What does this mean
Fucking ugly.
What does this mean
There seems to be certain series (Souls, Zelda, Smash Bros) where if you express criticism, many will choose to "fight" your criticism. I imagine it's because people think you're "shitting" on their favorite thing, and that you lack good faith. At worst, you'll be described as toxic, the current buzzword for negativity.
It's a losing battle. You mention a problem, people scoff. The problem becomes fixed, people scoff at you as a disbeliever. The problem isn't fixed, people still scoff at you as demanding too much.
What does this mean
Haha, I love the Souls series, but I don't think it's lofty to expect AA solutions from Fromsoft, who clearly are doing quite well financially, and have more power to work with.
Obviously it's a matter of priorities in the development, but if someone feels that the priority should have been invested a bit more elsewhere, that's fair. You don't claim immunity to tech improvements in a competitive market that's increasingly demanding tech improvements.
The lanterns. There was a pop-up at the first he encountered (7:00) saying that he would respawn there upon death.
Looks to be lamp post looking things. Seems to work exactly as bonfires did regarding checkpoints.
That's not what he said.
He said the standard for graphics should be what The Order 1886 is achieving.
I'm perfectly ok with someone thinking "hey, maybe From should have spent a little more resources on better AA solutions", it's clearly a very valid complaint regarding this footage.
For the life of me, I don't get how some people aren't impressed with the visuals. The game looks stunning.
It's not a deal breaker, but it deserves to be criticized. Heavily.
For the life of me, I don't get how some people aren't impressed with the visuals. The game looks stunning.
It's not even released yet. Can we shit on the visuals after release instead?
Dam almost tempted to get a PS4 just to play Bloodbourne >.<. Annoyed I won't get to play it for another year or so.
For the life of me, I don't get how some people aren't impressed with the visuals. The game looks stunning.
But Demon's had this too...? As did Dark, although it beautifully interconnected to another area more often.
Right, let's just reduce level design and optional paths to loot cubbies. 2-2's diverging path towards the crystal lizards is a loot cubby, the NPC (forgot his name) might as well be a loot cubby too.
Harvest Valley, whether you like it or not, has a bunch of paths. No need to draw strawmans about zone titles not defining area boundaries.
So now we're admitting that Demon's has "corridor" design, whatever the hell that is. Great.
Demons does not have the same tension with durability or health. In Dark2, durability is much more of a constant concern, since there are generally more enemies in each area, and because the actual stat for the weapons is considerably lower. I enjoyed that repair powder actually meant something, and I was happy to receive it whenever possible. Thus the design of the game revolves around bonfires more consistently, but fortunately it also makes each area a consistent challenge after the next. A virigin souls player can experience Demons for the first time, but there's a good chance that the experience will become incredibly trivial once they discover magic. Dark2 fortunately doesn't fall for this, so no matter what character the they roll with, the enemy encounters and general stats for the game ensure little to no coasting for new players. I've watched many a stream of beginning Souls players playing Dark2, and it is HARD, consistently for them. But because of the damn Royal Knight in Demons, most players coast through the whole beginning of the game, until either they reach the Tower Knight or Flamelurker. Magic (and grass farming) really, really inhibits that "nervewracking" progression you refer too.
Sure. At least it'd be the final build and not an old build that may/may not have been improved upon.It's not even released yet. Can we shit on the visuals after release instead?
The Central Yharnam area is amazingly open by Souls standards.The stages are so small, tiny rooms, narrow corridors and bridges...I'd really like From's next game to be more open, this is just way too small.
I don't see too much of a downgrade, but the sound effect could be better.
I agree with most here, graphically the game looks very underwhelming but I think I can attribute some of that to it being a YouTube video. However the character walking animation looks terrible.
I haven't played a souls game so this is going to be my introduction to the series and so far everything else about the game aside from the IQ looks pretty spiffy.
Bayonetta 2 has some of the worst aliasing I've ever seen yet di not recall many people talking about it or giving some fake ass concern speeches about it.
I agree, Bloodborne could use some black bars blocking the top and bottom of the screen.The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.
for ppl whining about the graphics:
...nvm, let the concern flow through you.
Bayonetta 2 has some of the worst aliasing I've ever seen yet di not recall many people talking about it or giving some fake ass concern speeches about it.
It does?
I mean... The team works in a great game, with top notch gameplay mechanics and outstanding art direction, and they should be heavily criticized because it doest have a decent Anti-Aliasing??
No... I dont agree! Games are WAY MORE then this! If you really cant stand the technical issues, even with so many qualities (even visually), then you should never play any D.Souls games, and you would be much happier with a high end PC playing some benchmarks.
ohh one of the UI icons looks like a brand, like in Berserk ;p
I agree, Bloodborne could use some black bars blocking the top and bottom of the screen.
Flaws should be criticized, yes. Even if the game is really good.
Flaws should be critized wheb theyre relevant. And Im not saying the game could not be critized.
I agree, Bloodborne could use some black bars blocking the top and bottom of the screen.
Honestly, if that's what it would take to get rid of the aliasing, give me black bars. In everything.
Looks....kinda on the easy side. Visually magnificent but it seems like they really scaled down the difficulty. That could hurt the long term.
I have beaten all the souls game and have beaten DS1 with SL1. I played the alpha and found it to be hard. Very hard.
Not sure if serious...
Dead serious.
I can't comprehend the people complaining about visuals. It is such a rare treat to get a game with aesthetic so cohesive and intricate, but we talk about IQ and framerate? Are we robots? I mean to each his own, I just personally can't even imagine technicalities entering my head after seeing that display of beauty.