How are you not finding anything? Have you activated Detective mode? It's supposed to tell you exactly where it is.Penguin said:I'm a little before that... maybe?
You had to cut down the chandelier to free the two men, and now I got to find the Doctor's note in the mansion, but I've been through it 3 times and can't find anything
Amir0x said:holy jesus fucking christ.
Game of the goddamn year
Amir0x said:holy goddamn fuck this game is amazing.
i did detective work. i did detective work as Batman
someone hold me
That would be awesome.GQman2121 said:So who wants to be the hero and step up and share the Dem Bones GS content with all of us who went with TRU or Best Buy? :lol
Surely someone here went with GS and was kind enough to setup a dummy account to share on the PS3.......
OokieSpookie said:You can not play this game without at least once saying to yourself regardless of your surroundings....I am the goddamn Batman...
Different for every pre-ordered game and inside the case.Spike said:A quick question:
Is the Scarecrow challenge map code from EB/Gamestop a universal code or is each different?
The dem bones pre-order bonus is in the PSN store via a unique code inside the box, so how would we have gotten that 3-4 days earlier?LiquidMetal14 said:Or you coulda grabbed any of the last 3-4 days it's been up on the PSN.
I recited the epic "I am vengeance. I am the night. I. AM. BATMAN!!!" line quite a few times during the game. Once live over Livestream, too. :lolOokieSpookie said:You can not play this game without at least once saying to yourself regardless of your surroundings....I am the goddamn Batman...
JudgeN said:So i'm assuming the scarecrow challenge maps will be DLC or has Eidos not said yet?
*Giggles* Just wait.lostxii said:I loved boss battle with.scarecrow. It was short but ,presentation-wise, amazing, especially everything with surrounding it
jesus fuck man, don't post this depressing shit in hereK2Valor said:fuck. there is nothing worse than waiting for damn UPS. last time they shipped a game to me I got it at 9PM
and now i just find out that i'm going to get a haircut and i have to go to dinner with some people.
i will never get to play this game![]()
DrBo42 said:*Giggles* Just wait.
all i will be thinking about at dinner is the goddamn batman.AstroLad said:jesus fuck man, don't post this depressing shit in here
:lolnewsguy said:Yes this is the most amazing shit I've played but I'm stuck, and I'm getting pissed. I never get stuck in these games but I'm at the part whereI wouldn't ask unless this shit was controller-throwing shitty. Please're following Ivy's pheromones and you come to the outside and there's one sniper on the intensive treatment center and you need to find an alternate way to get in. Ivy's plants are blocking all doors and I can't find a way in this damned thing.
Revolutionary said::lol
You got a new gadget at the Gardens, did you not? Try using it from one of the guard towers.
Okay, this goes for everyone asking about riddles and whatnot:JambiBum said:So anyone wanna help me out with this riddle. It's in the records room. "Our records show that a Strange transfer request was made in this room.
Yeah that's why I was laughing. lolnewsguy said:It tried that! but I'll try again. :lol thanks, I'm reading my post and I sound like I'm spazzing. Oh, and best hand to hand combat animations ever? I think so.
Revolutionary said:Okay, this goes for everyone asking about riddles and whatnot:
If there's a riddle you cannot solve no matter what you do, DO NOT STRESS IT. You can/will return later with more gadgets that will give you access to previously blocked areas.
In this case, it's the room with the security thing on it. You can't open it until much later.
Yeah that's why I was laughing. lol
:lol I know what you mean.DrBo42 said:*Giggles* Just wait.
bob_arctor said:For those of you playing on Hard, what are the advantages in doing so? Is enemy AI tougher/smarter? Do they eliminate grappling icons? Is your stamina lower? Or does it feel just "right" in terms of risk/reward? I've played through on normal so far but only past the first boss (if you can call it that!).
How far in are you?lostxii said:I can only imagine.That whole scenario surprised me a lot.
You're actually not playing it at all. It's all just a flu induced hallucination...andymcc said:i have swine flu. i've been sick as hell. last night, someone picked up arkham asylum for me and, I don't know if it is the generous amount of antibiotics or the fact that i'm playing a video game where i feel as if i'm actually controlling batman... but i suddenly started feeling much better today...
thank you batman.
andymcc said:i have swine flu. i've been sick as hell. last night, someone picked up arkham asylum for me and, I don't know if it is the generous amount of antibiotics or the fact that i'm playing a video game where i feel as if i'm actually controlling batman... but i suddenly started feeling much better today...
thank you batman.