I just beat Logarius but Ebriestas is still kicking my butt. The worst boss so far, fighting her is boring but she's also deadly.
Rom was boring but easy at least.
So I just beat thefire dog[/spoilers] in a chalice dungeon. Dead end, what next?
The chalice dungeons are totally optional. What was the last story boss you beat?
In regards to chalices what do I do next? I am headed to Rom outside of Chalices.
Oops, forgot the Chalice Dungeon. I don't think I've ever done any of the hard bosses in there. The furthest I got was Rom, who is even more annoying than his PvE counterpart.
I'd prob wait til you have a +10 weapon before doing Ebriestas, also, using bolt paper will be of help.
i finally beat her. A real pain in the ass.
i am continuing the main quest a bit then i'll do either chalice dungeons or dlc.
Also i started nightmare mensis and getting frenzy near the lamp. I have no clue whos doing it??
http://bloodborne.wikia.com/wiki/Chalice_DungeonsCan someone please explain what the chalice dungeons even are?
Can someone please explain what the chalice dungeons even are?
I'll hear his screams in my nightmares3 hours of NG+ Ludwig and co-oping with Tarkus. Ran out of insight, used all of my Madmab's Knowledge - still didn't beat him.
He just hits so goddamn hard.
I'd prob wait til you have a +10 weapon before doing Ebriestas, also, using bolt paper will be of help.
Can someone please explain what the chalice dungeons even are?
Yeah, the chalice Rom is a major PITA. Speaking of hard bosses, I just called it quits with DS3's The Ringed City DLC. It's just too hard and frustrating for me, and that goes for the common enemies in the DLC as well. I just don't like it when difficulty is increased with putting several hard-hitting enemies against you. F**king two Ringed Knights and a Judicator, that summons phantoms on your ass.
The coolest thing happened to me yesterday.
I was doing nightmare of mensis for the first time. I got to mergo's middle loft and I was about to fight the 2 Nazgul like enemies, roaming around the elevator. Suddenly, I heard a bell ringing. I thought: "Oh shit, that freaking bell maiden is gonna summon infinite stupid enemies again". To my surprise, she summoned another player right behind the nazgul like creatures. I did not even know that could happen.
The other player stood there watching me fight the 2 enemies. After my victory, he did the clapping gesture, i responded with the bow gesture and the duel started. I equipped my axe and repeating pistol. He was wielding a katana like sword (Where can I get that weapon?) with ridiculous range. The fight went on for quite some time with visceral attacks and constant healing on both ends. Finally, he slew me and did the winning gesture while my body was decomposing on the floor.
I am not into PvP at all, but that was freaking cool.This epic moment, for me, cemented the awesomeness of Bloodborne.
I slapped myself later for not recording it.
...Fuck. Accidentally letand not liking the NG at all :|Gerstman decapitate me
...Fuck. Accidentally letand not liking the NG at all :|Gerstman decapitate me
You can really just run past both of those. It looks like you aren't too far away from my favorite weapon in that game (and one of the only DS3 weapons that aren't incredibly boring), don't give up!
So I might have just screwed up.. I killed the hemwick witch and Vicar and turned it night before old Yharnam. Did I just make things more difficult for me?
Why at NPC fights so much harder compared to boss fights?
No offense buy so far the bosses have been lackluster.
But these damn NPC fights. They should be the bosses with how much skill is required.
So I might have just screwed up.. I killed the hemwick witch and Vicar and turned it night before old Yharnam. Did I just make things more difficult for me?
I can't kill the one at the college :-(
It saidsomething about being broken and I was in a new place..what is it and what did it say/mean?
Do you guys really get all that lore from the game or do you read it up?
All the lore is in the game, the folks that write the wikis and make the videos are only getting it from the game itself and theorizing about it.Do you guys really get all that lore from the game or do you read it up?
Do you guys really get all that lore from the game or do you read it up?
I am actually thinking about buying a cheap eBook-Reader just to be able to read this more compfortableI try to read all the descriptions and follow the lore as best I can, but the wikis fill in a lot.
So did the Paleblood hunt, highly reccomended need
What weapon? I ran past those enemies, but I quitted the DLC as I just found it more frustrating than enjoyable experience. The two bosses,, were just too much for me, and I couldn't even beatDarkeater Midir and Halflight, Spear of the Church. I don't think I would have had such problems with beating the Ringed Knights, and other fast and hard-hitting enemies, if the combat mechanics were the same as in BB. The lack of agility, gun-parry, and quick but effective weapon with reach made it much harder for me. I still have one Titanite Slab left, so I wonder if there's a weapon like that I should try (eg. a spear)? The Dark Sword and Ringed Knight Straight Sword just don't seem to be effective enough for me, even with strength and dexterity at +40.Iron Dragonslayer
It took three weeks for me to beat Father GascoigneThe first couple of weeks were the worst, but its an amazing experience.
People here who have the Platinum... can you guys tell at what point in the game is the first missable trophy? I am debating myself about that,
a friend of me told me I had to use visceral attacks otherwise there's no way on earth I had known that by myself.
Working toward the platinum myself and nearly there. As far as i know there are no missables related to trophies apart from the endings. So I'll copy the save file right before I fight the final boss and reload everytime.
I think BB is one of the easiest Souls games to platinum. I can't think of something missable with no way back that's needed, the only thing is the 3 endings, and you can either get them organically by going through to NG++ or using a cloud/USB save to get them all in NG.
From memory I think I usually do everything up to and including Wet Nurse then save to USB, then do the 3 different endings.
Ahhh, ok. That's a pickle. But it's really early in the game, so do all the 3 endings, go in to NG+ and get the badge, it should be a 5 minute thing to run straight to her once in NG+if I understood the guide correctly...
I defeated Father Gascoigne before talking to Eileen so she wont appear and her questline is gone for good.
with that I can't get the Crow Hunter Badge and apparently I can't get a weapon so I can't unlock the trophy "Hunter's Essence"...
(not sure if that's how it works.. help?)