Holy shit, the smoke. :loljunkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
Holy shit, the smoke. :loljunkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
Keep watching, I was crying for like 5 straight minutes at the end of his "Terminator" class! :lolstriKeVillain! said:Holy shit, the smoke. :lol
oh man im in tearsjunkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
Steam said:Beginning this Thursday, April 8, gamers around the world can play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer free of charge during a special Free Weekend promotion on Steam. The definitive online experience, Modern Warfare 2 returns with a host of new perks and enhancements. Those who wish to enjoy every moment of the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer Free Weekend may pre-load Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer now. There is no obligation to participate.
junkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
junkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
divisionbyzorro said:
PetriP-TNT said:
it goes from "6 guys with nade" to "six guys with harrier" to "25 guys with chopper gunner"
divisionbyzorro said:
Ogs said:So, theres a free Steam MP weekend happening -
Should be interesting![]()
divisionbyzorro said:
bobs99 ... said:It seems like he got EXTREMELY lucky that the initial Nade killed 6 people. That alone is insane.
The thing is this video really hasnt impressed me, hes broken COD down to a series of very mechanical mathmatical motions which was started off with luck.
Raide said:That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen.
At the same time it is also the saddest thing I have ever seen. Pretty much condensed all the things wrong with MW2 into a few mins. :lol
lionelhutz said:And to no one's surprise he's on the PS3.
divisionbyzorro said:
Red Blaster said:Staged. There's no way B takes that long to cap with 6 guys.
butts said:True I do this all the time on my PS3 copy, people generally dont even equip weapons they are so dumb on there! Its true guys
divisionbyzorro said:
i_am_ben said:edit: does anyone know how these guys get into such low ranking games?
Moostache said:Between that stuff and the shotguns and the akimbo and the glitches and the sociopaths on the headsets, no thanks...I'll stick with BC2 and hope that Activision finishes off the COD franchise as quickly as they gutted Guitar Hero...
Bumblebeetuna said:Did you hear the part where the guy said he'd left around 5,000 matches trying to do what he did before he finally got the nade and everything to come together perfectly? Lets blow this way out of proportion like everything else has been regarding this game :lol
Also, seems strange to see you comment about shotguns and glitches and then pimp up BC2, where you can use a shotgun as a sniper rifle and engage in its own fair share of glitches. But to each his own.
MarkMclovin said:So I've come across a shit load of kids today at lvl70 10th prestige and I start getting messages asking for MS points to glitch my way up with all unlocks, emblems and titles!?
The hell is going on with this game?
junkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
Thank you for posting that. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. That guy needs to make more tutorials.junkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
divisionbyzorro said:That's been around a while. People with modded consoles will charge money to let you into a modded lobby where kills give you insane experience, title/emblem challenges have been modified so you can get all titles and emblems, etc.
MarkMclovin said:I see. I'm not bumping into these modded lobby's though? They're not on Live, right?
:lol I love the friend requests at the end! "Please add me, pls" "I'll cry if you don't" :loldivisionbyzorro said:
LMAO this is awesome :loljunkster said:
:lol :lol :lol
Can't stop laughing!
I call them chewbacca's. lolvhfive said:I will now be using "wookie" to call out snipers.
there's a desert wookie by A
"Desert wookie" sounds so racist it's not even funny.vhfive said:I will now be using "wookie" to call out snipers.
there's a desert wookie by A
backflip10019 said:"Desert wookie" sounds so racist it's not even funny.
backflip10019 said:"Desert wookie" sounds so racist it's not even funny.
Dresden said:I had no idea that 'wookie' could be considered racially derogative. What does it refer to, hairy white men?
How does that not come to your mind?Loxley said:What a weird society we live in if that's what comes to your head first.
It was supposed to be a joke...Dresden said:I had no idea that 'wookie' could be considered racially derogative. What does it refer to, hairy white men?