Regarding that and working as a contractor. Just what tax related stuff needs to be done as I have no idea. Did you need to get an abn and all?
No, there is no ABN. Have also only worked on it since around July of last year. I think Darren870 knows a bit more than I do because of that (here ) so may have a bit more info to share.
As for hours and how it mentions 10 hours a minimum. There's been times at least at the start that I was doing 10 hours a month! I just wasn't really staying on top of it. The work isn't really reserved for you. It works by you logging in and choosing to do whatever is available. If you don't log-in regularly you could miss the work as others did it instead, and so they don't require anymore people to do it. Although the ads assessor role could be slightly different, but I'm assuming it's pretty much the same. The most hours I've recorded in a month is 76, and that was in october with me basically spending much of my days and nights sitting at my computer doing the job.
Also the hours thing is based on their timings, not really yours. For example I've done a job that took me around 30 minutes to do (this is especially early on in the piece when I'm trying to understand things) but at the top of the job is listed their estimated time for what it took and that is 9 minutes! So if you tell them the job took you 30 minutes in the timesheet, they'll come back and tell you that it's wrong, and needs to be amended. You can be under the time limit (so say you record 5 minutes for an estimated 11 minutes job) but you can't record over. Many times I'm over or under their estimates but I just end up going with their estimates, and marking them down on a sheet as I submit each task so I can have a figure to type in for the timesheet at the end of the day.