You mother effers are gonna make me drop another $40 on a game I'll probably only play drunk.
you have time to drink some until you download
and get a case of booze or something cause you are going to be playing for a while..

You mother effers are gonna make me drop another $40 on a game I'll probably only play drunk.
You didn't try the settings I posted?
I didn't even think of diving into an ini, but I'm sure that could be tweaked a LOT to get it right. From tinkering, it felt like the engine *could* handle perfectly with a controller, but the options weren't there to tweak it even further (if that makes sense).
Thanks mate works like a charm, if you now no a way to fix my replay problem.While in session I can get them to work, but if I want to watch them, after I saved them, from the main menu, game always hangs.
its in the OP
I think it can be translated in "Racing Setup" referring to a veicle.Any Italians here? What does Assetto Corsa mean?
Structured course? Track layout? Un po' di aiutare x favore!
oh boy! please, make this sell well! the possibilities...
BT, are you feeling me? or is it my idea? you 've clocked some hours too. what do you think?
Shall we get a first hotlap challenge going to celebrate the pre-release?![]()
Is it comfortably playable with a 360 controller?
I see what you did here. gif
NRL vs ForzaGAF on corsa grounds.DO IT!
replays:I can't save replays at all, any idea why? It's just doing nothing when I click "save replay".
It's working fine for me but obviously a wheel would be much better. The rumble is a bit of overkill but gives a decent feeling for the car. I might need to mess around with the deadzone a bit, you can customize everything.
Still, having a lot of fun just with the controller.
;DGot my G27 fixed just in time I see.
just above the replay menu at the bottom, there should be a filename. you click on that, change it/not, then press enter.
Kunos have only just released version 0.1.1 as of today so it could be quite some time into 2014 before version 1.0 is released.Is there any word on when the final release will be? I could pick this up now for about $19 but I'd rather wait until after the Winter Sale.
Kunos have only just released version 0.1.1 as of today so it could be quite some time into 2014 before version 1.0 is released.
If you aren't keen on testing and driving alpha/beta versions, hold off buying until the AC is further into development.
Well, well after the winter sale. To wit, the intro screen says the game is copyright 2010-2015. So probably not until well into the new year. And it doesn't strike me as the sort of title that will go on sale frequently (if at all).
No idea if that's right or not, but the name fits the game![]()
It's working fine for me but obviously a wheel would be much better. The rumble is a bit of overkill but gives a decent feeling for the car. I might need to mess around with the deadzone a bit, you can customize everything.
Still, having a lot of fun just with the controller.
The early access price is also ~20% cheaper than what it'll be when it's fully released. So you'll have to wait not only for it to come out, but until a sale when it's *more* than 20% off (and given this is Kunos' first tile on Steam, we don't know what they're like at discounting things). Just FYICheers, I'll hold off then.
The early access price is also ~20% cheaper than what it'll be when it's fully released. So you'll have to wait not only for it to come out, but until a sale when it's *more* than 20% off (and given this is Kunos' first tile on Steam, we don't know what they're like at discounting things). Just FYI![]()
It's working fine for me but obviously a wheel would be much better. The rumble is a bit of overkill but gives a decent feeling for the car. I might need to mess around with the deadzone a bit, you can customize everything.
Still, having a lot of fun just with the controller.
Thanks man. Does it work out of the box and is the tweaking minor? Because I remember someone saying back when the rFactor 2 Alpha thing started that 360 controllers were supported but it was straight up unplayable.
Vehicle paints are already avaliable
It is working fine without any tweaking. I couldn't get decent laps at first but after a bit of practice if feels good. As said above by another poster as well, only the rumble is a bit too strong. It seems they are really trying to emulate the force feedback of a wheel... I will maybe start messing around with the settings a bit later today.
Also for screenshotting purposes I recommend playing with the different time of day settings, especially the evening lighting is amazing. I can see where the Gran Turismo comparisons are coming from.
Thanks again, I might pick it up then =)
Thanks again, I might pick it up then =)
Get a wheel anywaysell your ROG board that's sitting in the basement to fund it if you have to!
Shall we get a first hotlap challenge going to celebrate the pre-release?![]()
Yezzzz! Pick something, and let's run it. Whatever you'd like.
I'm not saying choose this, but last night I discovered crack cocaine... otherwise known as KTM+ Magione. One more lap, one more lap, OK I mean it last one, one more, next one's it, got to end on a fasty, too slow one more.
So good. So very good.
as I havent even tried ktm on magione, I say YES!
polyphony & dudes, you agree?
Sethos, you may want to give Durante a call or something..
but anyway, this being open to the community, it fares good for improvements of all kinds
We also gotta say that the developers' response to the feedback is unbelievable. They' ve been correcting bugs and responding to issues full-time for the whole weekend.
lol, plenty of curb to munch on there but still... that friction model, mmm*Whistling while waiting for someone to point out I missed the true apex of the corner by a whole car width* The only finessing I did was finessing away a couple tenths! ;-)
Just as a very quick preliminary time, 1.20.660, a good bit to come still of course!
lol, plenty of curb to munch on there but still... that friction model, mmm