed by M is not gonna be that different...
lol even halo 4 and 5 transformed cortana into a cunt and a major plot point 😆
if only was just a sony problem...
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I'm not the biggest ND fan, but I'm pretty sure this rumor is an oversimplification, meaning, I doubt creators threw some cheap shots at religion or tried to troll Christian community just for the sake of it. Probably not all of the religious characters will be despicable bad guys and it will probably be a bit more than simple black and white depiction of the conflict. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Ellie won't be exactly a saint and some of her actions will be questionable. Depiction not necessary an endorsement.
You talking to me? I'm sorry if you don't think people can change, but do you have any idea how many times this scenario has happened over the course of my life?

The self segregation and self imposed sharia law that muslims have in Europe says otherwise. Thats on top of the Brooklyn South Safety Patrol, a Hasidic watch group in the USA. Rules for thee but not for me.

I dont know what fairy land world you live in, but its not going to help anyone in the long run. If you dont address the root cause, youre simply moving the problem from one country to another while blaming the host nation for "not doing enough". Its the self imposed soft version of colonization.

Imagine treating the corona this way. Lets not close the boarders and prevent the people who are sick in, that would make us racist, who cares if it results in our own demise.
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I don’t care about the lesbian storyline but the It grinds my gears seeing a religion specifically Christianity being used as the villain, would people be OK if they used an other religion?
I doubt they would use a different religion for example Muslims , if true instant no buy.
Have you played Halo?, or maybe Chrono Trigger...Or even BF3 in BF3 you literally gun through "religious praying grounds". Granted I know these story don't stat directly that it's about Islam but there are Highkey plot points suggesting so. And Btw Muslim isn't A religion says a lot to be honest
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Imagine a zombie apocalypse game and the primary problem is a group of people hating gays.

Important to Ellie, the protagonist.
Personally important.
Not important to the rest at large.

It would speak to the personal significance of the event if Ellie would be willing to risk her life just to go after them and take revenge. Imagine the kind of traumatic event that can supersede a zombie apocalipse.

This is all theoretical, of course. What matters most is the execution. You can make a dreadful story, a mediocre story or a great story out of this plot sketch. It depends on the skill of the writing team.


Have you played Halo?, or maybe Chrono Trigger...Or even BF3 in BF3 you literally gun through "religious praying grounds". Granted I know these story don't stat directly that it's about Islam but there are Highkey plot points suggesting so. And Btw Muslim isn't A religion say a lot to be honest
I know its Islam, but couldn’t think of it at the time due to brother bringing over a 12 pack of my favorite beer.
I blame the alcohol.🍻
I played Halo but truthfully don’t remember any of the story.
It´s punished by death on the bible too. Lev.20:13.
Lots of sins were. There are restrictions on how that can be applied and pathways for the remission of sins, however.

And that's not even counting the Gospels and what that was supposed to accomplish. Which would be what the Christians would be under, in theory.

EDIT: Thinking about that, there's always the chance they play the "we're not saying this is actually what the religion teaches, just this cult, and if you feel called out by it that says more about YOU than US" card.
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
It actually is, especially that a group with priorities that misaligned would rise to the implied level of power and prominence.

A cult? Sure. A specifically homophobic and racist cult dedicated to hunting non-straight, non-white people in the wastelands? Not so much. If anything, they'd wanna figure out where they live and raid their supplies more'n that, whether they hate gay people or not.

TL;DR the scenario isn't, but the motivations and priorities are.

And I swear, if we have an arena full of clickers and/or bloaters where they're touted as "angels of judgment" or some shiz I will howl at how stupid that is. lmao
Eh it could go either way honestly, there are crazies all over the place and somehow the most moronic ones are the ones that stay alive the longest, ask my uncle perry I dont know lol
The self segregation and self imposed sharia law that muslims have in Europe says otherwise. Thats on top of the Brooklyn South Safety Patrol, a Hasidic watch group in the USA. Rules for thee but not for me.

I dont know what fairy land world you live in, but its not going to help anyone in the long run. If you dont address the root cause, youre simply moving the problem from one country to another while blaming the host nation for "not doing enough". Its the self imposed soft version of colonization.
I... What? What on earth do you think I'm trying to do here? I'm not advocating for illegal immigrants or refugees to resettle into our country... Please read again... I don't advocate for that because the liberal ideology just turns them into leaches and easy votes... and besides that it would ultimately be bad for the health of the countries they came from if you remove all the people who want change from it and who are capable of fighting for that change or even the reasons to fight for that change... This is why they don't integrate IMO. What I think of the "Muslim" religion and whether or not it can be salvaged or whatever is a different discussion entirely and not one that I'm about to have online. But I still do believe people, no matter what they believe can have a lasting change of heart. It's just that entire Governments through liberal policies and what not, aren't the way to try to do that. It's got to be from person to person and like you said, they ultimately have to want it. But it's very hard and rare for someone that comes from a backwards ideology to know "the way they should be" without seeing a good and loving example of it in their own lives. That's my entire reasoning for reaching out. Like with the people on the boats. Lots of women and children on those boats as well. They don't deserve to drown. That bit of love shown could ultimately plant a seed for change even if they are eventually sent back, like I think they should be when it is safe to do so.

This is derailing the thread anyway, my original post with the boats was just showing that most Christians today are willing to go out of their way for people even if, or especially if, they don't fundamentally agree with them. So this whole shtick about Christians being the most likely ones to form an homophobic cult in the apocalypse is tiring when not counterbalanced with examples that show them in a good light. Especially when all I see in media today is "christian bad" just like "orange man bad."


i'll bet on Ellie's friend/romantic interest, being a bait and switch.
Ellie is definetly going on a revenge rampage going by the trailers, but i think they are probably misleading to hide a twist.

I bet one of the rival gang tries to make a move on Ellie’s gf and ends up raping and/or kills her. What else could make her go full on Rambo?


I bet one of the rival gang tries to make a move on Ellie’s gf and ends up raping and/or kills her. What else could make her go full on Rambo?
I'm getting the vibe of Ellie's GF being kinda manipulative, in the reveal trailer they make it seem like she was playing two relationships at once.
I think Ellie might be betrayed by her bestie, it could be a cool set up for revenge if they build the friendship first.


Y'all really this mad (again, who'd have thought?) over a 4chan rumor? I'm sorry but how many times have sites picked up on these in the last year alone and 100% of the time these post have been proven wrong? Not to mention some people supposedly already have a version of the game already and I'm sure those details would've leaked before this.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
What by chance Joel was right in the first game. When he told Ellie there were a ton of kids that were immune and they still never found a cure, whag if they are keeping immune kids locked up in cages and shit and Ellie finds this out and makes it her goal to help them and set them free, could work. However some reason I feel Dina is a baddy by how her and Ellie forshadowed their conversation in the gameplay demo we saw while they were riding horses. Maybe Dina kills Jesse whilst they are in Seattle and Ellie vows for revenger for her fallen friend.
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I know its Islam, but couldn’t think of it at the time due to brother bringing over a 12 pack of my favorite beer.
I blame the alcohol.🍻
I played Halo but truthfully don’t remember any of the story.
Yh In Halo 2 The Arbiter was Originally supposed to be called "Dervish" which is linked to Sufism...The Prophet of Truth and High Charity the Covenant's Holy City in Halo I guess you can link the two real world examples.

In Chrono Trigger Those who played should remember a area called Medina Village. In Islam the 2 Holy Cities are Makkah and Medinah


NPCs Circling Statue of Magus in Medina Village

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Important to Ellie, the protagonist.
Personally important.
Not important to the rest at large.

It would speak to the personal significance of the event if Ellie would be willing to risk her life just to go after them and take revenge. Imagine the kind of traumatic event that can supersede a zombie apocalipse.

This is all theoretical, of course. What matters most is the execution. You can make a dreadful story, a mediocre story or a great story out of this plot sketch. It depends on the skill of the writing team.
I can't help but laugh at the thought of people risking their lives to hunt down people that are gay when there are flesh eating spore monsters everywhere, sorry.


Every damn time a thread gets past three pages, it's just some people constructing walls of text and then trying to have a pissing contest from the top.

And I'm just like:


Anyway, Ellen Page Simulator 2 will let me kill random religious people, got it.
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It's ridiculous to center a post apocalyptic story around a LGBTQ in the first place. This story would at least fit well with this dumb premise.


Gold Member
Plenty of entertainment products are designed as a mass market offering and still end up full of woke ideology, just look at Hollywood. Druckmann is a bit unhinged with this stuff and the trailers have focused HARD on the lesbian stuff, so it seems very plausible.

They also had misdirection in pretty much every trailer they have ever done. I remember all the theories for Uncharted 4 trailers that did not pan out at all when people finally played the game.
Bit of an ass pull to just have hundreds of people who're immune to the spores now. It ruins the story of the original game, where Ellie was said to be special because of her immunity. Also, if you're part of a religious group that happens to be entirely immune to the zombie apocalypse, it doesn't seem necessary to attack randoms who will die out naturally over time anyways.

This leak sounds fake, but if it's true the game's story is gonna suck big time.


Good to see sexuality and homophobia take the center stage in a zombie apocalypse game. What truly necessary "art" with a relevant message for today's political climate!

Sigh. I may actually pass on this if it's as dumb as it sounds. I mean I have no problem with there being an anti-gay Christian Purity cult in the game. We already have those today. But I have a problem if that's the main focus of the game, along with Ellie's sex life. Way to do absolutely nothing original.
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Gold Member
Good to see sexuality and homophobia take the center stage in a zombie apocalypse game. What truly necessary "art" with a relevant message for today's political climate!

Sigh. I may actually pass on this if it's as dumb as it sounds. I mean I have no problem with there being an anti-gay Christian Purity cult in the game. We already have those today. But I have a problem if that's the main focus of the game, along with Ellie's sex life. Way to do absolutely nothing original.
You might be missing out. If that crazy story leak is true you're going to miss a love triangle between a couple dykes and a Chinese guy getting jealous wanting in.

Forget about zombies and infectious diseases, LoU2 sounds like it'll give The Young & the Restless a run for its money.
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I'm getting the vibe of Ellie's GF being kinda manipulative, in the reveal trailer they make it seem like she was playing two relationships at once.
I think Ellie might be betrayed by her bestie, it could be a cool set up for revenge if they build the friendship first.

She may end up being the baddie but I think her getting killed or kidnapped is what sets Ellie off.


Sadly that wouldn't surprise me considering duckman's involvement and troy bakers comments
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I know its just a rumor. But if it turns out to be you just ruined fucking ruined part of the story for me by putting it in the headline.
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