
With Bungie purchase, Sony is playing on Microsoft’s level
Sony proves it's willing to spend lots of money so PlayStation can compete with Microsoft's big Xbox deals.

Sony buying Bungie for $3.6 billion
Sony Interactive Entertainment today announced a deal to acquire Bungie for $3.6 billion, the latest in a string of big…

Sony to buy game maker Bungie in $3.6 billion deal. (Published 2022)
The deal follows two other major acquisitions in the game market by Microsoft and Take-Two Interactive.
For those of you living under a rock, In what would seem an ironic twist of fate, Sony has purchased Bungie for a cool 3.6b, some interesting takes/facts:
- Not a panic buy? Apparently a response to the Bethesda acquisition.
- Sony actually has money to spend?
- When is the last time Sony spent any kind of money like this? at once? On gaming?
Now, you're all probably wondering why I brought you here, and that's a perfectly okay question, please have a seat, drinks and snacks will be provided shortly.
The Microsoft acquisition of Activision came as a shock to many and led to a ton of questions surrounding exclusivity, followed by doomsday talk, much in a similar fashion to the purchase of Bethesda. The Bethesda purchase was surrounded by a lot of exclusivity questions which ultimately led Phil to take a stance of best, better, first, then ultimately, Starfield exclusivity to the XBOX ecosystem. Fast forward a year later, and here we find ourselves in another similar situation with Activision. Now, Phill has tried to pin down some type of statement regarding the availability of titles on different platforms going forward, but his messaging hasn't been the best and has led to speculation about what his words/tweets mean.
The Bungie purchase by Sony is really a message, a shot across the bow of Microsoft in two ways, 1. We just bought your darling child. 2. We are drawing our line in the sand regarding availability/exclusivity:

The message couldn't be any clearer, it's reminiscent of when Microsoft greenlit always-on DRM and horrible used game/sharing policies which didn't even see prime time because of the blowback. Microsoft ultimately did right, and never went live with that. The thing now, is Microsoft scooping up beloved IPs and making them exclusive, thus reducing access for everyone (If they actually do it).
Sony's messaging couldn't be clearer, and all it will take, to solidify this is the purchase of another large studio/publisher, like EA or T2, and, to adopt a similar stance on platform availability, at that point, Microsoft is really going to look like the bully (Maybe not bully, but out of tune?), and I imagine they'll revise/take another stance on Bethesda.
It's one thing to buy Ninja Theory or Naughty Dog and make them platform exclusive, it's another to buy multi-billion dollar publishers/studios that are well established on multiple platforms and make them exclusive, it's disruptive, and my take is that if Sony pulls the trigger again, the calculus will be changed at Microsoft as a result.
Edit* SquareEnix will be next, lots of interest in “live services” gaming, and FF14 is piping hot right now. So HOT. Sony wants those recurring revenue streams.
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