Question for tabletop ausgaf:
My father's started reading White Dwarf, and seems to be somewhat interested in learning what this warhammer stuff is all about. My first reaction is that Warhammer is a hole that nobody in their right mind should ever go down, and looking up sets online pretty much confirmed what I thought: you're spending thousands of dollars on a pretty average game.
So, my question is...
Is there an alternative to Warhammer, that either has inexpensive minis or is otherwise a traditional war game/board game that simply has a shitload of pieces, that can emulate some form of tactical battles (fantasy, ww2 or otherwise), that is at least reasonably fun for 3 players?
Dishwasherlove has already asked a number of the important questions, but it comes down to what the main appeal is. Is it painting? Playing? Moving a
lot of plastic dudes around, or is moving some around okay?
Warhammer is definitely not the only game in town, only the most well known by those less immersed in the hobby. In a short amount of time, you've already found the issues these particular games have; they're expensive and not very good. Cost can be forgiven if the quality of the game makes up for it, but money is best spent elsewhere in this case.
Depending on what is drawing him in, there are plenty of quality options available. The ones I have bought into are:
- Warmachine/Hordes - Two games that use the same system and can be played against one another. A mix of steampunk and fantasy with a solid ruleset, cool themed factions and great looking models. Low barrier to entry, but can have a sharp jump up depending how varied you'd like your army to be.
- Malifaux - Victorian gothic horror themed game that is deceptively complex for a game with such a low model count on the table. Also a low barrier to entry, with some very characterful models.
- Infinity - Sci-fi future with dudes shooting and throwing grenades at each other. Also hacking, robots, aliens, mech suits and other cool shit. I haven't actually played this one yet as I'm waiting for the new edition of the rules to come out (sometime this month), but I do have a bunch of models and they're awesome. Also pretty cheap to get into (rules are released for free online), and as a low model count game you don't need to buy a bunch of things at once.
- Dropzone Commander - Set in the 26th century after the parasitic race, the Scourge, invaded and decimated the majority of human life on Earth and other planets we inhabited. Humans regrouped, recovered, rearmed and now the reconquest of what was once ours has now begun. While the other games are 28mm scale (measured from feet to eyes) or thereabouts, this uses 10mm scale. The reason for this is vehicles dominate the battlefield—with only a small number of infantry—so the models work out to be roughly the same size. Solid rules which are very straightforward, with the beautiful complexity emerging once the models hit the table. Slightly more expensive to start out, but isn't too different from the others after that. High quality detailed models that are a pleasure to paint and assemble (the latter is a rarity).
None of these games are designed with 3 players in mind. 3 player competitive games are impossible to balance, as far as I'm aware, as 2 players invariably destroy the 3rd and then change focus to each other. Some games can accommodate it, but in most cases it'd have to boil down to two sides with one controlled by two players.
The above games are only the ones that I'm interested in and have (a considerable number of) models for. There are a wide variety of games available for all sorts of tastes. If painting is all that he's interested in, then the choices are essentially endless.
EDIT: Ah, well this is what I get for fart-arseing about, adding to the reply whilst doing other things.
What I want is a single (or close to) purchase, comes in a box, has a buncha little things to dork around with in it, and is satisfying to play as a standalone game where you don't need to spend your entire free time and expendable cash buying 15000 'points' worth of units or whatever Warhammer does.
But, yeah, I basically just want an entry level, semi-tactical, meat grinder war game where you roll a bunch of dice and throw a bunch of little figures onto the table and have them RNG eachother until someone wins.
Memoir '44 + Overlord expansion and maybe some others then? Paint the models if you want, or don't; it doesn't really matter.