Yep, Divinity, South Park, and probably Pillars of Eternity will come first.
Anyone have opinion on consumer UPSes?
I don't have an opinion, although I feel like I should
Thanks guys. I figured there wouldn't be much of an answer, and that APC would probably be it. I've used mostly APC in enterprise level, but I reckon they're a bit overpriced just to protect one NAS and one PC, so chose Eaton last time since they're also reasonably well-known.All I can suggest is APC but not really consumer grade the models I have had anything to do with, maybe they do consumer versions?
Gaz what platform are you playing Pinball on? I don't see your highscores on Steam.
Well look at that, iView for PS4 the same day as Plex for PS3/4.
I'm on Steam, yeah. Wait, we HAVE to be Steam buddies, right? Surely. I'm Gazunta if you haven't added me already.
Grats Jambo!!
Neato, I installed Plex last night, but couldn't be bothered getting it all setup on my pc. Is the $6 app on IOS the easiest way to use it to stream between my PC and PS4?
lol, you *need* a PC based media server. Windows, Linux or whatever, but you need the server software to be running in order to use client apps like the XBO or PS4 or iPhone.
Oh yeah I had the plex media server running on my PC. I hadn't bothered adding anything to it. I just figured I would use the IOS software to throw stuff to my Xbone. Or am I confused?
Roulette: Try searching for a cheap / refurbished Surface Pro 1 or 2? $500 will be pushing your luck.
I got an Asus Transformer t100 I think for 500, it's borderline on some programs, but does most of what I want and the size is perfect. No idea if it will run elements, but it does run full windows with no major issues.Congratulations to all recipients of various pieces of paper and offspring! Both are hard work.
Thinking about a late present for my wife. She's been talking about wanting a tablet/laptop for a while. She'd probably kill me if I spent a lot (say, $500+). Needs:
- To be able to run Photoshop Elements (she has CS6 on desktop)
- Web browsing and maybe email
- Netflix (so customisable DNS settings)
- Useable offline
- keyboard/mouse
- Capable of running Steam, specifically lighter games (she plays Marvel Puzzle Quest a lot, for reference)
Am I asking too much for under $500? Any suggestions?
Xenos, I absolutely don't believe that the combat in this game gets any less tedious. The skill trees each character have all look very barebones, and the cooldowns on most abilities takes so long that even when I do want to micro my party there's no interesting choice beyond letting the party member scoff a potion or just keep auto attacking.
But, giving you the benefit of the doubt, could you give an example of one interesting story / character interaction moment that happens within DA:I, within the next 5 hours of gameplay, that doesn't occur within the stronghold?
In Divinity, the first hour of that game is you talking with people in town. Even once you've left town to go fight zombies, there are still NPCs with / related to quests that you can interact with and have some kind of branching conversation with. Nearly every NPC you encounter gives a branching choice at some point, where you get to consider what you know about them and how they fit into the world. E.G., you have to decide the fate of a lighthouse keeper who let his wife's ship smash into the shore because he thought she was cheating with him.
Does DA:I present anything like that?
DA:I has a serious problem with it's exploration areas having hardly any conversations in them. Even in the cities and such you can usually only talk to plot critical NPCs afaik. Even shopkeepers are generally quite automated, you talk to the signs next to them to buy stuff.
Side quests hardly ever have talking beyond the quest giver / finish quest dialogue, from memory .
Also Plex is NOT a free app, you need to be a Plex Pass subscriber to use the app until they unlock it for all users.
Plex Pass is $150.
Also Plex is NOT a free app, you need to be a Plex Pass subscriber to use the app until they unlock it for all users.
Plex Pass is $150.
Did you do many of them? Quite a number I have done have had lots of dialog, and quite a few didn't. For example the scholar in that desert area researching dragons.
Lifetime pass is $150, you don't have to do lifetime though.
I've done scattershot numbers of quests all over. A lot of them in the hinterlands. A huge number of quests are actually just checkboxes like requisitions, "find all camp sites", etc. I've given the dragon guy all his packages and now he wants some other shit. I may or may not finish that particular quest.
I don't know when I'm going to play again, I'm sort of holding out for more patching.
So, any reason I don't buy the MGS Legacy collection for $90 so I can finally see what all the fuss is about?
So, any reason I don't buy the MGS Legacy collection for $90 so I can finally see what all the fuss is about?
Yeah, but fuck it, not going to find the (almost) whole series cheaper, and I sort of want to start from the start, a friend had Metal Gear when I was a kid and I never played it because he didn't like it so nobody could play itThat's a lot of bones to drop on a game series that you might not like.
But TDM gave a reason...
So, any reason I don't buy the MGS Legacy collection for $90 so I can finally see what all the fuss is about?
Yeah, but fuck it, not going to find the (almost) whole series cheaper, and I sort of want to start from the start, a friend had Metal Gear when I was a kid and I never played it because he didn't like it so nobody could play itSurely I will like at least two of the games, which will be enough for me to justify the purchase.
But TDM gave a reason...
But I think it's a bit of a silly reason. Financial responsibility? Why start now?
$90 is a lot for a few older games on PS3
MGS2 is really good. MGS3 is also really good.
Do you like endless cutscenes and endless codec conversations (basically when you talk to someone on the radio but its in a separate screen from the rest of the game)?
Do you like insane and illogical conspiracy theories?
Do you like to skip cutscenes?
Do you like games from incredibly self-indulgent creators?
Do you think?love can bloom on a battlefield
Alright, a reason then.
We used to pay $120 for games here in Australia. New games are still around the $70 mark.
$90 for a whole bunch of games that are critically acclaimed by a large majority is not as huge a risk as he's making it out to be. It's basically a huge bargain if you end up liking it even a little bit.
Lifetime pass is $150, you don't have to do lifetime though.
Well you could just subscribe for the few months before the playstation app is out of its plexpass period. Assuming you dont just wait. I imagine it wont be that long.
Neato, I installed Plex last night, but couldn't be bothered getting it all setup on my pc. Is the $6 app on IOS the easiest way to use it to stream between my PC and PS4?
Buy a chromecast.
I've been thinking of doing that too. Really affordable.
Best tech purchase in a while for me.
Whats the benefit of the plexpass? I don't have it and use plex everyday.
I guess just to sync your media so you can access it if you aren't at home? Other ways to get around that though.
Well yeah. That's why I wrote $150 rather than 'x per month'. Quite aware of that. Would be easier to recommend if it was still $75 for the lifetime pass like it used to be.
Yeah Chromecast app was 3 months I think? Feels like less than that though. Someone at some point said 3 months for the X1 app though for some reason.
Nice entry price but the current one on the MS website is better value I think.