At my current job I've done sales, team leading, administration, and a heap of other shit, like working closely with account managers and CEO to prepare important documentation for pitches and presentations, along with planning. Primarily I'm good with data and people, overall pretty fucking malleable. Also I can also do a thousand backflips in a row.
Today's gaming encapsulated in crude and vague superlatives
Fuck me, Captain Toad is fun.
Fuck me, Shovel Knight is pretty good.
Fuck me, free XBL weekend means I can play Hardpoint in Titanfall again.
I started Toast of London last night. Love it- I never realised that was Arthur Matthews (used write with Graham Linehan before they split and Linehan did Black Books and IT Crowd).
also do we have an AusGaf Halt and Catch Fire crowd at all?
I mean computer. I want a gaming computer. Yes my old 2004 thing is not doing so crash hot and I am getting some le cashola from a tax return. Problem is I am situated on the central coast around Gosford, anyone know of any good 'puters around I can buy w/ suggestions? I am looking to spend a single k on it.
I really, really should watch Hold And Catch Fire. I think I'm fair square in the middle of that show's target demo. A show about 80's era computer pioneers! But man it's next to impossible to find time to watch TV these days ><
I really, really should watch Hold And Catch Fire. I think I'm fair square in the middle of that show's target demo. A show about 80's era computer pioneers! But man it's next to impossible to find time to watch TV these days ><
Throwing it out to the AusGAF ring; anybody aware of any jobs going in Melbourne? I'm employed, doing great, but concerned about my company's stability as a whole, internal restructuring that'll probably squander career progression for most staff for awhile, and generally just want a change of environment.
My predictions, whatever the hell was big last year will be in top 20. Easily Childish, Washington, Cosby Sweater, Glass Animals if they had anything and whatever else that I can't remember.
My predictions, whatever the hell was big last year will be in top 20. Easily Childish, Washington, Cosby Sweater, Glass Animals if they had anything and whatever else that I can't remember.
cosby sweater might be about the only song i know this year.
far cry from 2006.. i remember a friend and I predicted the list.. wrote a list of 100 songs each... i got 66 songs right he got 63.
last year i knew like 5 songs... all of them were daft punk.. + bustarhymes.
this year... cosby sweater only because I was playing a trivia game with my step dad and it asked which chess play, arguably known as the greatest of all time dissapeared into obscurity in the 70's only to come back in the 90's to beat several top players and dissapear again..
I'm all wrapped up in bed eating some Vegemite on toast. Can't believe it's raining today! Fucked up all my plans. Ah well, I'll figure out something else.
3D World is so good. My son and I have played co op all the way. We're in castle world, about a level or two before getting to castle-castle. He always plays princess peach with the gamepad, and prefers to stay in the bubble most of the time. This has worked in all but one level, for some reason 6-7 just doesn't work properly and bubbles me to him even though I've progressed further, which inevitably leads to death since it's auto scrolling.
He can do all sorts of stuff with the touchscreen like stun enemies, collect coins, and open boxes. Similar to the second remote in Galaxy I guess, but easier for him to do, and he is more invested in it since he has a character in the world. He always gets to navigate the overworld, and choose which level to go to, which is good for him learning basic controls.
He is constantly motivated by the fact that he wants to save the little fairy things in each castle, so I assume he'll stop wanting to play once we've got them all, but for now, he always wants to play. Even if I try to surreptitiously fire it up to play a toad level or two, he comes over in a flash. It's the first console game he's actually wanted to play over and over again.
I really hope Nintendo come out with some sort of open world 3D exploration type game, maybe their Amiibo game. 3D World has some nice big open spaces that make me wish for a Mario game with big open levels again.
3D World is so good. My son and I have played co op all the way. We're in castle world, about a level or two before getting to castle-castle. He always plays princess peach with the gamepad, and prefers to stay in the bubble most of the time. This has worked in all but one level, for some reason 6-7 just doesn't work properly and bubbles me to him even though I've progressed further, which inevitably leads to death since it's auto scrolling.
He can do all sorts of stuff with the touchscreen like stun enemies, collect coins, and open boxes. Similar to the second remote in Galaxy I guess, but easier for him to do, and he is more invested in it since he has a character in the world. He always gets to navigate the overworld, and choose which level to go to, which is good for him learning basic controls.
He is constantly motivated by the fact that he wants to save the little fairy things in each castle, so I assume he'll stop wanting to play once we've got them all, but for now, he always wants to play. Even if I try to surreptitiously fire it up to play a toad level or two, he comes over in a flash. It's the first console game he's actually wanted to play over and over again.
I really hope Nintendo come out with some sort of open world 3D exploration type game, maybe their Amiibo game. 3D World has some nice big open spaces that make me wish for a Mario game with big open levels again.
It's exactly this scenario that I really hope Nintendo continues doing what they are doing. No one else in the market cares for fun anymore, its all sales sales sales. and the armchair gamers just don't understand the magic NIntendo's systems offer to families. Sure it ain't selling well but god damn does it have some amazing games.
Hop Hog is an American Pale Ale, so on the hoppy side, sure, but it's far and away from being a hop bomb. It deserves its place as the most popular beer in the country. It's a great beer, just a bit boring there's been nothing to challenge it.
3D World is so good. My son and I have played co op all the way. We're in castle world, about a level or two before getting to castle-castle. He always plays princess peach with the gamepad, and prefers to stay in the bubble most of the time. This has worked in all but one level, for some reason 6-7 just doesn't work properly and bubbles me to him even though I've progressed further, which inevitably leads to death since it's auto scrolling.
He can do all sorts of stuff with the touchscreen like stun enemies, collect coins, and open boxes. Similar to the second remote in Galaxy I guess, but easier for him to do, and he is more invested in it since he has a character in the world. He always gets to navigate the overworld, and choose which level to go to, which is good for him learning basic controls.
He is constantly motivated by the fact that he wants to save the little fairy things in each castle, so I assume he'll stop wanting to play once we've got them all, but for now, he always wants to play. Even if I try to surreptitiously fire it up to play a toad level or two, he comes over in a flash. It's the first console game he's actually wanted to play over and over again.
I really hope Nintendo come out with some sort of open world 3D exploration type game, maybe their Amiibo game. 3D World has some nice big open spaces that make me wish for a Mario game with big open levels again.
If he's handling that really well you can move onto Rayman Legends which has a similar Gamepad-player-is-helper system but ramps up the difficulty quite quickly as they end up having to do some fast paced reaction stuff to keep the active player alive.
Also 3D World is so open to fit the co-op style. I disliked it as a SP experience since I'm not a big fanboy into the fan service stuff. It's quite good in co-op aside from the usual annoying Mario foibles.
3D World is so good. My son and I have played co op all the way. We're in castle world, about a level or two before getting to castle-castle. He always plays princess peach with the gamepad, and prefers to stay in the bubble most of the time. This has worked in all but one level, for some reason 6-7 just doesn't work properly and bubbles me to him even though I've progressed further, which inevitably leads to death since it's auto scrolling.
He can do all sorts of stuff with the touchscreen like stun enemies, collect coins, and open boxes. Similar to the second remote in Galaxy I guess, but easier for him to do, and he is more invested in it since he has a character in the world. He always gets to navigate the overworld, and choose which level to go to, which is good for him learning basic controls.
He is constantly motivated by the fact that he wants to save the little fairy things in each castle, so I assume he'll stop wanting to play once we've got them all, but for now, he always wants to play. Even if I try to surreptitiously fire it up to play a toad level or two, he comes over in a flash. It's the first console game he's actually wanted to play over and over again.
I really hope Nintendo come out with some sort of open world 3D exploration type game, maybe their Amiibo game. 3D World has some nice big open spaces that make me wish for a Mario game with big open levels again.
My son was sick the other day and woke up crying from his nap just as I'd beaten the game and the credits were rolling. I went and collected him, gave him baby nurofen, offered him water and food, but it seemed nothing would calm him down... So I sat him on my lap and played a level or two as Mario in the ice world. He immediately stopped crying and sat there mesmerised as everyone's favourite plumber woohoo'd and whoopee'd his way through the level.
I'm pretty sure it was the first time he'd ever seen a video game.
I turned it off after a few minutes because I had to get him ready to go to the park, but for stopping a cranky sick child from crying, SM3DW works a treat.