Approaching the base of the monument in sequence 5 is bullshit. The bobbies spot you too easily
Smokebombs.Approaching the base of the monument in sequence 5 is bullshit. The bobbies spot you too easily
Are you using the crowd? Also are you aware that crowd stealth doesn't work if you're in sneak mode? Just asking because it took me a while to notice it.
Just platinumed it. Really well made AC, and they actually went places with the story...
I'm kinda expecting/hoping the next entry to be in Russia next year, game dated during the Russian Revolution.
- They have explored Russia before in comics + downloadable game(s)
- Rasputin is perfect comic-book villain for the series and has been explored in the lore before
- Tesla can be your Graham Bell/Da Vinci sidekick
- setting it in St. Petersburg, they could reuse a lot of the building assets like they did for London going from Unity -> Syndicate. Saves on asset creation (which is massive for games like this) and fits right into a 2-year dev cycle I think
- Syndicate has (location spoiler)
. New game could have a (location spoiler)WWI simulationWWII Stalingrad(?) simulation- Russian Revolution could bring back the crowd stuff they did in Unity.
- Make the game have a sad ending centered around the Tsar family, they could even fit in some mystery with Anastasia Romanov
- the ending of Syndicate introduces a (character spoiler)
Russian sounding assassin
All in all Syndicate made me excited about AC again. Even the balls-to-the-wall ending shows that they can go anywhere with it.
Approaching the base of the monument in sequence 5 is bullshit. The bobbies spot you too easily, I recruit 5 gang members, tell them to fight the cops to cause a commotion. But as soon as I get anywhere near the monument, I'm screwed
dreadful missions any good? or just same old unity murder mystery stuff?
dreadful missions any good? or just same old unity murder mystery stuff?
dreadful missions any good? or just same old unity murder mystery stuff?
So a year LTTP but I'm playing Unity on PC (and liking it a helluva lot more than most of GAF) and one of the things I appreciate is how well designed it is for a HUD-less experience. They put a lot of effort into it and I really appreciate it. Does Syndicate offer the ability to play effectively HUD-less as well?
The only missions in the game I consider really bad are the Bounty Hunt ones.
Did anyone notice this?
Look to the right lol
Other setting that would be very interesting to me is 400 BC Persia, when the assassin Darius apparently kills Xerxes I with a hidden blade. Going back to their roots with a Middle Eastern setting with great architecture and cultural significance would be nice.
I would consider them the weakest but not necessarily bad to me. I never kidnap them, just knock them out, kill everybody around me, then put the bounty in a carriage and be on my way!
So I just unlocked sequence 8 which is kind of throwing me off. Should I be waiting to do that until I finish 7 or is it just a side/optional sequence I can do whenever that doesn't have much impact on the story?
I'm still on sequence 5 if that matters.
i could have sworn that the missions i tried this on i'd fail to get 100% sync if i knocked out instead of kidnapped someone.
It's fairly detached from the main storyline. It has connections, but does zero to move the main storyline along.
I think AC Syndicate might have one of the best stories so far for an AC game. After Unity's story went from awful to fantastic to basically throwing it all away with its awful ending, Syndicate looked like it was turning around...
So I collected all the flowers and just finished sequence 7and Henry and Evie getting married? They're in love? That came completely out of no where as in the last mission I played with Evie and Henry, Evie was pissed at Henry. Don't really get why Ubi would throw that in there
I think AC Syndicate might have one of the best stories so far for an AC game. After Unity's story went from awful to fantastic to basically throwing it all away with its awful ending, Syndicate looked like it was turning around...
So I collected all the flowers and just finished sequence 7and Henry and Evie getting married? They're in love? That came completely out of no where as in the last mission I played with Evie and Henry, Evie was pissed at Henry. Don't really get why Ubi would throw that in there
Yeah, I supposed "Recommended Level __ " is quite a few syllables, huh?
It's obvious you don't like the game, which is fine. Not sure why you're happy wasting your time here though.
It's not a waste of time. I'm sharing my opinions, which just happen to be negative, just like I'd share them if they were positive.
I don't see what the Recommended Level adds other than artificial difficulty. 'Rather than design a good boss fight, or stretch the mechanics so that the player has a challenge, let's just make it so that he has to grind to an arbitrary level to have a standard experience with this game'.
Unity also had missions of varying difficulty but never did they game stoop to inflating an enemies health to scare you off; the difficulty game from the level design and enemy placement, like it should.
It isn't a case of me not liking the game. Syndicate, so far, has been among the worst experiences I've had with a game this console generation, and I'm stunned that the general reception to the game has been so different from my own.
Also, are you insinuating I can't read?
It's not a waste of time. I'm sharing my opinions, which just happen to be negative, just like I'd share them if they were positive.
I don't see what the Recommended Level adds other than artificial difficulty. 'Rather than design a good boss fight, or stretch the mechanics so that the player has a challenge, let's just make it so that he has to grind to an arbitrary level to have a standard experience with this game'.
Unity also had missions of varying difficulty but never did they game stoop to inflating an enemies health to scare you off; the difficulty game from the level design and enemy placement, like it should.
It isn't a case of me not liking the game. Syndicate, so far, has been among the worst experiences I've had with a game this console generation, and I'm stunned that the general reception to the game has been so different from my own.
Also, are you insinuating I can't read?
It's not a waste of time. I'm sharing my opinions, which just happen to be negative, just like I'd share them if they were positive.
I don't see what the Recommended Level adds other than artificial difficulty. 'Rather than design a good boss fight, or stretch the mechanics so that the player has a challenge, let's just make it so that he has to grind to an arbitrary level to have a standard experience with this game'.
Unity also had missions of varying difficulty but never did they game stoop to inflating an enemies health to scare you off; the difficulty game from the level design and enemy placement, like it should.
It isn't a case of me not liking the game. Syndicate, so far, has been among the worst experiences I've had with a game this console generation, and I'm stunned that the general reception to the game has been so different from my own.
Also, are you insinuating I can't read?
It's not a waste of time. I'm sharing my opinions, which just happen to be negative, just like I'd share them if they were positive.
I don't see what the Recommended Level adds other than artificial difficulty. 'Rather than design a good boss fight, or stretch the mechanics so that the player has a challenge, let's just make it so that he has to grind to an arbitrary level to have a standard experience with this game'.
Unity also had missions of varying difficulty but never did they game stoop to inflating an enemies health to scare you off; the difficulty game from the level design and enemy placement, like it should.
It isn't a case of me not liking the game. Syndicate, so far, has been among the worst experiences I've had with a game this console generation, and I'm stunned that the general reception to the game has been so different from my own.
Also, are you insinuating I can't read?
I am playing Unity right now and the enemies definitely have higher health at higher levels.
Err, I thought they did?
Syndicate has some major flaws but "worst experience this generation" is a tad hyperbolic, don't you think? Especially when Unity at launch was such a disaster. And Unity definitely had enemies with higher health at higher levels.
Watching your video, did you even bother to upgrade your weapons? It isn't a matter of your build- stealth focused Evie can win that fight just fine if you have an appropriately leveled weapon.
It's crazy that Assassins Creed : Syndicate is set in Victorian England has train robberies
Red Dead Redemption a game set in the Wild West has no train robberies
I mean what the fuck rockstar
Letting me enter a mainline mission that culminates in a sudden mandatory punch-up boss fight, in a room small enough that the camera has difficulty framing the action, a boss fight that isn't difficult outside of an artificial health increase the enemy gets because I have too low a level in a single-player experience is terrible design. That's some fundamental nonsense.
I dislike the new combat system's spongy scaling. I'd rather pace the game at my own speed than be forced to grind my character until I can proceed further. In games like Witcher 3 and FONV the grinding is rarely felt as there is a lot of interesting, well written content, but here in Syndicate the majority of side-content is repetetive and the writing is just really not that engaging. It's not enough to just insert a historical reference and wink towards the audience, they still actually need to have a character ark, like any other actor on stage. So yeah, both Unity and Syndicate had enemies with scaling health, but so far I find it more frustrating in Syndicate.
The whole combat in Syndicate heavily relies on repetition and button mashing, it does rarely resemble the combat of old games, where quick thinking and reaction was the way forward. Yes, you could slay 20+ enemies without losing a fracture of health, but hey - it was fun. Shadow of Mordor IMO perfected the AC/Batman system.
The only satisfying weapon for me in Syndicate is Kukri. The cane has ridiculously low damage and "lethality", while fisticuffs are OK, but just are outperformed by Kukri of equal levels. Also some of the animations for fisticuffs are just silly.
However I still think that the game is ok and quite fun to play. I would say it's as much fun as Unity. I feel like Jacob could be a very good character if he would just pretend to be an idiot, while being instead an intellectual equal of Evie. Overall I would say that he's barely there, undercharacterized and could be replaced by any comic-relief sidekick of choice. Sometimes it looks like the original script implied a single assassin, that was later hastily refactored into two to address the fallout after Unity's coop.
I don't want to dislike the game, but I have nothing but bad things to say about it. At best it's doing mediocre worse than Unity did it.
Whew, I'm not crazy. This impressions are in-line with my own.
I'll give the Khukuri a go.
Unity had heists before GTAV did. >_>It's crazy that Assassins Creed : Syndicate is set in Victorian England has train robberies
Red Dead Redemption a game set in the Wild West has no train robberies
I mean what the fuck rockstar
Upgrade your weapons and combat tree. It's actually super easy to overlevel in this game if you do the side content. I have everything maxed and i'm still in seq 6. I actually find the combat super responsive, there is a shit ton less animation priority compared to Unity, (at the expense of animation quality).Perhaps they did. I never had the experience of meeting an enemy who didn't go down in a few blows, though.
Admittedly, beneath dozens of XP upgrades, I forgot that was a thing.
And I'm not being hyperbolic with my statement, I haven't played a lot of shit games this console generation. Letting me enter a mainline mission that culminates in a sudden mandatory punch-up boss fight, in a room small enough that the camera has difficulty framing the action, a boss fight that isn't difficult outside of an artificial health increase the enemy gets because I have too low a level in a single-player experience is terrible design. That's some fundamental nonsense.
I don't want to dislike the game, but I have nothing but bad things to say about it. At best it's doing mediocre worse than Unity did it.
Man, I'm curious what games you have played because Syndicate is one of my best experiences this gen. The world is incredible.
The more I play and I see the random civilians doing these random things, the more I think it might trump GTAV's world. Its not as diverse as GTAV but the world is right with it for level of detail and how real the world feels.
I don't really get the lethality of it. I find the cane to be super kick ass and have plenty of awesome moments. I don't really have a problem with any of the weapons. The combat isn't difficult but none of the AC combat has ever been difficult. Its just fun, brutal, and you feel like a bad ass.