Well got mine from TRU $30 gc is nice. Got it installed and patiently waiting till later to play.
JambiBum said:I have the 360 version. It indeed does have the close camera. Gonna have to ask someone with the PS3 version about that side.
TheExodu5 said:Check out the comparison at www.thelensoftruth.com. It shows the difference in the camera.
Can't link the pics directly, since the site is blocked at work.
Really weird. I think the PC version has the close camera that the 360 version has (though it's probably modifiable somehow).
Can't say either one is inherently superior to the other. I mean, the further out PS3 camera will give you a better overview of battles and help in that regard, but a closer camera will do better in resolving graphical detail. Not a huge issue by any means...just a very curious difference in between the versions.
Holy crap at the comments in the comparison page. :lolTheExodu5 said:Check out the comparison at www.thelensoftruth.com. It shows the difference in the camera.
Can't link the pics directly, since the site is blocked at work.
Really weird. I think the PC version has the close camera that the 360 version has (though it's probably modifiable somehow).
Can't say either one is inherently superior to the other. I mean, the further out PS3 camera will give you a better overview of battles and help in that regard, but a closer camera will do better in resolving graphical detail. Not a huge issue by any means...just a very curious difference in between the versions.
Weird! Does it play it within the game, or install it to the video section? How does it work?ThirstyFly said:Dunno if this has been mentioned or not (since this thread is already so long...) but did anyone else notice that if you have the PS3 version in the system, and go over to the video section on the XMB, there's a bunch of Batman videos listed there including some making of videos and trailers?
First time I ever saw a game add videos to the XMB like that instead of sticking them in an in-game menu.
JambiBum said:I know about the difference. Saw it in the LoT pics. I really don't mind the close camera at all. Plus, if you need to look around better all you have to do is crouch and it pulls the camera out.
chubigans said:Holy crap at the comments in the comparison page. :lol
Apparently a LOT of the users have a 360 and PS3 copy and were able to come up with a different conclusion than LoT did. Uh-huh.
chubigans said:Holy crap at the comments in the comparison page. :lol
Apparently a LOT of the users have a 360 and PS3 copy and were able to come up with a different conclusion than LoT did. Uh-huh.
Whoa cool!ThirstyFly said:Dunno if this has been mentioned or not (since this thread is already so long...) but did anyone else notice that if you have the PS3 version in the system, and go over to the video section on the XMB, there's a bunch of Batman videos listed there including some making of videos and trailers?
First time I ever saw a game add videos to the XMB like that instead of sticking them in an in-game menu.
chubigans said:Weird! Does it play it within the game, or install it to the video section? How does it work?
Einbroch said:Am I the only one who sucks at the predator bits?
I can take out one guard no problem, but then his buddies run over and stand around for like 3-4 minutes. I found the only way to beat them was to wait, and wait, and wait until they're so far apart that they can't see eachother. It's a little annoying since it can take 10 minutes to clear out a room of three guys.
Loving everything else so far, though.
AstroLad said:Just need to confirm (and it's hard to search for this)--but PC version will be the best right? Want to make sure it's worth the weight as I could get it on any system.
Einbroch said:Am I the only one who sucks at the predator bits?
I can take out one guard no problem, but then his buddies run over and stand around for like 3-4 minutes. I found the only way to beat them was to wait, and wait, and wait until they're so far apart that they can't see eachother. It's a little annoying since it can take 10 minutes to clear out a room of three guys.
Loving everything else so far, though.
Why, what happened?lawblob said:I'm currently at Best Buy getting in the asst managers face, literally just had to read him the Best Buy terms & conditions off my iPhone... God damn.
lawblob said:I'm currently at Best Buy getting in the asst managers face, literally just had to read him the Best Buy terms & conditions off my iPhone... God damn.
Cool, thanks. Too bad it's a few weeks late, but it's on Steam at release so bonus.Nelo Ice said:yep physx graphics and mods make the pc version the one to get
Gryphter said:I'm still on the fence on starting off on Normal or Hard difficulty. I don't want want the difficulty to ruin my experience, I like my games fun, not frustrating... but I don't want it to be too easy either
Nelo Ice said:yep physx graphics and mods make the pc version the one to get
Chrange said:I just tap the right stick to rotate the camera up a bit, it widens out the view as well. I wonder if the wider camera view was to minimize the impact of weaker textures and the lack of AA?
Kingpen said:I've really tapered off of buying new games at this point in my life, but the 30 dollar gift card, high praise, and just mention of comparisions that this is a quality title kinda like Bioshock put me over the edge. I have followed NOTHING on this game at all, but I do like Batman as a comic book character. I fully expect to be pleasantly surprised.
I have off the next 3 days of work, so I'll dig in a little bit. I'll be pumped to be getting a 30 dollar new hockey game next month as well due to the gift card.
demolitio said:Finally got to pick my game up off my porch after a 20 minute stand down. A bee was determined to get into the house every time I tried to open the door to get the game. How dare he try to stop me from playing this game!
demolitio said:Finally got to pick my game up off my porch after a 20 minute stand down. A bee was determined to get into the house every time I tried to open the door to get the game. How dare he try to stop me from playing this game!
lawblob said:Did you knock over his honeycomb rack?
TheExodu5 said:A further out camera would emphasize the lack of AA.
Both games have identical textures (and the PC version has better textures).
demolitio said:Finally got to pick my game up off my porch after a 20 minute stand down. A bee was determined to get into the house every time I tried to open the door to get the game. How dare he try to stop me from playing this game!
Try scanning the poster next time.EzLink said:Ohohohoh yeah, this game is all sorts of badass. I just defeatedBane, and now I'm on my way to the Batcave
So much fun, so much atmosphere, and so much goddam Batman that I don't know if I'll need another game this year (besides Scribblenauts).
Also, did anyone notice towards the beginning of the game in one of the little sideroomsI love badass references like thatthe poster with the penguin on it?
Kard8p3 said:How are the boss fights in this game? I've read some reviews saying they were great and some saying they're the only bad part of a great game.
Kard8p3 said:How are the boss fights in this game? I've read some reviews saying they were great and some saying they're the only bad part of a great game.
mileS said:yup.
Maybe in the demo the 360's build was a bit further along and had slightly better textures. I couldn't really tell but theres a lot of people here who could. But its pretty clear after watching that video and looking at the screens from the final game that there is no difference in the ps3/360 textures at all.
Revolutionary said:Try scanning the poster next time.
This goes for anything that is out of the ordinary - objects you haven't seen elsewhere in the game. 8/10 times, it's a Riddle Solution.
Warning: do not highlight this quote unless you're very far in the game.JRW said:lol that was pretty cool when...
First off my 360 has RROD twice over the last 4 years so when I encountered Scarecrow last night and the game appears to lockup solid / audio and graphic glitches started occurring I actually thought I was about to experience RROD #3, but it turned out to be intentional glitches just to mess with you lol, Good stuff
The riddles unlock Bios, Character Trophies, and Challenge Rooms.EzLink said:Badass!I love the Riddler challenges... it's an absolutely great way to not only add rewarding replay value but also effectively incorporate one of Batman's best villains
Do you get anything if you find all trophies/solve all of his riddles though (other than the achievements/trophies)? I haven't even been noticing if they even do stuff or not once you collect/solve a certain amount (other than XP)