RbBrdMan said:Will pick up ps3 version. Not day one though. Waiting to pick up a used copy.
I haven't seen much on the ps3 version. So the wait period should at least allow me to see some footage from it. I don't expect major differences or anything I just hate how little coverage ps3 versions of multi games get.
RbBrdMan said:Will pick up ps3 version. Not day one though. Waiting to pick up a used copy.
I haven't seen much on the ps3 version. So the wait period should at least allow me to see some footage from it. I don't expect major differences or anything I just hate how little coverage ps3 versions of multi games get.
Freedom = $1.05 said:In all fairness, COD4 was more than adequate. I have no doubt that MW2 will be the same (PS3 owner here).
RbBrdMan said:I don't think there will be much in the way of differences graphically but I would love to see how the multiplayer holds up on the psn. I didn't play COD 4 on the ps3 I played on 360, however, I have since sold my 360.
So my main concern is the PSN not the actual game itself.
GodofWine said:Im pretty sure that if they allowed it, you could play PSN vs. XBL in the same game on dedicated servers (which would be epic!)
Wow, that's just fucking retarded. Every playlist except for 3? The only one that should have that is SnD, if even.Domino Theory said:Um..is this true? We can't party chat in regular Team Deathmatch? http://www.joystickradio.com/news/1497/list-of-modern-warfare-2-playlists-with-party-chat/
Hopefully there's an in-game mute. Going to abuse that feature.
minx88 said:Finally someone who is actually good. Those people on the live streams suck.
Also does anyone know how the Scrambler perk works? How exactly does it "scramble the enemy radar" Does it make it fuzzy? Have your red dot somewhere it's really not?
cameltoe said:Looks like killstreaks carry over from round to round in S&D
Meus Renaissance said:I'm very angry that IW have pretty much killed the Party Chat feature in this game. I read somewhere that there are only 3 types of Playlists you can use the feature in? For such a heavily orientated team game, it's very uncomfortable to have the ability to talk to your entire team taken away from you.
Brakara said:Huh? Removing party chat will ensure that you talk to your team (and not your party members). Or am I missing something?
Brakara said:Huh? Removing party chat will ensure that you talk to your team (and not your party members). Or am I missing something?
TheAzRim said:They did in COD4
cameltoe said:nope!
This dude killed 2 in the first round then 3 in the second round and was awarded a 5 kill streak...that never happened in 4
cameltoe said:nope!
This dude killed 2 in the first round then 3 in the second round and was awarded a 5 kill streak...that never happened in 4
Strider2K99 said:It died a death it deserved.
moai said:i clearly remeber playing s&d and doing that. getting 2 kills in first round, then one on the second and having uav available. cod4 also worked that way.
Meus Renaissance said:This feature being removed only penalises those who actually want to work as a team.
No. All kills must be done in the same round in CoD4.moai said:i clearly remember playing s&d and doing that. getting 2 kills in first round, then one on the second and having uav available. cod4 also worked that way (of course you didn't have to die between rounds).
BlinkGT said:No. All kills must be done in the same round in CoD4.
PedroLumpy said:I'll have to check this when I get home, because I'm with the other guy, I remember dropping an airstrike I earned over the first few rounds in a later round and wiping out most of their team.
Earning a killstreak perk in a previous round then using it later is different from your killstreak not resetting every round.PedroLumpy said:I'll have to check this when I get home, because I'm with the other guy, I remember dropping an airstrike I earned over the first few rounds in a later round and wiping out most of their team.
Rez said:wait, what happened to Mamesj's awesome thread?
Brakara said:
Brakara said:
Brakara said:But you're still on the same team, and are able to chat with each other. You're just no longer excluding people like me.
:lol :lol :lolMamesj said:
Then change your xbox settings to friends only.MarkMclovin said:Whats your point? That's muting them, not you. I don't want people listening to a conversation between mates whilst playing MW:2.
cameltoe said:Then change your xbox settings to friends only.
YuriLowell said:Yes because muting everyone that is annoying during a game is not a lengthy process.
supermackem said:i find it pretty funny people being pissed at the party chat thing. If you wanna talk shite with your girlfriends then use the mute all but friends feature of the dashboard.:lol
Dabanton said:Exactly. Half the time in matches you don't hear anyone,how the hell are you supposed to formulate strategies if people are sitting in chat especially in ranked?
Also the idea that every match you have on Live will end up with you being called names is very silly,the key is to step on the little punks throats if they start, if everyone raises a stink when someone pulls that shit you find everyone will pull them up for it.And they'll stop.
Lothars said:Activision doing stuff like this has made MW2 less and less of a day one buy and more of a meh I might get to it later.