HK-47 said:The difference between the US and Euro reviews surprises me not a bit.
Yep, I wonder if it's because of the prevalence of the C64.
HK-47 said:The difference between the US and Euro reviews surprises me not a bit.
_tetsuo_ said:And the bad AI is making it very difficult to pass this mission. In Moscow andTerrible that I forgot to stack up on items before I left for the missionI'm trying to escape with Surkov and G22 is outside in force. Surkov goes to one cover spot anddoes not move, and never drop back into cover. SOhe just runs out, goes to cover, gets in a shooting posistion behind cover and gets riddled with bullets everytime.![]()
_tetsuo_ said:And the bad AI is making it very difficult to pass this mission. In Moscow andTerrible that I forgot to stack up on items before I left for the missionI'm trying to escape with Surkov and G22 is outside in force. Surkov goes to one cover spot anddoes not move, and never drop back into cover. SOhe just runs out, goes to cover, gets in a shooting posistion behind cover and gets riddled with bullets everytime.![]()
mujun said:Yep, I wonder if it's because of the prevalence of the C64.
dionysus said:You need to make yourself a target and be a bullet sponge, don't stay behind cover. I sprinted around a meleed everyone. It took me no longer than 20 seconds and I didn't lose much health. Was really easy.
Cep said:Depends on the build, difficulty, and armor.
Some cannot do this (my character had starter armor for the entire game and he would not have been able to survive such an encounter)
Are you playing a lethal run?_tetsuo_ said:And the bad AI is making it very difficult to pass this mission. In Moscow andTerrible that I forgot to stack up on items before I left for the missionI'm trying to escape with Surkov and G22 is outside in force. Surkov goes to one cover spot anddoes not move, and never drop back into cover. SOhe just runs out, goes to cover, gets in a shooting posistion behind cover and gets riddled with bullets everytime.![]()
dionysus said:I did it with starter armor, no points in toughness, and 1 armor accessory on normal difficulty.
Cep said:So I am assuming you were using Shadow agent?
ArjanN said:Partially. It's also because PC gaming is much bigger in Europe.
dionysus said:Nope, sprint to enemy, 4 punches, sprint to next enemy, repeat.
Cep said:And it is in this mission that the absolutely broken stealth skill line shows how broken it can be.
I did that last part by (ab)using stealth take downs.
Bebpo said:I did that part with tranq chain shots and punching guys in the face.
Bebpo said:Chain shot is broken for bosses. For normal fights, the cooldown makes it fair.
Bebpo said:Chain shot is broken for bosses. For normal fights, the cooldown makes it fair.
BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah you can definitely put me in the stealth gameplay is atrocious camp. I can't bring myself to do more than one or two missions in a row now because it bores me to tears. It's not even just the SO skill. When you have enough points in stealth + Stealth armor+ camo you can easily take down any guard by creeping up beside them.
I also don't get the praise for the actual RPG elements by most people. The skill layout is boring as hell, with each path getting one big skill and then a couple of smaller/innate abilities. I guess I went in expecting too much.
dionysus said:You need to make yourself a target and be a bullet sponge, don't stay behind cover. I sprinted around a meleed everyone. It took me no longer than 20 seconds and I didn't lose much health. Was really easy.
Prime crotch said:actually both those games were better made than AP, even with all the bugs; even the writting left me disapointed, but at least the writers noticed what they were doing wrong, that's why there's so many hilarious shit throw in
AP is weird as a game, sometimes is pretty fun other times is dreadfully boring. I think had they gone with dice rolls for the aiming and not a cone of randomness, that would have helped
BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah you can definitely put me in the stealth gameplay is atrocious camp. I can't bring myself to do more than one or two missions in a row now because it bores me to tears. It's not even just the SO skill. When you have enough points in stealth + Stealth armor+ camo you can easily take down any guard by creeping up beside them.
I also don't get the praise for the actual RPG elements by most people. The skill layout is boring as hell, with each path getting one big skill and then a couple of smaller/innate abilities. I guess I went in expecting too much.
HK-47 said:I think thats cause dialogue systems are also part of RPGs. There's the story and then the stats if you wanna really simplify the WRPG. Thats seems to be the two major things people go into WRPG for anyways.
HK-47 said:So very much like Bloodlines and your precious Arcanum, which is still janky as hell to this day and dreadfully boring in parts. But still very much worth playing.
Its clear is was suppose to be a standard spy story with a lot of wit thrown in from some talented writers. So what did they do wrong?
subversus said:No parts of Bloodlines are boring in any way
Bebpo said:Had my first crash in Rome
Chose the madison side in the museum so I could shoot her in the face when the elevator opened with the guy holding her hostage (we were on bad terms) and when I shot her the screen started to fade to black and then the game crashed >_< I'm guessing it doesn't let you kill her? That kind of sucks, I guess I'll just load my last save pre-choice and leave her to die in that case.
I'm still not really sure how to use the AR because it only fires in small bursts, but my shotgun has become extremely viable and I'm doing all my missions shotgun only and doing fine mainly. Though I do throw out some fire grenades sometimes because watching a bunch of guys dance around on fire is pretty hilarious.
CabbageRed said:Graveyard gun challenge
subversus said:No parts of Bloodlines are boring in any way
HK-47 said:Really? How about the sewers? The Sabbat hotel? A majority of the end game?
subversus said:They were tense for me, not boring. I enjoyed combat in the game.
only if the standards are a poorly laid out plot.HK-47 said:Its clear is was suppose to be a standard spy story with a lot of wit thrown in from some talented writers. So what did they do wrong?
Bebpo said:Had my first crash in Rome
Chose the madison side in the museum so I could shoot her in the face when the elevator opened with the guy holding her hostage (we were on bad terms) and when I shot her the screen started to fade to black and then the game crashed >_< I'm guessing it doesn't let you kill her? That kind of sucks, I guess I'll just load my last save pre-choice and leave her to die in that case.
I'm still not really sure how to use the AR because it only fires in small bursts, but my shotgun has become extremely viable and I'm doing all my missions shotgun only and doing fine mainly. Though I do throw out some fire grenades sometimes because watching a bunch of guys dance around on fire is pretty hilarious.
Ricker said:I`m still in Moscow and saving/helping everyone,except that guy in the bar :lol ... I dropped down a few notches in Mina`s book because I went with Sie and well other stuff I wont mention in case of spoilers...that part of the game is awesome,what I don`t like is,again,the hacking stuff,moreso because even if you go full stealth,if you miss one of these,and some you have to do,an alarm goes off and that`s it,everyone is alerted for the rest of the level and there`s no way to really hide and wait it out,for the guys to stop being red and come after the hell with that,i`ll respec,take away the 5 or 6 upgrade I put in stealth and put those either in Pistol/assault riffle or Martial arts(the melee stuff prevented many deaths for me so far).
Nickiepoo said:Personally I maxed stealth then went 50/50 toughness and Rifles. Never had a problem in firefights even without using stealth skills and subsonic bullets make it a stealth option at long range.
Also, I see people bemoaning their lack of 'stocking up' before missions which I find strange since, playing on medium, I didn't use a single health pack or hardly a single grenade for the whole game.