Rocking. DM me your PayPal or whatever!Box is 31 x 24cm. Medium Auspost satchel should do it. $13.40 regular, $14.80 express.
Technically tomorrow morning for us.Imma come visit your weirdo country tomorrow night, AusGAF! Wish me luck!
I will buy all the Tim Tams
pshh everyone knows its all about the port elliot bakery.
Imma come visit your weirdo country tomorrow night, AusGAF! Wish me luck!
I will buy all the Tim Tams
watch out for drop bears and other serious things!
don't let her make you think you're safe.
death is around every corner.
whats that, take a left turn DEATH.
Rocking. DM me your PayPal or whatever!![]()
Your cousin's?The best pie is in Tasmania anyway.
Imma come visit your weirdo country tomorrow night, AusGAF! Wish me luck!
I will buy all the Tim Tams
I will buy all the Tim Tams
They're not great so you'll be disappointed.
pshh everyone knows its all about the port elliot bakery.
Every time I've visited him he's made me bring him Tim tams. He loves the damn things. Your words fall on deaf earsThey're not great so you'll be disappointed.
Watched Kingsman: The Secret Service tonight. Fantastic movie. I had such a ball watching it.
This soundwave will officially be Adelaide's last. Well fuck you too Aj
Your cousin's?
Your cousin's?
The older Apple TVs are the only ones that can be jailbroken (and have XBMC installed on them). From what I can tell, there's some decent demand for them. I guess yours is one of those?I had an Apple TV sitting on the shelf for three years in shrink wrap and just sold it for it a profit in half a day. How does that make sense?
Don't be silly. My sister's.
The older Apple TVs are the only ones that can be jailbroken (and have XBMC installed on them). From what I can tell, there's some decent demand for them. I guess yours is one of those?
Has anybody watched the new Good Game daily show yet? I'm still on the fence on it as it was just an intro video so probably not representative of what it'll be like.
Which sucks coz I know so so many people that go. I've only missed one since they started in 08. Not really fair on those of us who actually support the festivalDespite the fact that AJ is a major douche who isn't to be trusted, it's because not enough of you Radelaidians go to the festival.
Hey this is news to me. Has the weekly GG gone daily or it is an additional set of episodes? Hex and Bajo daily?
Hey this is news to me. Has the weekly GG gone daily or it is an additional set of episodes? Hex and Bajo daily?
Majora's Mask still hasn't arrived.
What in flaming fuck? I don't live in woop woop it's a capital city guys.
Majora's Mask still hasn't arrived.
What in flaming fuck? I don't live in woop woop it's a capital city guys.
Majora's Mask still hasn't arrived.
What in flaming fuck? I don't live in woop woop it's a capital city guys.
Mine either. And I live almost not near woop woop.
I'm going to Middleton this weekend, I'll hold you to that!And Middleton bakery too!
<nods>I'm glad you were de-modded...
Every time I've ordered from them I've gotten it in 1-2 business days...JB SlowFi
That's like ... 2.8 1886s! Sounds like great value to me.clocked about 14 hours so far.
Every time I've ordered from them I've gotten it in 1-2 business days...
Monster Hunter was the most unenjoyable grindy game I've ever played. Can't imagine going through that again >_<
you ijits should havebout monster hunter 4 instead of majoras mask.
clocked about 14 hours so far.
cam i will play with you. im just enjoying playing alone after work lol. WEEKEND HUNT THOUGH
me marsh, donk???
Monster Hunter was the most unenjoyable grindy game I've ever played. Can't imagine going through that again >_<
I played like 30 hours co-op on the PSP in 2008.
I bought it for my Vita (PSP download) two years ago and I got bored after an hour. Just not fun at all.
Monster Hunter was the most unenjoyable grindy game I've ever played. Can't imagine going through that again >_<
I played like 60 hrs of MH4 when it first released in Japan. I stopped cos it got kinda hard, but the whole crafting weapons/armour that look like monsters you skinned was pretty cool. Don't think I can start over again on the english release tho
I always felt bad for the monsters. They were just chilling out minding their own business, and I'm meant to just kill them for fun yeah no fuck that.