Fuck this stupid country
No, fuck Newscorp.
Fuck this stupid country
There were reports that one of the demands of the gunman was an ISIS flag because he didn't have one, only the black standard.
what in the absolute fuck is wrong with people
There were reports that one of the demands of the gunman was an ISIS flag because he didn't have one, only the black standard.
Link? NSW cops had said no demands were made and they had no idea his intent or reason behind the situation.
Link? NSW cops had said no demands were made and they had no idea his intent or reason behind the situation.
The AusPoli thread will be much less eventfulNSW Police are playing everything close to their chest right now - good on 'em.
I see our good friend ConstructMe managed to get himself banned somehow. Never saw that coming...
I'm listening to the 2GB feed at work and heard it on that
Is that a flag of some kind they're holding up? Jesus :/
Just buy the damn thing! Chances are those games are digital downloads and unlikely to be sold, and if they're physical likely to be kept once they see said weather update. I've owned the game since launch and even without the weather it's an amazing game.
Every day you don't own it is a day you don't get to experience it.
I'm listening to the 2GB feed at work and heard it on that
Seems like Ch 10 has also been contacted, Guardian re-reporting. 2GB might've been directly contacted?
Yeah Hugh Riminton was also told the gunman wants an ISIS flag and to also talk to the PM.
Yeah I'll call up all the Muslims in my office and ask them to tell the gunman to back down with their magic Muslim telepathy powerswhat in the absolute fuck is wrong with people
This is exactly what I've been thinking. The TV news coverage isn't any better, everything has the word TERROR plastered over it.Most newspapers in Australia should set every headline as FEAR MONGERING and save themselves the time.
Fuck this stupid country
This is exactly what I've been thinking. The TV news coverage isn't any better, everything has the word TERROR plastered over it.
I've turned the TV off for now, I'm tired of it all.ABC okay with occasional moments of 'lol what'
The media is there to make money, we want to know what is happening, they are there to deliver it. It is clearly a terrorist attack. What should their headlines be? Why wouldnt they release special editions to update people? They are there to give us information and opinion.
Whats wrong with you people? Stop watching the news? Except could it be that you want information? You are spurring them on to do what they are doing, trying to get us in the information first. You dont like the tone? What should the tone be for an event like this? Its a terrorist attack with multiple hostages in the middle of Sydney, its a pretty terror inducing event for Australia that has generally been free of these sorts of crimes.
The media is doing its job, its a scary situation, its terrorism, they are going to stretch and generally grasp at a few straws in trying to inform us.
Being inside a left wing echo chamber is scary. And im a marxist pretty much.
Heres a hint if you hate the media coverage. Dont watch it. Just visit ABC news online every once in awhile or some other site and get updates.
The media is there to make money, we want to know what is happening, they are there to deliver it.
What about when the information is incorrect? When the opinions are based on incorrect information? The fact that the media is there to make money doesn't give them a licence to just say things to sell papers or advertisements, right? It might be all you expect of them but it isn't what they should aspire to, is it?
You can retract in-corrections fairly harmlessly.
Outlets have found that there is money to be made by pandering to fear rather than seek to disperse it. "It's capitalism stupid" is a shitty defence for the likes of Hadley and the Tele. In my statist utopia they'd be in jail.
Bullshit. A lie (or more charitably a mistake) can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on. The idea that it was a straight up Isis flag in the window has gone out into the world and cannot simply be recalled. They're still correcting it as far as I know
I don't think anyone is disputing that it's understandable that a news organisation that is a profit engine first and fourth estate second would go ahead and perform this kind of journalism. But it's not wanted. It's not desirable.
What is the media supposed to be? Are they supposed to be accurate and truthful? Or are they just there to sate your immediate news interest even if they fill it with misinformation, suppositions and distortions?
I think we basically agree. I just don't mind people complaining about it because it could lead to better regulation being a popular enough idea to implement.I do agree that there should be better regulation, and forced corrections and the like for misinformation. But there is no public desire for that, because to alot of public, thats communism.
What harm has that mistake caused though? We now seem to know that the guy wanted to put up an isis flag.
It was a mistake, I made it too based on only seeing the bottom of it... but is it a big deal? Does it change anything? It still seems like this is a 'lone wolf' isis inspired event. Its not like you get an isis flag with your membership dues.
And hey, you cant forth estate if you cant afford to... house... estate.
Man, today's been pretty crazy with the whole Hostage thing.
On another note, we've released the Android version of Radical Rappelling on the Google Play store in Australia!
Just saw Paddington.
It was pretty adorable and funny. good fun for all the 20-30 something white people in attendance.
Wooooo! Thanks for supporting Android
Any scary shit in it? Like guns or killer robots? Son doesn't like the Postman Pat movie due to the killer robots.
Just saw Paddington.
It was pretty adorable and funny. good fun for all the 20-30 something white people in attendance.
Driveclub is actually pretty fun.
yeh there was probably two moments I'd classify here,(but no violence really.. although theres lots of dart gun shooting) one near the start that sets up the storyand then towards the end during the films climaxthere's an earth quake in the films opening setting,, the peruvian jungle where paddington lives, and one of his relatives doesn't make it out alive (you don't see anything,but its clear, and all the characters get sad).paddington is climbing up a furnace chimney and almost falls to his doom.
those two bits were quite powerful.. a fair chunk of the audience gasped at the 2nd one, even knowing its a kids film...
Driveclub is actually pretty fun.