This makes me think of that GAFer that was a teacher and a self proclaimed member of the Klan who went out of his way to ruin a student's life.
What could possibly go wrong with armed, hateful teachers?
who's going to protect the kids from the teacher on a bad day? Better arm the kids to be safe. /s
It was from the anonymous confession thread maybe a year or two ago.I need receipts.
Only thing that stops a bad teacher with a gun, is a good teacher with a gun.
Nah, you're lacking perspective. As a non-American living in a country that functions perfectly fine day-to-day without a 2nd Amendment, I find that the idea of arming civilians who work with children is batshit fucking insane on a fundamental level.
As an American, I find arming civilians batshit fucking insane. Parts of this country are out of their minds and I hope saner minds in Colorado prevail over this insane idea.
Alaska?Better idea:
Yeah this doesn't seem like its going to have dire consequences when some teacher loses it one day. No not at all.
Great idea.
Next up: postal workers.
What could go wrong
This is dumb. Just give the kids guns so that they can protect themselves!
How long till a kid gets shot because he looked like he was reaching for a gun.
Sorry, three days training? Is this real life?
This is something I can get on board with!Better idea:
Onion will file for bankruptcy if you will continue as this.
-Quick! We need a solution for gun violence!
-How about we give people more guns?
-Johnson, you are a genius!