Alright I'm a Kudos King cheers. I have some serious leveling and unlocking to do (joining the level 39 club unlocked 214 items or so haha). What's the difference between ongoing and received challenges? Maybe they move into ongoing from received once you actually try them and post a time/score?
Ongoing are ones already participated in, received are ones people sent you. Only difference is that between club and solo challenges is that if, say, I've participated in a club challenge, it'll appear in "ongoing" on yours. Club challenges don't require all club members to participate, they're still effectively solo it's just that only one entry appears on the leaderboard for that challenge, and that's your (our!) club.
Enter as many as you like, but you're probably better off working through the career modes as well. I try to do that, but often get caught up in challenges, too! At least with the latter, you get ghosts to follow so you can see how to improve your time (it's Driveclubs way of having driving lines in the game, without actually having driving lines).
Heh, that last drift one should do okay, man I suck at drifting. I'll make sure to be online more often anyway
This is good! But yeah, I have a feeling it'll be patched when we get the Japan update (which I don't think is far off anyway).