Batman doesn't take any shit. When I got to the entrance and the guy was reading my name on the guest list, I just bashed his head in. Who the fuck do they think I am that he can be all cute with me.
Batman doesn't take any shit. When I got to the entrance and the guy was reading my name on the guest list, I just bashed his head in. Who the fuck do they think I am that he can be all cute with me.
I finally started getting good at the combat challenge. 18/24 so far I just have Shock and Awe and Jungle on extreme to beat complete all the challenges.
Anybody know where I can see vids of the really really high scores? Guys on the leaderboards are in the 100k+ range in particular
Is it just "Find this many % of Riddler trophies, unlock Challenges" or are there specific ones? If it's the latter, why does it not unlock them in order?
I'm just not interested in hunting down all the trophies if I don't have to.
So I just found a cutscene that I had never seen before. I was at the gardens and
I went to the room with the water in the middle before I had shut the power off and got a nice joker cutscene. He threw a dude in the water and fried him.
I don't know if any of you had seen it before but it was my first time and I've played through it 3 times.
So I just found a cutscene that I had never seen before. I was at the gardens and
I went to the room with the water in the middle before I had shut the power off and got a nice joker cutscene. He threw a dude in the water and fried him.
I don't know if any of you had seen it before but it was my first time and I've played through it 3 times.
Is it just "Find this many % of Riddler trophies, unlock Challenges" or are there specific ones? If it's the latter, why does it not unlock them in order?
I'm just not interested in hunting down all the trophies if I don't have to.
It's specific Riddler challenges. When you look at the challenges on the main Riddler screen it will tell you which of them have associated unlocks (I'm not sure it tells you specifically which items it unlocks though, but I'm sure that information won't be too hard to track down).
Is it just "Find this many % of Riddler trophies, unlock Challenges" or are there specific ones? If it's the latter, why does it not unlock them in order?
I'm just not interested in hunting down all the trophies if I don't have to.
I just picked this up off steam yesterday, and must be almost done with it (
on the second scarecrow encounter
). IMO, Arkham Asylum has lived up to the hype, and that bar was set pretty goddamn high, since nobody can talk about it without masturbating at the same time.
It's really hard to attribute what makes AA so good to any single thing. Before playing it, I couldn't see what the big deal was - it looked like an average game that had a lot of shallow systems. And that's kind of true...the part about the shallow systems, I mean. But the "tone" and "presentation" of the game (both very ambiguous, but I'm not sure how else to describe them) are done so well, it really ties everything together. It's a very loose feeling game, but in a very tight and solid package, and is the best single player experience I've had in a while.
I just picked this up off steam yesterday, and must be almost done with it (
on the second scarecrow encounter
). IMO, Arkham Asylum has lived up to the hype, and that bar was set pretty goddamn high, since nobody can talk about it without masturbating at the same time.
It's really hard to attribute what makes AA so good to any single thing. Before playing it, I couldn't see what the big deal was - it looked like an average game that had a lot of shallow systems. And that's kind of true...the part about the shallow systems, I mean. But the "tone" and "presentation" of the game (both very ambiguous, but I'm not sure how else to describe them) are done so well, it really ties everything together. It's a very loose feeling game, but in a very tight and solid package, and is the best single player experience I've had in a while.
I just picked this up off steam yesterday, and must be almost done with it (
on the second scarecrow encounter
). IMO, Arkham Asylum has lived up to the hype, and that bar was set pretty goddamn high, since nobody can talk about it without masturbating at the same time.
dang I kinda wish it were a bit shorter, then, but w/e. 2-3 sittings, I guess, is ok...I still prefer the 1-2 format of the recent VALVE stuff, though.
dang I kinda wish it were a bit shorter, then, but w/e. 2-3 sittings, I guess, is ok...I still prefer the 1-2 format of the recent VALVE stuff, though.
Batman doesn't take any shit. When I got to the entrance and the guy was reading my name on the guest list, I just bashed his head in. Who the fuck do they think I am that he can be all cute with me.
When I walked into that room I started punching without even thinking. I think I realized they had all been wearing party hats and not attacking after I was punching the 2nd or 3rd guy in the face. :lol
dang I kinda wish it were a bit shorter, then, but w/e. 2-3 sittings, I guess, is ok...I still prefer the 1-2 format of the recent VALVE stuff, though.
I can see that perspective with most games, if your just trying to beat em. I had no desire for this game to end and tried to prolong the experience as long as I could. Would gladly take a few more "sittings" on this one.
Best thing about this game for me was that I never followed the progress of this game. I never even knew it was announced. I wasn't interested. So, this basically popped outta nowhere for me. I hate hearing about a game and waiting months/years for it to release. So, this definately was a nice surprise.
Batman doesn't take any shit. When I got to the entrance and the guy was reading my name on the guest list, I just bashed his head in. Who the fuck do they think I am that he can be all cute with me.
When I walked in the door, and I was in that narrow hallway with all the cheering guards, I calmly laid three blobs of explosive gel on the floor, stood back, and cackled when they all hit the floor at the same time.
dang I kinda wish it were a bit shorter, then, but w/e. 2-3 sittings, I guess, is ok...I still prefer the 1-2 format of the recent VALVE stuff, though.
When I have to pay 60 for a new game, I prefer my games to last me as long as possible =p
I was pleasantly surprised by how 'long' AA was for a recent game.
Goddamn, I always fuck up past the 350 combo mark in the new combat room. It's starting to drive me nuts.
By the way did anyone else encounter the quick batarang glitch where Bats doesn' throw them out ( the sound still plays, though)? So infuriating when it happens.
By the way did anyone else encounter the quick batarang glitch where Bats doesn' throw them out ( the sound still plays, though)? So infuriating when it happens.
Last night, I did the last few Freeflow challenges that I needed for the 100% achievement on the PC version and this is what transpired:
1. After finally getting the 50k on the last map, the achievement popped up for Freeflow Gold and was followed by the Perfect Knight achievement...
2. ...or so I thought, as I had exited the game to check some stuff online real quick and noticed that while the Freeflow Gold achievement got through just fine, the Perfect Knight one did not. Worried, I booted the game up again and...
Apparently, the save corruption is not an uncommon issue that people are having, and I wouldn't have minded it so much if it wasn't for the fact that I didn't get credit for 100%, despite the fact that there should be no way that it would work otherwise. Take a look at what should have been impossible for yourself!
Was playing as joker, then back to batman POV and got shot.
Guess I must try dodging it...
Shit, its scarecrow again, never expected that. At first I thought the game broke on me after it froze for a little then had joker driving batman, lol. Noice!
Could I have dodged the bullet though at first? The retry screen hinted I could...
Was playing as joker, then back to batman POV and got shot.
Guess I must try dodging it...
Shit, its scarecrow again, never expected that. At first I thought the game broke on me after it froze for a little then had joker driving batman, lol. Noice!
Could I have dodged the bullet though at first? The retry screen hinted I could...
does anybody have a pc save file with around 50% or less they could send me? I reinstalled windows and lost my data. The file is in the my documents/eidos folder and its small enough to attach to email, my email is [email protected]
Was playing as joker, then back to batman POV and got shot.
Guess I must try dodging it...
Shit, its scarecrow again, never expected that. At first I thought the game broke on me after it froze for a little then had joker driving batman, lol. Noice!
Could I have dodged the bullet though at first? The retry screen hinted I could...
Batman doesn't take any shit. When I got to the entrance and the guy was reading my name on the guest list, I just bashed his head in. Who the fuck do they think I am that he can be all cute with me.