Pffft it was great. Scarlet kicking ass for 90 minutes, what more could you want.
The Target GTA thing. Interesting gamergate fallout, though I'm surprised this hasn't happened to GTA before.
It's a knee-jerk reaction to a knee-jerk reaction, plain and simple. Imagine the negative publicity among their customer based if they left it there. Easier to pull it, I'd probably do the same in their situation.I just don't understand the train of thought. Education starts with good parenting, not taking a game off the shelf.
Watch Under the Skin for some great Scarlet.
I don't like GTA and it's oh-so-clever-satire-but-not-really-I-just-wanna-kill-hookers but I don't advocate banning it outright.
You secretly signed that petition didn't you!
I initially only saw that as "Oh, they're advertising it as being on sale". But just realised they're advertising it alongside Barbie and Peppa Pig. Welp, it's really hard to feel sorry for them now with product placement like that.So Target created the problem for themselves...
You guys really need to listen to good music!
Pffft it was great. Scarlet kicking ass for 90 minutes, what more could you want.
I listen. On my phone every dayYou guys really need to listen to more music!
Do I pass your test?
How could you hate that face?
He divorced his cancer ridden wife by fax.
Thats all I hear when I hear his voice.
Edit: So, anyone finished with their PS4 copy of GTA5 yet? I'm a tightarse and can't be bothered buying it new. Also, I can't find any stores that sell it anywhere.
Hm, I hadn't thought of checking out those two places!Try K Mart or Target. I see Target has it for $64.
So Target created the problem for themselves...
I don't think this is legal as far as the ACCC is concerned. My wife is a product planner for one of Australia's biggest retailers and they have been fined multiple times for advertising stock items in catalogues that they can't guarantee supply of. I will ask her when she gets in from work.
I don't think this is legal as far as the ACCC is concerned. My wife is a product planner for one of Australia's biggest retailers and they have been fined multiple times for advertising stock items in catalogues that they can't guarantee supply of. I will ask her when she gets in from work.
Its different. The idea behind this sort of fine is to stop false adversting to increase traffic. Say you have a tv for 100 bucks but its usually 1000, and you know you only have 1, you are using it to increase traffic for your store, and essentially lying to your customers.
Removing something for sale is completely different, especially if the decision is made after the advert was finalized. There is no law that would apply to this, as a company has a right to remove something from sale for any number of reasons.
They look like slap-bands.
what a stupid movie lucy was.
i like that sjh seems to enjoy making terrible sci fi movies though
Is that the real name?Yeah I thought that might be the reasoning applied here, and that's exactly what Super Shit Furniture got done for.
I agree. Banning it isn't a great way to generate positive discussions about the problems the games has, and is just going to make a lot of people mad at "feminists" again :/I don't like GTA and it's oh-so-clever-satire-but-not-really-I-just-wanna-kill-hookers but I don't advocate banning it outright.
I would but I can't figure out how to use spotify.You guys really need to listen to more music!
Mine isn't either :/ Maybe it's a privacy thing? I know I have that locked down a bit.Mine isn't showing my top songs. :<
I agree. Banning it isn't a great way to generate positive discussions about the problems the games has, and is just going to make a lot of people mad at "feminists" again :/
I would but I can't figure out how to use spotify.
Holy crap, how did I miss this?!? Luc Besson directing SJ hitting and shooting things.
Ugghhh, I took my iphone into some phone case store in the city that does screen repairs within an hour, and they've somehow managed to make my phone completely useless. They still charged me $70 to fix it and say they can replace the motherboard for $50 and I'm not sure whether to get pissed off and tell them they should fix it for free/ give me back my money for breaking my phone, or just get it replaced at optus..
What is a good medium sized gift for christmas? like say 500 max, for a male adult.