cjelly said:I can't believe a game that has been the top of the XBL Played List since launch has only had one map pack released. It's unreal.
I'm sure CoD2 had at least 2.
cjelly said:Yeah, I think what really hurt them was that Activision wanted to get the hype machine for the next one started in June.
Feral Youth said:I think that game comes out 4 days after Gear 2, and week after Left for Dead. I can't see many people buying it at all.
I don't think the Treyarch title is officially being called COD 5. Right now it is going by the World at War subtitle and I hope it remains that way.Victrix said:It kind of blows my mind to even consider that CoD5 is coming out this year
It likely will, but I get the feeling they're ditching the numbers so Call of Duty doesn't seem oversaturated to the consumers (for a lack of better words) instead of ditching the number in respect of Infinity Ward.Stoney Mason said:I don't think the Treyarch title is officially being called COD 4. Right now it is going by the World at War subtitle and I hope it remains that way.
Yeah but you know there's going to be coop in CoD6 which will come out in 2009 and be far better than anything Treyarch shovels out.Strider2K99 said:I'm interested in WaW for the coop at least.
Duck said:Yeah but you know there's going to be coop in CoD6 which will come out in 2009 and be far better than anything Treyarch shovels out.
*sigh* I don't know. I literally laughed when they announced that one of the "features" of the game would be a Russian campaign. I was fine going back to WWII because it seemed like a real, unabated take on the Pacific Theater would be rad, but nooo, let's add campaigns from past games.
cjelly said:Yeah, I think what really hurt them was that Activision wanted to get the hype machine for the next one started in June.
USD said:Does any one else have this problem (360 version)? It only happens when I get the "Connection Interrupted" message, get kicked back to the lobby and then the game lobby closes. I'll try to search for a new game, but immediately after beginning the search the game freezes up, sometimes for upwards of 30 seconds (if not frozen foreve). After going back to the Dashboard (if I can even access the guide) or rebooting my console everything works fine, but the stats from my last couple games are always missing.
Occasionally I get thrown into a different gametype than the one selected (usually Hardcore TM), but I think that happens to everyone. I lol at people who use Juggernaut in Hardcore. And getting Last Stand kills is so ridiculously easy. Me and my opponent on equal ground (except for my inability to move) = me winning most of the time.
OldJadedGamer said:But my rant comes from shooting a noob toob or RPG and hearing and seeing it come out of the gun, then I die and my toob/rocket just simply disappear. I'm sorry IW but... where did it go? How does me dying change the fact that the rocket has already left the cannon? Seriously, it really pisses me off each time it happens.
PedroLumpy said:Most simple explanation is that there is lag, and as far as the host is concerned, you died before you shot the Rocket/Grenade. Being a Hardcore guy, you can't check the Killcam unfortunately.
OldJadedGamer said:I figured but I'm not the kind of gamer that blames lag.
That's just how the networking is. Everything you see isn actually (just barely) in the past. I've had the same thing happen, where it looks like I got three or four shots off, but in actuality I'm already dead. I've basically had to learn to lead all my shots about 0.05 seconds into the future.OldJadedGamer said:Ok, tiny little rant here. I've been playing since launch and I'm on my 6th prestige level (I thought I wanted to stop at 5 but decided a few months later after non-stop headshots that I wanted to go again)
But my rant comes from shooting a noob toob or RPG and hearing and seeing it come out of the gun, then I die and my toob/rocket just simply disappear. I'm sorry IW but... where did it go? How does me dying change the fact that the rocket has already left the cannon? Seriously, it really pisses me off each time it happens.
Second rant... I'm really sick of losing HQ due to horrible spawns. Most times it will either make the new HQ right next to the one the enemy just captured then when we get there, there are already 2-3 people securing it. I even put extreme conditioning on so I could get there faster. It works in my favor too where it will spawn me, then the HQ is right next to me so I start securing it as soon as it's active. It's not fair either way and is very frustrating when you lose or win a game not by skill but because the game decided that you would win.
Anyway, love the game but those two things have been driving me really nuts lately.
Jack Scofield said:I have a few questions. Whenever I play multiplayer, I usually choose either the M16 (yeah, yeah, cheap weapon, I know), or the P90. Lately I've been leaning towards the latter. What weapons would you guys suggest? As for perks, I use Last Stand, Stopping Power, and 2x Claymore. Any suggestions or comments?
Thanks, all.
Did you buy it brand new? If it's like Call of Duty 2 it should be inside a sleeve.Jack Scofield said:Hmm, was I mistaken in thinking that the GOTY edition of COD4 came with the Variety Map pack? I can't even find a redeemable code in the box.
Jack Scofield said:Hmm, was I mistaken in thinking that the GOTY edition of COD4 came with the Variety Map pack? I can't even find a redeemable code in the box.
Duck said:Did you buy it brand new? If it's like Call of Duty 2 it should be inside a sleeve.
The same thing just happened to me. Not happy. Any way for us to get our hands on them?Jack Scofield said:Yeah, I bought it brand-new, factory-sealed and everything. The only thing inside the case is the game disc and the manual. Bad luck for me, I guess.
strange_booj said:The same thing just happened to me. Not happy. Any way for us to get our hands on them?
Silenced Skorpion with sleight of hand and bandolier.Stoney Mason said:I'm back into COD 4 and I flipped prestige again but I want to experiment with some new guns. What are some of the cool/fun guns besides the M16 and P90 as I pretty much want to play through an entire cycle without using those two.
Stoney Mason said:I'm back into COD 4 and I flipped prestige again but I want to experiment with some new guns. What are some of the cool/fun guns besides the M16 and P90 as I pretty much want to play through an entire cycle without using those two.
Stoney Mason said:I'm back into COD 4 and I flipped prestige again but I want to experiment with some new guns. What are some of the cool/fun guns besides the M16 and P90 as I pretty much want to play through an entire cycle without using those two.
Stoney Mason said:I'm back into COD 4 and I flipped prestige again but I want to experiment with some new guns. What are some of the cool/fun guns besides the M16 and P90 as I pretty much want to play through an entire cycle without using those two.
Yes, yes, yes. Whenever I get bored with assault rifles and shotguns I use the RPD. The RPD's superior sights (compared to the other LMGs) combined with the grip makes it incredibly deadly. Fire it in controlled, 3-5 shot bursts (the only time I use sustained automatic fire is in CQB and when shooting through walls) and you end up with a high-power assault rifle that you only have to reload a quarter as often.PacoDG said:My current lovefest has been with RPD with a grip, stopping power, and deep impact. Using smoke grenades. Once you find what you can shoot through (which is most everything), it is fun to see people hide behind walls and keep firing to kill them, good times.
My alternate set up is a m104 shotgun with grip, uav jammer, and extreme conditioning. Using smoke grenades here too. Really makes you keep your eyes open but satisfying when you get a shitload of kills.
I have leveled up to 44 in the past two weeks sticking to just those two weapon sets.
Stoney Mason said:I'm back into COD 4 and I flipped prestige again but I want to experiment with some new guns. What are some of the cool/fun guns besides the M16 and P90 as I pretty much want to play through an entire cycle without using those two.
PacoDG said:My current lovefest has been with RPD with a grip, stopping power, and deep impact. Using smoke grenades. Once you find what you can shoot through (which is most everything), it is fun to see people hide behind walls and keep firing to kill them, good times.
Jack Scofield said:It's isn't a "fun" or "special" weapon by any means, but I've been drawn to the M4 lately. Seems like a good balance between power and accuracy.
ltse1 said:Help, I just bought CoD4 for PC and multiplayer isn't working (no servers show up). I've tried:
- Port forwarding (linksys router) the ports 28960, 20800 and 20810.
- Reinstalling
- Disabling firewalls
- Downloading and installing patches 1.4-1.7
- Updating punkbuster manually
I'm almost all out of sanity, any suggestions?
PacoDG said:"Back from PAX means back to work, and while its a short week thanks to Labor Day its the one time I wish it wasnt because I have a lot of stuff to get done. Im currently working on getting everything organized and together for an upcoming Xbox Live / PSN promotion we have coming up the weekend of Sept. 12th - 14th. Which isnt this weekend, but next weekend. I will have exact details on what it is in the near future but I have a gut feeling itll have Double XP attached to it for all those hungry for some power-leveling on Call of Duty 4.
Currently working on designing some Xbox Live banners to promote it on the marketplace and attempting to get everything together for it on our end. This promotion is technically unrelated to the new Playlists, but I wont lie that my hope is to finish them up in time so that we can make it all one big promotion. How epic would that be? Our awesome QA team and producers are helping me push hard to make it happen by the weekend of the big promotion, no promises, but as always Ill keep you updated on the progress."
-FourZeroTwo's blog