Zeliard said:I can't get through my shitty local Toys 'R Us' phone system to speak to an actual human being.
Does that $30 gift card when you buy Batman: AA apply to all stores?
Yup. It even says you can use it online.
Zeliard said:I can't get through my shitty local Toys 'R Us' phone system to speak to an actual human being.
Does that $30 gift card when you buy Batman: AA apply to all stores?
-COOLIO- said:is the game challenging? the demo was way too easy but that was the first 5 minutes. is it really going to get me thinking and take some twitch reactions though? are there gunna be easy button gargoyles everywhere than let me zip in take out a dude and zip out, rinse and repeat ad nasuem?
Crunched said:Do I need to trigger an event before the puzzles can be solved?
2&2 said:What about aliasing? Did they mention that? I think a lot of these are not nearly as noticeable as the PS3 version looking a lot more aliased than the 360 one, IMO. I found the PS3 version overall less pleasing visually for that reason. That was the decider for me.
Chrange said:No, they don't. The 360's textures are sharper/clearer in numerous spots.
Zeliard said:Awesome.
mileS said:I hate to sound like a fanboy but... you're wrong. They might be in the demo but that build of the game has been around since E3.
If it makes you feel better thinking the 360 version looks sharper and "clearer" then go right ahead. Fact is they are pretty much the same minus the camera. Anyways this is silly. The game is great I can't wait to play more.
The Wayne Enterprise building is a skybox. :lolChrange said:Um...even lensoftruth says they are better on the 360 version. Hell, they even give the 360 a point for having better texturing on the Wayne Enterprises building, and that advantage is seen elsewhere as well. Better textures, antialiasing, SSAO, less tearing...
So...you're wrong.
Nope.Barakov said:For those who got it early and beat it already, is there a new game plus? This is something I can definitely see myself going through multiple times.
Revolutionary said:The Wayne Enterprise building is a skybox. :lol
It's hilarious that they even used that to compare.
Would've been better off if they used the actual textures you walk on/walk past as a comparison.
lawblob said:Might want to hurry, my local TRU were all sold out by noon.
Chrange said:Um...even lensoftruth says they are better on the 360 version. Hell, they even give the 360 a point for having better texturing on the Wayne Enterprises building, and that advantage is seen elsewhere as well. Better textures, antialiasing, SSAO, less tearing...
So...you're wrong.
Barakov said:-Everybody's knows the graphics are pretty great but Rocksteady definitely nailed the music for this. I'd definitely like to see a official soundtrack.
Zeliard said:I finally got through to someone, but unfortunately, the fucking PS3 version is sold out (my 360 RROD'd and is in the shop).
Zeliard said:Wait, they price match gift card offers?
How do you handle a price match if an instant gift card is included with a purchase?
The value of an instant gift card with purchase will be considered when calculating a price match. If the combined value of a competitor's product and instant gift card is lower than the combined value of Best Buy's product price and instant gift card, Best Buy will match either the price or the instant gift card value, depending on the offer
tim1138 said:This a thousand times. The piano piece that plays early on the game is amazing and the rest of the soundtrack so far is just spot on. It's a shame there's more people comparing pixels and textures between versions than there are discussing this gem.
Zeliard said:Wait, they price match gift card offers?
Zeliard said:I finally got through to someone, but unfortunately, the fucking PS3 version is sold out (my 360 RROD'd and is in the shop).
Joei said:Yes. I purchased my copy at Best Buy at 11 AM. They price-matched the TRU ad I had and gave me a 30$ gift card which I'm going to use for Metroid Prime Trilogy and another TRU price-match so I can get another GC game for half-off (thinking of SPM or maybe Punch-Out... don't know).
jkoopa said:You can always buy the 360 version now..and return it for the PS3 version when they have it back in stock. Just don't break the shrink wrap.
Zeliard said:Where did you get the TRU ad from? Their site doesn't seem to list the gift card deal.
Yeah, but I wanna play.![]()
Joei said:I got the ad from a local TRU. I walked in and they had one sitting there. To view the GC deal online you have to enter your zipcode to bring up the ad for your area, otherwise when you look at Batman it'll only have their online deals (which is Lego Batman and something else). Also, the $30 deal is already past. You had to purchase Batman from 10AM-2PM. At this point they're offering a $20 GC for the rest of the week, which still isn't a bad deal. If you have an ad, however, you still might be able to get the $30 GC price match from BB if the associate isn't looking at the specifics.
JRW said:Definitely more aliasing in PS3 version from my own comparisons but nothing major.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Is there a new game+ guys?
2&2 said:No, according to the developer's FAQ on the official game forum.
I hate when developers don't provide this option if you've completed the game. They can always disable achievements for new game + if they feel it makes it too easy.
Hopefully the game gives you a lot of playtime as a fully-powered-up Batman, and doesn't leave all the cool stuff to when the game's almost over.
EDIT:crap, sorry for posting two in a row
tim1138 said:This a thousand times. The piano piece that plays early on the game is amazing and the rest of the soundtrack so far is just spot on. It's a shame there's more people comparing pixels and textures between versions than there are discussing this gem.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Is there a new game+ guys?
Revolutionary said:Nope. You have to use a new file to start the campaign again, with a blank slate.
Amir0x said:holy goddamn fuck this game is amazing.
i did detective work. i did detective work as Batman
someone hold me
lostxii said:Definitely. In fact, I'm hoping to run into longer version of it later in the game.
Jeff Stephen said:So I'm up to the part whereI've no idea where to go.the Joker gives a 2 minute countdown to save the security guards and after saving them
Jeff Stephen said:So I'm up to the part whereI've no idea where to go.the Joker gives a 2 minute countdown to save the security guards and after saving them
Amir0x said:holy jesus fucking christ.
Game of the goddamn year
mileS said:I hate to sound like a fanboy but... you're wrong. They might be in the demo but that build of the game has been around since E3.
If it makes you feel better thinking the 360 version looks sharper and "clearer" then go right ahead. Fact is they are pretty much the same minus the camera. Anyways this is silly. The game is great I can't wait to play more.
Chrange said:I think you mean the room that has two guards strung up over electrified water. Use a batarang to kill the power, then hack the door to get out.
BruceLeeRoy said:Awesome just picked it up from my Toys R Us which marks it the first game I have ever purchased from that store. They were out of the PS3 version so I just picked up the 360. I was debating keeping it in its packaging and trying to exchange it tomorrow for the PS3 what do you guys think?
Ah who am I kidding, your right I can't wait!slasher_thrasher21 said:Just play the game now!!!! trust me, you'll thank us for it later!
BruceLeeRoy said:Awesome just picked it up from my Toys R Us which marks it the first game I have ever purchased from that store. They were out of the PS3 version so I just picked up the 360. I was debating keeping it in its packaging and trying to exchange it tomorrow for the PS3 what do you guys think?