Hello? This is Hailun!
It isn't. It's actually the best. Crony capitalism, socialism and all these other things are the problem.
Crony capitalism is just capitalism.
It isn't. It's actually the best. Crony capitalism, socialism and all these other things are the problem.
Capitalism is not the problem, it's the implementation of capitalism that's the problem.
The most dangerous form of capitalism is where you merge capitalism and government (currently what is happening in the US). You get big companies paying large sums of money to government to get laws passed for their benefit. That is not what capitalism is. Capitalism is a variety of companies that want you use their product or service and will need to compete with each other to offer you the best deal they can afford, not giving government sums of money to sway the rules in their favor and keep prices high for the consumer.
Seriously, this world would be so much better off if we killed off socialism. I say we start with socialized road services, I'm sick of paying for roads I'll never use and potholes I didn't create.It isn't. It's actually the best. Crony capitalism, socialism and all these other things are the problem.
Crony capitalism is just capitalism.
Crony capitalism is just capitalism.
The article assumes minimizing inequality at the expense of every other metric is the universally agreed upon goal.
This cannot be said enough. Crony capitalism is a huge problem with the US's implementation of capitalism. Regulated capitalism tempered by social democracy, as seen by a number of countries around the world, most notably the nordic countries, is the way to go.
is the reason why they need to offer you a good deal (or the best value for your money), and attract you to their business
Mind elaborating?Wrong
It's interesting how people will argue that socialism and communism can't actually work in their true form, yet will defend the ideal of some true form of capitalism that seems to have never existed.
Can someone explain how a simple thing like watching TV would work without capitalism? I'd have to interract with:
-People who mine the ressources (oil/plastic, minerals, etc.)
-People who build the television set
-People who create the content
-People who build and exploit the network to bring me the content
-People who generate and transport the electricity
That's like hundreds/thousands of people. Am I supposed to trade potatoes from my field or poetry? Or maybe hope that they do it for the love of television?
Seems like buying the television set with money earned from performing some tasks and paying for a monthly subscription really simplify things a lot.
Let me add to this comment. I don't think you need government to put that much regulation on capitalism. Where does the real regulation come from? You. The customer. You are the reason why they offer their product or service and the competition (other companies) is the reason why they need to offer you a good deal (or the best value for your money), and attract you to their business.
Remember this phrase: "The one in the relationship (Business transaction) that has the power is the one who needs the other the least".
You have many options in the free market to get a specific service or product, so you have the power to choose. If the company knows this, they will need to provide you with a good deal or more service to prevent you to go somewhere else for a better deal.
You're not entitled to TV.
Equally interesting is how people will argue that capitalism is horrible despite the only common factor amongst the most prosperous civilizations, while arguing the socialism in its true form is the only thing that can work despite nobody ever having been successful in implementing it, and all societies that have tried failing miserably
amongst the most prosperous civilizations
Am I entitled to a fridge? (not according to Fox News but whatever...)
Most of the most successful civilizations in history have been slave owning, imperialist nations.
Capitalism is bad!
Posted from my IPhone.
In the safest, healthiest era of human development ever.
Capitalism is fine when regulated. The USA has problems with plutocracy, cronyism and corruption, Not capitalism.
Capitalism is bad!
Posted from my IPhone.
Need is not the driving force of innovation. There are countless examples of innovation to things society doesn't really need.> that competition is the driving force of innovation.
Need is the driving force of innovation.
I would say that having access to food storage takes a healthy precedence over making sure you can watch your stories.
Need is not the driving force of innovation. There are countless examples of innovation on things society really doesn't need.
The most heavily regulated nations on the planet right now, as far as capitalist development is concerned, is China and North Korea.
Glad that's what you aspire to.
Need is not the driving force of innovation. There are countless examples of innovation to things society doesn't really need.
The fact that you think that the insignificant minority of people who live well under Capitalism makes it worth it is sad. You're the "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" stereotype.
For every Kim Kardashian there's tens of thousands who live on starvation wages.
The most heavily regulated nations on the planet right now, as far as capitalist development is concerned, is China and North Korea.
Glad that's what you aspire to.
The majority live "ok". It's a minority that live in extreme poverty
So I guess I walk to the closest communal food storage place then?
What's with the anti-capitalists acting so high-and-mighty?
Need is not the driving force of innovation. There are countless examples of innovation to things society doesn't really need.
I'm not quite sure what you meant by posting that image. But it looks like you're mocking the poster using a strawman argument in an image.
Isn't the opposite true?
Can someone explain how a simple thing like watching TV would work without capitalism?
Capitalism is bad!
Posted from my IPhone.
Capitalism is Capitalism son. You don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Mind elaborating?
Don't act stupid.
Why should I? You can read up on it. You have access to the internet. A tool which lets you download whole books on the topic. For free and within seconds.
What about monopolies? I am not an anti-capitalist but there definitely needs to be some level of regulation. If left to their own devices there will always be a market force that produces a net negative to society.
If things do get out of hand, then governments have to step in and breakup a monopoly, but most of the time, governments are the cause of monopolies. If there was nothing but the free market, and the laws were firm but not too strict regarding copyright, monopolies would be a rarity.
The most heavily regulated nations on the planet right now, as far as capitalist development is concerned, is China and North Korea.
Glad that's what you aspire to.
Monopolies are negative when large companies get governments and law makers to enact regulations where their product or service can be copyrighted to extreme levels thus making their product or service impossible to compete against.
Copyright laws are there to protect a product or service from being copied, but to levels which other companies can still compete with them. For example, if Apple said "you cannot make touchscreen phones, only we can make touchscreen phones", that would be very negative to the market, thus, the law makers know how this affects the market so they create laws that will instill competition.
Monopolies can be ended anytime in the free market by a new competitor, or consumers seeking alternatives (mostly from price since monopolies can charge a large sum for their business).
If things do get out of hand, then governments have to step in and breakup a monopoly, but most of the time, governments are the cause of monopolies. If there was nothing but the free market, and the laws were firm but not too strict regarding copyright, monopolies would be a rarity.
Calm down. You're literally getting upset that liberation of subsistence almost slave labor would interrupt your TV time.
Just to be clear, do you mean "without Capitalism" or do you mean "without money"?
Hoho. You sure got me comrade. Any other riveting internet memes you want to post. Maybe some more strawmen for r/LateStageCapitalism?The most heavily regulated nations on the planet right now, as far as capitalist development is concerned, is China and North Korea.
Glad that's what you aspire to.
In terms of gdp, China is now second and has leaped over several developed "capitalist" countries the past two decades. In regards to economic progress they've accomplished plenty despite, or probably because, state intervention.
Hoho. You sure got me comrade. Any other riveting internet memes you want to post. Maybe some more strawmen for r/LateStageCapitalism?
I agree! Need does not drive innovation. Did we NEED to go into space? Nope. Competition drives innovation.
During the Cold War, we absolutely needed to go into space for national security purposes.
You could argue that reaching the moon was a goal driven by arbitrary competition, but the technological advancements required for, and thus gained by going into space were paramount to the US and USSR defending themselves from one another.
And in hind sight the USSR wasn't a grave threat to the US and we should have spent that money on real need, like human welfare.
I mean, do I really have to prove that we see significant market downturns? Where were you when the last one hit and sank hundreds of thousands of people into poverty 10 years ago?
Do I really have to "back up" things like the Fascist movement of the early 1900s?
This is why I'm asking if you sincerely don't know these basic things here.
You should because you offered the basis of an idea with nothing to support it. Perhaps you are not familiar with how discussions work?Don't act stupid.
Why should I? You can read up on it. You have access to the internet. A tool which lets you download whole books on the topic. For free and within seconds.
Why should I? You can read up on it. You have access to the internet. A tool which lets you download whole books on the topic. For free and within seconds.