Maybe I am rusty but I cant figure out the new predator map. I can get all three in 2 minutes, maybe bring it down to a minute 30 but I cant figure how to get into the top spots like a normaly do. Grrr.
He was giving the hints but I couldnt find it...and I just happen upon a few seconds ago and it was right infront (beside) me. Im such a dumbass...witness said:Look for that gigantic picture of him on the wall and scan it
jrricky said:OK, so I just started playing this. What the hell is Riddler talking about with Warden and Sharp?
Wag said:I just got the full PC version today. Unlike the demo I am unable to find anywhere to adjust PhysX settings even though I have a GTX 295. Anyone?
jrricky said:Am I going to have to come back to these stages to solve the riddles?
Won said:I love nitpicking games, but so far I can't find anything wrong with this one. That can't be right. :lol
I went in super skeptical after the demo but the game pretty much blew me away. Yes, it really is that good.Rez said:oh god, the hype is getting crazy.
just a few more hours until my cap is reset and I can download this from Steam
Thats not what I meant, sorry. What I meant was if I have to get some new gadgets to go back and solve the riddles. Also do the riddles always have the "?" mark near the solution?Darunia said:no, all the riddler stuff is completely optional. they do give a nice amount of exp though
Actually, I figured it out. You need to type your registration key from the game into Games For Windows Live in order to log in and bring up the download- along with this if you are logged into games for Windows live you will get best scores for the game on challenge maps, and all the benefits goes along with GFWL, etc, etc.. All those BS downloads from the web that you find while searching are for pirated versions.GWX said:There's an update for using PhysX, called "version 1.1"...
Search for it.
It will become very relevant.Nemesis556 said:Umm, so I just entered the Visitor's Centre and the game went all 2D and there's this creepy Joker puppet.
Is this relevant or some kinda weird easter egg? >_>
No spoilers if possible >_>
Poison Ivy is hot
vehn said:i meant the second pack they announced...
Nemesis556 said:Poison Ivy is hot
LiK said:well why didn't you say so?!
Oct 24!
i agree
Nemesis556 said:It appears we have similar taste in gaming women. <3 Sheva. ^_^
jrricky said:Holy shit, the part withis creepy as shit. O_O D:scarecrow
EDIT: Oh god, I dont think I can go on...:lol
Noooo!!! :/LiK said:only the beginning. muhahaha!
jrricky said:So I am reading up on the Bane facts and it says he broke Batman's spine and he recovered. Can you actually recover from a broken spine? I thought you would be crippled if any such thing happened??...???
O.DOGG said:So, what's wrong with the ending? I liked it. It was fitting.
jrricky said:Noooo!!! :/
*starts squinting and playing*
EDIT:WTF am I supposed to be doing in this room?
Won said:I love nitpicking games, but so far I can't find anything wrong with this one. That can't be right. :lol
haha, I love ragdoll glitching. It's hilarious.Joei said:I really like this game, even the boss battles, yet the one thing that I can nitpick about this game is the ragdoll effect. It's something I read about and noticed when I played the PS3 demo back in March/April'ish. It wasn't something I paid too much attention to but saw when I played the demo in August, yet overlooked because of how awesome the game is otherwise. Those guys sometimes just flail around like little school girls when you hit them. I mean, seriously, come on
SpeedingUptoStop said:something about Joker becoming a giant Titan freak kind of irked me. Like it just wasn't Joker I was fighting anymore. It was weird. I had fun with it, but something about it seemed off out of character. I can't really explain it.
Ya figured that out a long time ago, I actually thought I was going crazy cause when I opened the door, I blinked for a while and then I noticed that I was in the same room. I was like 'WTF, my eyes' :lol . The BossLiK said:you should go back outside...
jrricky said:Ya figured that out a long time ago, I actually thought I was going crazy cause when I opened the door, I blinked for a while and then I noticed that I was in the same room. I was like 'WTF, my eyes' :lol . The Bosswas great too, and i guess this isnt the last time Ill see Scarecrow...?(bane)
BigJonsson said:Just beat the game
I loved it
I can't believe a licensed game turned out so so so well![]()
Dirtyshubb said:Also really enjoyed the new DLC, great predator mission and the endless freeflow chalenge is very fun (except for the damn crazy's).
TTP said:Countering their attack resets the combo right? Or am I doing it wrong? When I counter them, they vault over me and multiplier goes back to 1.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Only when you try a brutal takedown or a throw.
TTP said:Well, I said countering. Doesn't that reset the multiplier to you?
Baloonatic said:No, if you counter them then Batman should pick them up and then throw them to the floor. You must be trying to use the instant takedown or something.