Crossing Eden
Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Fingers crossed.HBAO+ and improved LOD settings would be great. Hoping it doesn't take a 980Ti to hit 1080p60!
Fingers crossed.HBAO+ and improved LOD settings would be great. Hoping it doesn't take a 980Ti to hit 1080p60!
I hated Unity with a passion, yet I love this, it's my second favourite AC behind BF.It appears that Syndicate is a lot better than expected based the impressions from Gaf, right? If I wasn't the biggest fan of Unity, how likely would I not like Syndicate? I'm really trying to figure the difference between Unity and this besides the settings, grappling hook and using two characters.
those dont show up on the map unless you are very close and scan it with eagle vision...there is also not an in-game map to buy for them. I had to watch a video on youtube for locations
This game controls awfully. 30fps, and the clunky movement doesn't help.
Not even an hour in yet but I'll be surprise if I can have fun in spite of that.
An hour in, and this is terrible. It looks muddy, the controls are naff, the stealth is borked. What's going on, GAF? So many of you said this was good.
I'm enjoying this game so much, up there with AC2 and Brotherhood. Have to finish to see how it stacks up. It might be the most pleasantly surprising AAA game this year. I hope it's selling well because its really good. It's the perfect palette cleanser for Halo 5.
Bad news.
The PC version is being ported by Ubisoft Kiev.
Oh well. Maybe they can redeem themselves.
They are just smitten by Evie.
Gameplay picks up right after the first gang war as that's where the tutorials end. The one level higher than you difficulty also gets alleviated as you play the game and get better gear.So hour 2, and this game sucks.
The combat is awful. It's like the Arkham games sans any fluidity.
The artificial difficulty is shit. "Oh, this dude's level 2, so he deals a lot of damage and you do shit". Yeah, I guess that's one way around designing difficult combat scenarios.
When does the game pick up? I'm just about to start the first Gang War.
Also, the frame-rate stinks and the parkour feels off. It's like there's a half-a-second delay before all the free running actions.
Bad news.
The PC version is being ported by Ubisoft Kiev.
Oh well. Maybe they can redeem themselves.
You're correct. But the PC port was handled by Kiev, the same guys responsible for the abysmal Far Cry 4 and Watch dogs ports.
Jacob > Evie.
Ubisoft Kiev did not do Watch Dogs PC. FC4 was everything but abysmal on my PC so I'm not pessimistic for Syndicate.
Ubisoft Kiev did not do Watch Dogs PC. FC4 was everything but abysmal on my PC so I'm not pessimistic for Syndicate.
We already knew that. Not a bad news as far as I'm concerned, Unity runs great and looks magnificent.
Sorry to hear that, I've not crashed on single time in 30 hours. Stuttering is unavoidable in this game, but on my end it's extremely subtle like when the game saves for instance. Definitely not bothersome.I'm still having issues with Far Cry 4. Game keeps crashing all the time, field of view keeps getting reset to the lowest value and stuttering is awful. I have a 980ti for gods sake I shouldn't be experiencing stuttering.
Just sharing my experience, not implying no one is experiencing performance issues.Hmm, interesting posts.
Combat is indeed terrible. And so, soooo easy. Its way better to just kill everything in sight than try to be stealthy. They still have not learned how to do a proper combat system after so many games.
That's actually a common glitch for that specific scene. Something causes the characters to get stuck at the entrance.Just uploaded this lovely cutscene glitch that happened to me just now. Spoilers of course, its the scene just after the first gang war fight.
You would have a point if far cry 4 and watch dogs weren't fine at launchYou're correct. But the PC port was handled by Kiev, the same guys responsible for the abysmal Far Cry 4 and Watch dogs ports.
You would have a point if far cry 4 and watch dogs weren't fine at launch
You would have a point if far cry 4 and watch dogs weren't fine at launch
I'm on Sequence 9 and still haven't unlocked 3 of the associate activities in the progress log. Did this glitch out on me or did I miss something? I think I heard one of them unlocks after you finish the game, but what about the other two?
This is my main gripe with the movement in Syndicate, they made it more responsive than Unity, but removed a lot of the manual control. So stuff like making a manual jump across a distance and catching yourself is not longer possible. On the other hand, falling to your death is now super hard to do. :/they removed quite a lot of manual control from freerunning, most dangerous jumps are completely locked off and you can't manually jump anymore unless the distance meets the criteria. a shame that ubi felt the need to do this
also I wish you could turn off the zipline prompt :-(
When it shows the Y prompt during combat when you are about to get shot, what ma I supposed to do there? Y does not appear to do anything and I'm just getting shot left and right.
Depending on what you have equipped you'll counter with weapon or dodge.When it shows the Y prompt during combat when you are about to get shot, what ma I supposed to do there? Y does not appear to do anything and I'm just getting shot left and right.
When it shows the Y prompt during combat when you are about to get shot, what ma I supposed to do there? Y does not appear to do anything and I'm just getting shot left and right.
Did you not use the london secrets section in the progress tracker? It gives you a picture of each location from which you have to work out where it is. It's quite easy mostly but it was fun.
So I just completed the main storyline and unlocked the queens missions but I have yet tohave a modern day story glitch like in unity etc. How do I get those?
So I just completed the main storyline and unlocked the queens missions but I have yet tohave a modern day story glitch like in unity etc. How do I get those?
far right side of the map, should be an icon in the middle somewhere...I didnt know it was there either till a friend told me.
Is it under a certain icon?
Never mind found itis there just 1?
Got the game from Gamefly. Completed Memory Sequence 2 and now I am trying to clear the first burrough. Could someone explain to me how the Associate thing works? I think it was covered, but I had people talking to me irl so I think I missed it.