Blimblim said:I'd go as far as agree that PGR2 looks strange in replays. Rallisport 2 too in fact. There is a weird camera problem that makes the cars look like more like toys in a not totally to scale word. Very hard to explain.
Well, it has to do with several thing which no one was able to replicate nearly as faithfully as the guys at Polyphony.
The reflections and lightning are generally all f*cked up. This is something you instantly notice if u have a little practice with modelling and rendering; if u don't use complex lightning algorithms like radiosity, you have to adjust the gamma values of the reflections. Gt series does but no one else understood how important it is to make the colours look right.
Other than that, the cars' speed is always wrong, especially during drifts (the drifting and side accelaration and deceleration is nailed perfectly in GT) which makes them look very light and thus, a lot like toys.
Finally, the virtual camera angles and zoom factor used would be impossible in real life; you wouldn't be able to use those values while shooting a moving car.
From what i've seen so far, Forza is no exception, being totally f*cked up in these departments too.
Colin Mc Rae 2k5 looks very realistic in replays though.