Grildon Tundy
This might be heresy: but I would be so happy if someone made a "Look Up"/"Full Range Camera" mod. I'd be happy if it was just on the wide-open outdoor areas, where I'm guessing the "sky" model is already present or could be added with an encompassing skybox. Would go a long way because my limited imagination abilities keep me from being as fully immersed in the surroundings as in a first-person/full third-person camera game.
Probably tougher to add in a mod like that in the indoor areas where it's likely the ceilings aren't modeled.
Probably tougher to add in a mod like that in the indoor areas where it's likely the ceilings aren't modeled.
This game, like D:OS2 seems to have a negative difficulty curve. Been playing on Balanced, myself, and I had to restart my battles pretty often in the beginning with my guys missing half of their attacks. But once I leveled up enough for my melee fighters to have more than one action per turn and improved their accuracies, I started stomping and it became a lot more fun (to me). I'm guessing the difficulty will pick up again at some point--I'm in the beginning of Act II right now.Doing now second run on tactician (hard) difficulty, is not as hard as i tough it would be, especially if you can think outside of the box.