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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets

One thing is kind of bothering me about this game,
Alpha Protocol is supposed to be secret, yet every fucking person I've met so far knows about it.


Super disappointed this game is getting such low scores. I had high hopes from a game coming from obsidian. Especially one where they actually had time to make it unlike their other titles.


Y2Kev said:
Can you fight darcy at all?

otherwise 1/10

I had to restart the level. The first time through, after I shot him one time Darcy would stop poking his head out to snipe. He would just spawn more guards and toss grenades. The only time I could shoot him was that one burst right at the beginning. Otherwise he stayed in cover and tossed back any grenades I threw at him. I figured I had to get in that tower to "unlock" the rest of the fight, b/c there was no way to damage him from the ground.

Once I restarted and redid the whole fucking last level (and had saved an EMP), the encounter played out without the glitch. I never even used the EMP.


Jew Gamer
onemic said:
Super disappointed this game is getting such low scores. I had high hopes from a game coming from obsidian. Especially one where they actually had time to make it unlike their other titles.

Super disappointed in you for not noticing this thread of people who think the scores are wrong and have discussed this game in detail. Super-DUPER disappointed in you.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
squicken said:
Well I think I've hit an impassable wall.

Fighting Darcy on the last level. He's in a tower hurling grenades and sniping and spawning endless waves of badies. I see a tower with a locked door. I have no EMPs left.

Which shouldn't be a problem since I've maxed the lock picking/hacking skill. Only I get 12 seconds to pick a six tumbler lock. Even using a fully maxed 20 second cloak I get 2 attempts tops before I am visible and then shot to death. Is that it? Am I fucked? Because there's no way I'm going to be able to pick that lock.

there's an emp grenade lying somewhere on the right side of the stage, search there. I picked the lock in 12 seconds though.
Y2Kev said:
Can you fight darcy at all?

otherwise 1/10

in my playthrough
I killed all his minions from far out with chain shot and the assault rifle then did him in the same way, I didn't even know you could get into the tower. I ended up creeping up next to it once the coast was clear and found an angle where he couldn't hit me and pick and popped him to death

There wasn't any cutscene or anything, it was pretty lame. I was hoping to bleed him slow for beating on Mina


GO FUCK UR SELF. Moscow Embassy last scenario.

seriously. I put my pts on stealth and then ur gonna throw me scenarios like this BS.


Jew Gamer
Bebpo said:
If you put points into stealth then you should have shadow operative. Cloak and go choke some dudes.

Cloak and choke should be a new euphemism. Not kidding, its just that awesome.


Gold Member
Just beat it. I focused on upgrading stealth and pistols. I had little problems with the wonky gunplay. Although that helicopter fight was pretty obnoxious.

Question about the final mission:
Do you have to side with Halbech/Leland in order for Westridge to show up?


The shotguns are really bad for the most part. Worse than a shotgun in any other shooter off the top of my head. The only thing useful they do is take out a person at point-blank range and with room sweep enabled they knock down (not kill) everyone so you can run around and stomp them all afterwards.

They are also very ineffective against bosses.

I definitely regret my shotgun only run I'm in the middle of.


Barakov said:
Just beat it. I focused on upgrading stealth and pistols. I had little problems with the wonky gunplay. Although that helicopter fight was pretty obnoxious.

Question about the final mission:
Do you have to side with Halbech/Leland in order for Westridge to show up?

No, but you have to convince Parker to betray Alpha Protocol when you talk to him after escaping from the interrogation room


Bebpo said:
If you put points into stealth then you should have shadow operative. Cloak and go choke some dudes.
during the "protect serkov at the fountain area?

doesn't matter anyway. finished Moscow. Now to Rome
Just beat the game, I thought it was great. It's like eating all my PS3 HD space for some reason, after I beat the game I got a message that I only had 500 MB of space left, and the file for this game is now over 3 GB.

Uncle AJ

Just finished first playthrough, and loved the hell out of it.

I'm shocked it's so short, though! Can't remember the last time I played an RPG that only lasted 13 hours, and that's without skipping any missions/activities. But they were a very high quality 13 hours, I suppose.

Also I've had Turn Up the Radio by Autograph stuck in my head all day. :lol


dabbled in the jelly
This has got to be the BUGGIEST commercial game to come out for any platform in the past 3 years. The camera glitching around every time new enemies spawned was hard enough to work around but I was still enjoying the game despite that issue.

Nothing could have prepared me for the slew of bugs I would encounter throughout the game everything from save files not loading and freezing the game to some of the most obnoxious enemy AI and tendencies that are borderline game breaking. Did I mention the menu glitches? The menu glitches are ridiculous and I haven't seen glitches like those in a major published commercial game since the 90's.

NTM the camera glitches just keep getting worse and worse the further you progress into the game and are a particular nuisance during the boss fights.

What is the most annoying is the fact that the game has a ton of potential to be great and the developers didn't choose to polish the game and properly beta test it before releasing it. I honestly feel Sega should refund any customers who feel cheated after experiencing the numerous bugs and glitches that make this game far from being worth 60 dollars. The game should not have even been released in this state.

My respect for Obsidian has sadly been negatively affected by the way they handled this project. The broken elements that need the most fixing have nothing to do with the numerous gameplay innovations they delivered but rather very standard simple gameplay mechanics that any decent B grade developer would have no problem fixing like camera, clipping and serious menu glitches.

Maybe if Obsidian weren't concentrating so many resources to Fallout New Vegas they would not have had to release this pile of bug filled software.

I'm done venting. For now.

Uncle AJ

I must have been extremely lucky because I never noticed any major bugs, especially not these atrocious menu glitches you're talking about - can you be more specific?

The disorienting camera is definitely there, though, on PC anyway, but nothing bothered me after deciding to play with a 360 pad early on.
Not really a spoiler but...
Heck's cackle of glee when Thorton says they'll need to shoot their way out of the hotel following the destruction of Heck's file in Taipei was priceless.


dabbled in the jelly
Which version were you guys playing? I played the retail PC version since I read about several people having a hard time activating it through steam.


The main bug I've had is the game forgetting it's activated. I've had to reactivate three times now. I hope there's no limit. One time I launched the game and was told my save file was corrupt. No matter which save point I'd try to go back to, I'd get the same message. So I restarted the game and got prompted to activate. I activated and my save files worked again. Pretty annoying.

I've had some weird graphics bugs too, like a gun stuck doing the reload animation over and over.

I haven't had any "menu glitches". I do find it annoying that new intel entries don't mark themselves as read/unread, although the categories do.


PC version. Only real bug I've noticed (on multiple occasions) is that sometimes item prompts would disappear on-screen unless I got close to them. Would be resolved if I reloaded.


Fredescu said:
The main bug I've had is the game forgetting it's activated. I've had to reactivate three times now. I hope there's no limit. One time I launched the game and was told my save file was corrupt. No matter which save point I'd try to go back to, I'd get the same message. So I restarted the game and got prompted to activate. I activated and my save files worked again. Pretty annoying.

I've had to re-enter the key at least a dozen times.

When it fucks up, I load the game, I keep getting the "I've been struck" sound ("ugh," "argh," etc.), and if I try to load, it says the file is corrupted.

I quit out, and then I have to re-enter the key, and then it works okay... until the next time it does this, usually a few days later.


I've never been so torn about a game. During the normal missions I thoroughly enjoy Alpha Protocol, but once I get to the bosses. I start to hate the game and think it deserves some of it's poor reviews.

I don't think there's a way to beat AP if you're using a stealth build and not putting points into your guns. Not unless you're playing on easy.

The way the bosses are setup completely kills the pure stealth builds...

And for a game that was suppose to be finished months ago, and has spent the last 6 months being polished, it makes no sense to me.


Jew Gamer
JaxJag said:
I've never been so torn about a game. During the normal missions I thoroughly enjoy Alpha Protocol, but once I get to the bosses. I start to hate the game and think it deserves some of it's poor reviews.

I don't think there's a way to beat AP if you're using a stealth build and not putting points into your guns. Not unless you're playing on easy.

The way the bosses are setup completely kills the pure stealth builds...

And for a game that was suppose to be finished months ago, and has spent the last 6 months being polished, it makes no sense to me.

Actually, done properly a good stealth build makes all of the bosses easy... I'm not kidding but I don't know where you are and don't want to spoil it for you >.<
lsslave said:
Actually, done properly a good stealth build makes all of the bosses easy... I'm not kidding but I don't know where you are and don't want to spoil it for you >.<

Even bad ones shouldn't have too much issue.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
JaxJag said:
I don't think there's a way to beat AP if you're using a stealth build and not putting points into your guns. Not unless you're playing on easy.

I did it this way on normal.


Jew Gamer
lorddarkflare said:
Even bad ones shouldn't have too much issue.

I think people get in the "I'm trapped in a room with an enemy I can't instantly execute what do I do" mentality. Its one of those "you have to FIND out what to do" type instances and not a "we throw it in plain sight!" (which is simply the shooting people option haha)


dabbled in the jelly
JayDubya said:
I've had to re-enter the key at least a dozen times.

When it fucks up, I load the game, I keep getting the "I've been struck" sound ("ugh," "argh," etc.), and if I try to load, it says the file is corrupted.

I quit out, and then I have to re-enter the key, and then it works okay... until the next time it does this, usually a few days later.
This is what happened to me last night which prompted me to finally say something. Enough is enough. Unless Obsidian comes with some MAJOR patches I'm returning this game.
I know that this was an anti-piracy feature for the Russian version, but I can see why it would cause issues for legitimate games (glitchy as the game is)...


Well, bugs aside I'm really enjoying the game. It takes a while to get going though, so I guess I can understand some of the bad reviews. I'm trying not to read too much of the thread until I finish.

Uncle AJ

I never had to re-enter my key...

One annoying thing now that I think about it was that sentry turrets would sometimes continue firing even when no targets were in sight. So I'd start dialogue conversations, and the loud-ass turret on the floor above me would keep going off so I couldn't hear what anybody was saying. I wanted to take a virtual broom and tell the bloody thing to pipe down.

My build was heavily focused on Stealth, but also Pistols and Shotguns. Bosses were definitely difficult and took me a few tries, but they usually became much more manageable after remembering you can stick grenades onto walls as proximity traps.


Guys, need some help again with a boss :lol

Im against
Darcy, but it's impossible! The hordes of enemies, the stupid 5 grenades he throws every 10 seconds, and I'm too far to get a good shot at him while dealing with everything else.

I tried shooting him non-stop, getting closer to avoid the grenades (note: it does not work), and throwing grenades myself but nothing works :/

Any tips to beat it? Im so close to the end...


Uncle AJ

itxaka said:
Guys, need some help again with a boss :lol

Im against
Darcy, but it's impossible! The hordes of enemies, the stupid 5 grenades he throws every 10 seconds, and I'm too far to get a good shot at him while dealing with everything else.

I tried shooting him non-stop, getting closer to avoid the grenades (note: it does not work), and throwing grenades myself but nothing works :/

Any tips to beat it? Im so close to the end...


There's a tower to your left when you start the fight. Dispatch of the first couple of enemies before going for it. You have to pick a lock to get inside, but Darcy will still be tossing grenades at you, so this was the only door in the entire game I used an EMP to bypass. Go up the tower once you're in; there's a mounted sniper rifle. Darcy dies in 4 heashots, and he doesn't even toss grenades in your direction once you're up there.


Mo the Hawk said:
There's a tower to your left when you start the fight. Dispatch of the first couple of enemies before going for it. You have to pick a lock to get inside, but Darcy will still be tossing grenades at you, so this was the only door in the entire game I used an EMP to bypass. Go up the tower once you're in; there's a mounted sniper rifle. Darcy dies in 4 heashots, and he doesn't even toss grenades in your direction once you're up there.

ooooohhh. I feel like an idiot now :D

Thanks for the tip mate!


So, finished the first playthrough, doing the Vet run, and frankly, I loved this game.

It's got some serious issues. It really ought to have a patch or three, and I hope it gets some mods too on the PC, but I won't hold my breath.

Ultimately, it was a solid roleplaying experience with a good story, and janky combat.


Neo Member
I've just finished Alpha Protocol for the third time. On my third playthrough
I killed everyone in the game except four to five npcs that can not be killed.
This game is absolutely hilarious. Some of the dialogue in this game is absolute gold. :lol


ok finally finished the game. kinda disappointed that was it. After all the choices u've made I would have like more epilogues on the characters.
I have a messy final mission
(made office romance with Mina and stayed at AP). Handler Sie. rescued Scarlet and made her join which made her my main handler. At the end it was Mina on the boat, and I have no clue wat happened to Sie or Scarlet.

oh well gonna return it to GF
Okay, I've hit a wall:

How the hell do you take down the chopper at the end playing as a pistol/stealth character? Taking down Darcy was easy peasy; taking down the chopper is ridiculously hard.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
bonesmccoy said:
Okay, I've hit a wall:

How the hell do you take down the chopper at the end playing as a pistol/stealth character? Taking down Darcy was easy peasy; taking down the chopper is ridiculously hard.

Rocket launchers are everywhere.


- stealth kill the first two guards before u fire the 1st launcher.
- don't go up the stairs until u kill the two guards.
- with all the guards dead. stick to tower (by the cliff) as cover, and there should be 2 launchers inside it.

it took me 5 launchers (last 2 inside the tower)
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