I am afraid of sjw's, people getting really dumb, cancel culture and that little climate monster... And EU ruining my country. Now I am required to have 5 recycle bins in front of my house. The new one is for "bio" trash... how the f am I supposed to keep "bio" trash in my flat long enough to gather a full bin of it to throw it out? And You can't throw bones in it and many other exceptions... so If I throw some leftovers in it and don't take it out until next day, the whole flat will stink. The bio trash bin is the stupidest idea ever... And it's just a cash grab anyway for apartment building. If the "recycling" company will find any bio trash in plastic, paper, glass or mixed trash bins, they will raise the trash payment by 25% for that month. No matter if I will do it correctly... one of my neighbors will mix the trash and here goes EVERYONE money. That and elimination of plastic straws. European union is doing whatever it can to make out lives harder and more annoying but all of those eco savings and collectives are just 0.0000001% in the world trash fuckup. Take care of companies first.
I got carried away... yes, I am sometimes afraid of WW3 and I think it would be much much more devastating if it happened today. Back in 1939 many people had their own farms/food and water income and did not 100% relied on electricity or city infrastructure.
Now, all You need to do is take away electricity and the whole city dies within a month or two:
-No internet, information blackout
-No supermarket food = no food at all
-No water also
-No fuel, roads blocked
-Death of starvation or neighbor murdering me for my leftovers from the bio trash