can you make me a bunch of things before you leave?
By grown-up games, you mean the shoot and/or slice kind? Why would I want to do that? Video games are so that I never have to grow up.You can use the money from those kid games to buy some adult games =P
Hi everyone! I have put a few items up on eBay which may interest some of you. We're going through a de-cluttering exercise here in the Squirrel household and for some of these, well, it was time to let go.
US Region Gamecube with Gameboy Advance Player, Freeloader & Accessories
Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Edition (Wii, JP)
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GCN, US)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii, US)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, US)
Metroid Prime (GCN, US)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN, US)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii, US)
Metroid: Other M (Wii, US)
Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars (3DS, US)
Nano Assault (3DS, US)
Crush 3D (3DS, US)
Tales of the Abyss (3DS, US)
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS, US)
Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS)
So I got laid off today. I finish at the end of the month(ish). How was everyone else's day?
Sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing ok. What's the job market like at the moment for your line of work?
Not sure what you're saying.
gah, this hot spell in brisbane has to be one of the worst in a few years. Humidity out the ass with no appreciable storms.
you'd register and they'll send it out eventually.
Thanks. So I get to sell the dangerous charger on gumtree and make a profit.
Now now, you must know that I think of you as the very cleanest of hobos.Goddamn it making me bid for your shit on ebay like I'm some kind of stinky hobo!
I want that GC.
Did this last night (register on Apple bit) do they just send the part with country specific plugs or a whole charger? The picture just showed the country part separate.
Just the plug I think.
Also for some reason it turned out my 2008 macbook wasnt eligible. Dunno why.
There was some neat looking lightening last night.
The clouds and lightning were teasing in the distance![]()
Did this last night (register on Apple bit) do they just send the part with country specific plugs or a whole charger? The picture just showed the country part separate.
it's literally the detachable adaptor bit that goes into the socket, rather than the actual charger (which partly explains why its not UK plugs, but it is Euro, US and Au plugs). You can even just put a standard figure 8 plug in the end and use that. The recall also doesn't affect the second, longer cable that comes with laptops.
I'm fostering a kitten. There's this one and its sister, similar markings but black and white. The black and white doesn't stay still damn it. They're 6 weeks old and only about 400 grams, they should be closer to 550 grams or so at this stage. They're cute as and they got along with my 1year old bunny![]()
Anyone know if Digimon is getting an AU release? Can't find a date anywhere, EB has no physical, and the PS store doesn't show a preorder.
....I'm scared.
Yay, my cat- friendly rental place was approved. 2 bed, townhouse just 20 minutes bike ride from work, which in Cambridge translates to a 1 hour drive. Only a few years old so it looks pretty Schmick apart from a few settling cracks. And the chalk body outlines but I'm assured that that's just kids!having a laugh at Halloween. Not sure about the goat blood on the wall but when you have a pet, you have to make compromises.i still have to meet the landlord for some reason, even though I found the place through an agency. Apparently, it's not without precedence.
First day of Prep for my son today. Fucking nervous for him but he was great.
Digital only on Vita, retail on PS4 was previously confirmed for AU region agessssssssss ago. Hopefully it hasn't changed.Anyone know if Digimon is getting an AU release? Can't find a date anywhere, EB has no physical, and the PS store doesn't show a preorder.
....I'm scared.
First day of Prep for my son today. Fucking nervous for him but he was great.
Anyone getting into Xcom 2 on Friday? Reviews have been glowing.
Confirmed as digital only for AU unfortunately.Digital only on Vita, retail on PS4 was previously confirmed for AU region agessssssssss ago. Hopefully it hasn't changed.
I shouldnt be, but thats kind of impressive.
Monday was our first day, went so well! He was so happy when he came home. Finally among his people again. He even went straight to sleep only 2 pages into our usual book![]()
That will be a moment you won't forget, I'm sure.
Anyone getting into Xcom 2 on Friday? Reviews have been glowing.
The other one sat still finally lol
Happy to have a chat to you about it via PMs if you likeI feel really inattentive and restless which makes me consider for a second I have adhd but I wasn't like this as a kid and I don't have many other symptoms of adhd but how do I learn to fix this and focus at work but ahhhh
Any scumbags into negative gearing on Ausgaf?
I shouldnt be, but thats kind of impressive.