Oh, this game fucking sucks.
The controls are so unresponsive. The mission design is shit. I just finished 'The Crate Escape', and what an awful mission.
It can't just be the frame-rate, because I enjoyed Unity far more by this point.
Oh, this game fucking sucks.
The controls are so unresponsive. The mission design is shit. I just finished 'The Crate Escape', and what an awful mission.
It can't just be the frame-rate, because I enjoyed Unity far more by this point.
If you hate this game then you must just hate AC. its much better than previous AC's and the controls are more responsive all round. PS4 here
WhIch console are you playing on?
Oh god, you missed out on Black Flag? That's my No.1 AC game man. Sorry your having a shit time with Syndicate, I've been enjoying it it's my No.2 as long as the end is good.So, I'm somewhere in Sequence 4. My complaints so far.
- The game is busy. Visually it can look good at times, but a lot of the time it's messy. There's also a muddiness to the visuals (the 900p, I guess). Unity, by comparison, had a visual cohesiveness. The music is overbearing, too.
- The controls are clunky. Moving around feels awkward, even in 'Stealth mode'. It seems like Unity handled things like taking cover better, too. It's just inconsistent in Syndicate. There's also a weird delay when try to parkour vertically up a wall that I can't remember experiencing in Unity.
- The mission design isn't good. Shooting people from a moving carriage isn't fun.
- The combat isn't good. Unity's combat was a serviceable, binary counter/attack thing. This game is mashing buttons, countering and breaking an enemies guard. It's like the Arkham game's freeflow combat without the feeling of being 'free' to engages enemies how you want, or having the 'flow' of moving between them.
No. I've played almost all of them (except Black Flag and some of the spin-off's). I didn't enjoy iterations like 3, or Revelations, all that much, but I'm enjoying Syndicate even less than those. I'm certainly liking Syndicate it less than Unity.
I'll give Syndicate another try tommorow, but I'm not having any fun with it.
Oh god, you missed out on Black Flag? That's my No.1 AC game man. Sorry your having a shit time with Syndicate, I've been enjoying it it's my No.2 as long as the end is good.
Reading the database entries on that should shed some light. Actually this game has a fantastic database, I feel compelled to read (and listen) to everything because the back stories are very interesting.so I've just donethe world war 1 glitch thing...
any one care to tell me what just happened and what this could mean for the story?
Give it a try and if you still feel the same way, then your probably not gonna like it at all. It does get better IMO.I'm going to give the game a good go tomorrow. There are too many positive impressions for me to ignore.
How the fuck does one progress the story in this game? I'm liberating the districts, but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Do I need to take the missions on with the historical figures?
How the fuck does one progress the story in this game? I'm liberating the districts, but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Do I need to take the missions on with the historical figures?
I see the mission The Crate Escape, but when I switch to evie, the map doesn't tell me where to go.
Edit: ah the motherfucking desk on the train.
Wait what? I might actually get this one if that's the direction it's going in.Hopefully Juno finally starts fucking shit up next year and Ubisoft can let us play a present Assassin for once.
Wait what? I might actually get this one if that's the direction it's going in.
So that Lambeth gang war.....yes that dude fucking whooped my ass. There are segments where you can only counter and do nothing until his combos done. I fucked up the one time and the dude just mounted and beat me to death lol
Some of these gang leaders hit hard and take forever to kill
Yeah after that dude, I pretty much killed all gang leaders before actually getting the gang war mission![]()
Dudes be blocking bullets like they're nothing lol.So that Lambeth gang war.....yes that dude fucking whooped my ass. There are segments where you can only counter and do nothing until his combos done. I fucked up the one time and the dude just mounted and beat me to death lol
Some of these gang leaders hit hard and take forever to kill
When they get an introduction after you complete a side quest like child rescues or templar hunts etc, they have a "kill" marker over their head. They run away but you can catch them and kill them. If you do you get a special scene for that gang war and it's much easier since there's no boss.How the fuck do you do that lol
Dudes be blocking bullets like they're nothing lol.
When they get an introduction after you complete a side quest like child rescues or templar hunts etc, they have a "kill" marker over their head. They run away but you can catch them and kill them. If you do you get a special scene for that gang war and it's much easier since there's no boss.
Enjoying it so far. Picked it up for $35.
I had absolutely no hype or interest invested in it but saw a few early impressions here and picked it up.
Pretty happy with my choice. I dropped the series at 3 and didn't have an interest in 4, Unity or Rogue, but I picked up Rogue and Syndicate at the same time and really enjoyed the experience which is very strange. You would think the burnout would be real but honestly the two play so immensely differently that it was actually a lot of fun to go back from the open-world friendly design of Rogue and the ship traversal to the focused single city design of Brotherhood (which is my favorite in the series).
Only on sequence 6 right now (doing the Sequence 8 missions) but I'm really enjoying more than I thought I would.
EDIT: Oh also... spoilers on "That section"
WHY IS THE WOLRD WAR I SECTION NOT THE ENTIRE GAME??? Actually it's obvious why... it's clear there wouldn't have been much more to the setting other than the vertical slice that the section provided with its missions but still... And the very little characterization of Lydia had me sold on her way way more than either Evie or Jacob. I felt she could carry a game by herself as opposed to the Twins who play off one another.
I can see that, fuck that guy who sang all the time tho, wish I killed him beforehand.IMO I don't like it because it kind of robs you of a miniboss fight.
Unfortunately no.Picked it up because of this thread and I fucking love it. Does anybody know if there are dungeons with puzzles like in the old ones? I'm clearing the river now and sequence 4 story wise but have not come across any.
Unfortunately no.
Just a little question, did anybody else encounter constant crashes? I am on sequence 4 now, I think half of it or about to end it and in the last 1 1/2 hours the game crashed at least 6 times unexpectedly. I run around, want to do a side mission -> crash. Restarting the game, "ok, let's avoid that one, might be a bug", just running to the next mission -> crash. "oh might be the region over there, well can happen...let's fast travel"-> crash-> game restarts in another region "hmm...weird...well at least the main mission is there"-> on my way there -> crash. And it is going on like that for a pretty while. If this is a bug that needs to be patched, I would have prepared the unity bugs then. Those at least didn't kill the game for me and made me laugh every now and then, this one though.....this one makes me angry. I like the game so far, took me a while to get into it, I still have no clue about the Story though. It's the same for me like most here. I do like the series, I see potential for so much more and every game I tell myself "nah...not again....those games keep getting less intriguing with every iteration" ... "uuuhhhh a new one, let's give it a try".
Just platinumed it. Really well made AC, and they actually went places with the story...
I'm kinda expecting/hoping the next entry to be in Russia next year, game dated during the Russian Revolution.
- They have explored Russia before in comics + downloadable game(s)
- Rasputin is perfect comic-book villain for the series and has been explored in the lore before
- Tesla can be your Graham Bell/Da Vinci sidekick
- setting it in St. Petersburg, they could reuse a lot of the building assets like they did for London going from Unity -> Syndicate. Saves on asset creation (which is massive for games like this) and fits right into a 2-year dev cycle I think
- Syndicate has (location spoiler)
. New game could have a (location spoiler)WWI simulationWWII Stalingrad(?) simulation- Russian Revolution could bring back the crowd stuff they did in Unity.
- Make the game have a sad ending centered around the Tsar family, they could even fit in some mystery with Anastasia Romanov
- the ending of Syndicate introduces a (character spoiler)
Russian sounding assassin
All in all Syndicate made me excited about AC again. Even the balls-to-the-wall ending shows that they can go anywhere with it.
Yeah while playing through Syndicate I thought going to Russia would be the best idea if they were going to go forward in time again. I'm still hoping they go back, but a Russian Revolution setting would be fine.
Other setting that would be very interesting to me is 400 BC Persia, when the assassin Darius apparently kills Xerxes I with a hidden blade. Going back to their roots with a Middle Eastern setting with great architecture and cultural significance would be nice.
Yeah Persia would be great, or go a bit further back and do Egypt.
Just platinumed it. Really well made AC, and they actually went places with the story...
I'm kinda expecting/hoping the next entry to be in Russia next year, game dated during the Russian Revolution.
- They have explored Russia before in comics + downloadable game(s)
- Rasputin is perfect comic-book villain for the series and has been explored in the lore before
- Tesla can be your Graham Bell/Da Vinci sidekick
- setting it in St. Petersburg, they could reuse a lot of the building assets like they did for London going from Unity -> Syndicate. Saves on asset creation (which is massive for games like this) and fits right into a 2-year dev cycle I think
- Syndicate has (location spoiler)
. New game could have a (location spoiler)WWI simulationWWII Stalingrad(?) simulation- Russian Revolution could bring back the crowd stuff they did in Unity.
- Make the game have a sad ending centered around the Tsar family, they could even fit in some mystery with Anastasia Romanov
- the ending of Syndicate introduces a (character spoiler)
Russian sounding assassin
All in all Syndicate made me excited about AC again. Even the balls-to-the-wall ending shows that they can go anywhere with it.
So I've played this enough to say it's not a good game. I even moved to a better TV to reduce the input lag, and that somewhat helped, but the problems with this game run deep.
The stealth is fucked. It's really bad, and even Unity was better in this respect. Moving between regular speed and 'stealth mode' in Unity was a lot more fluid, with you only needing the hold down a trigger. The level design and enemy placement also seems far better in Unity; less obstructions, more contained areas to stealth through, overall a more enjoyable stealth experience. The amount of times I've been seen in Syndicate because of the buggy cover mechanics, then been put in the position where moving away from being seen causes detection, are far too plentiful. If I sneak behind an enemy, and they turn around, I'm forced to engage in the combat mechanics...
which are shit. The combat sucks. The camera positioning sucks. It starts to break down in a closed in environment. It's a long, un-fun grind. It doesn't even have the sense of precision and poise of Unity's combat; it's just a case of mashing buttons, dodging attacks, then mashing buttons more. The weapon takedown kills you can do to stunned enemies help, but not a lot. It combat feels claustrophobic and stupid; I understand that they're going for scrappy, messy combat but it loses a sense of control. It's button-mashy.
The graphics underwhelm, particularly after Unity. The faces and lip-sync aren't as good. There are time's of day when the game looks good, but most of the time it's unimpressive. The day-night cycle doesn't add much, though weather is nice to have. The framerate is rough despite the visual downgrades.
Navigation doesn't feel great. The grapple-zipline thing is useful, but it takes away from the depth of climbing a rooftop and figuring out a path to where you want to go. Jump if you can, zip if you can't. Going from the ground to climbing a wall, without using the grapple-thing, doesn't feel as smooth as previous games.
And the missions; they just haven't been very fun.
I'll play some more, but it isn't clicking.
Isn't Tesla Serbian?
He is, was stationed in the US for a long time. He traveled the world for investors during 1900-1920, so I'm sure they could work something in if they wanted to.
Otherwise someone like Vladimir Fyodorov could work (famous Soviet weapon inventor, also one of the first designers of the automatic rifles ("The Fedorov") we know today).