So any one knows the name of the rollercoaster? In MW2 Twitter they are giving away DLC
AlucarD.eq said:So any one knows the name of the rollercoaster? In MW2 Twitter they are giving away DLC
_Alkaline_ said:Are we likely to get a third map pack? Wouldn't mind seeing District and Backlot (or even Crossfire) get a run in the game. Also think the game could use a map with some significant lighting changes - perhaps a darkened level like the EMP scene in the campaign?
Only problem is that MW2 doesn't give you night-vision anymore, though you do get the choice of thermal.
Actually, I think there a variety of locales in the single-player that would still provide great choices for maps - such the suburban washington (which is kinda covered in Bailout but not particularly well) or the oil rig. Hopefully there will be a 3rd map pack then before Black-Ops' release.
Strider2K99 said:Call of Duty Wiki claims F2000's recoil was reduced in last patch/update.
Anyone noticed?
Dark-Cloudz said:This game is fucking ridiculous. It is broken!
I just got a 47 Kill streak with one Chopper gunner on wasteland.
I finished 67 -1
I got a few kills so they spawned together, and then it just didn't move their spawn for the whole 30 seconds! Hilarious.
Why the hell would you want them to add weapons when they still haven't properly balanced the ones that are already there? Them just throwing shit in there is the big problem with the game in the first place, it doesn't need to get worse.Seep said:Still no new weapons? PASS.
Patrick Bateman said:I find it weird that they didn't include the Dragunov in MW2. I mean you can pick it up in the SP (on that oil platform).
Strider2K99 said:Call of Duty Wiki claims F2000's recoil was reduced in last patch/update.
Anyone noticed?
This.PetriP-TNT said:I'd like to see a level based on oilrig, maybe on Gulag too.
aku:jiki said:Anyone else notice how IW always uses the L86 in screenshots? Why?
I hope they get rid of killstreaks like the Harrier and the Chopper Gunner, and stick to stuff that are a bit more tactical in nature--things like Counter UAV, Sentry Guns, and the EMP.divisionbyzorro said:So, I really hope the next Call of Duty has less of an emphasis on killstreaks. SeaNanners is right: this really is Call of Duty: Killstreak Warrior. I'm tired of having matches where I go 20-7, but feel like I did poorly because I never got a 5-streak. By all accounts, 20-7 should be a good match, but it certainly doesn't feel like it when you're chasing AC-130 kills. :lol
Do we think Treyarch is capable of building a good weapon balance in Black Ops? It's starting to feel like CoD4 was lightning in a bottle - I'm hoping Treyarch can learn from W@W and MW2 and make something great, but I'm not counting on it.
Dresden said:I hope they get rid of killstreaks like the Harrier and the Chopper Gunner, and stick to stuff that are a bit more tactical in nature--things like Counter UAV, Sentry Guns, and the EMP.
divisionbyzorro said:So, I really hope the next Call of Duty has less of an emphasis on killstreaks. SeaNanners is right: this really is Call of Duty: Killstreak Warrior. I'm tired of having matches where I go 20-7, but feel like I did poorly because I never got a 5-streak. By all accounts, 20-7 should be a good match, but it certainly doesn't feel like it when you're chasing AC-130 kills. :lol
Do we think Treyarch is capable of building a good weapon balance in Black Ops? It's starting to feel like CoD4 was lightning in a bottle - I'm hoping Treyarch can learn from W@W and MW2 and make something great, but I'm not counting on it.
I still can't understand this complaint. Sorry bro, but this is all on you. If you're not pulling your secondary when you're supposed to and the other guy did and killed you with it, that's not because of a design mistake from IW.Dresden said:Finally, make shotguns a primary again. Pistols and launchers should be the only secondaries. One thing I miss about COD4 and WaW is how a good player was able to take advantage of his pistol--now, though, everyone just pulls out their akimbo Rafficas or Spas-12.
What do you mean? The only weapons in this game that have a maximum range at all are the shotguns. Everything else can hit at any range if your aim is good.USD said:EDIT2: Also just found out the FAL has the shortest range of the Assault Rifles. No wonder I can't pull off M14-style medium-long range headshots, it's impossible
aku:jiki said:What do you mean? The only weapons in this game that have a maximum range at all are the shotguns. Everything else can hit at any range if your aim is good.
There is even a shotgun without a max range - the shotgun attachment.
kaizoku said:I tried giving Bad Company 2 a go with a friend of mine and since then it just makes anyone who complains about MW2 look like a fool. MW2 has its problems, but BC2 is a piece of shit.
On the 2nd mission of single player I was in a house hiding from a tank. I call in air support to destroy it, all goes ok, but then everything starts shaking earthquake style and the house I'm in collapses around me! I find myself in some weird ditch with the rubble above me. the game autosaves while I'm in here! I'm thinking - is this part of the story? are my team mates going to save me? Nope. They all run off.
I jump my way out of the glitch and start walking through walls and shit. only I can't leave the house. I can walk around in some tiny square, I can get to an area where the rubble has an opening but I can't jump out to get free. I can shoot but I can't shoot myself free. Just ended up killing myself a few times with grenades. I had to restart the whole mission.
Then a couple of days later my friend tells me how his single player game suddenly corrupted on him after he'd spent hours playing it. He has to start from the beginning! Horrendous.
kaizoku said:I tried giving Bad Company 2 a go with a friend of mine and since then it just makes anyone who complains about MW2 look like a fool. MW2 has its problems, but BC2 is a piece of shit.
divisionbyzorro said:I've been thinking a lot about this lately. If it were up to me, this is what I would do to MW2:
- The killstreak setup I mentioned earlier.
- Make the grenade launcher attachment take your equipment slot and only have a single grenade. Still useful for launching a precision explosive, but no longer viable as a primary means of getting kills.
- Make One Man Army a red perk and make Lightweight a blue perk. Bam - the two most annoying kits in the game are immediately neutered.
- Reduce the claymore delay, or increase it's detection range. Basically, someone with Marathon should not be able to escape it. You should only be able to escape a claymore if you saw it and disabled it, rather than getting lucky and running over it without knowing it was there.
- Make the Stinger a level 10 unlock.
I'm also tempted to say that Danger Close should be removed all together, but I'm not 100% sure about that one just yet.
Dude. 99% of the conversation in this thread is about MP. BC2 is a incredible multiplayer game. So is MW2kaizoku said:I tried giving Bad Company 2 a go with a friend of mine and since then it just makes anyone who complains about MW2 look like a fool. MW2 has its problems, but BC2 is a piece of shit.
divisionbyzorro said:I've been thinking a lot about this lately. If it were up to me, this is what I would do to MW2:
- The killstreak setup I mentioned earlier.
- Make the grenade launcher attachment take your equipment slot and only have a single grenade. Still useful for launching a precision explosive, but no longer viable as a primary means of getting kills.
- Make One Man Army a red perk and make Lightweight a blue perk. Bam - the two most annoying kits in the game are immediately neutered.
- Reduce the claymore delay, or increase it's detection range. Basically, someone with Marathon should not be able to escape it. You should only be able to escape a claymore if you saw it and disabled it, rather than getting lucky and running over it without knowing it was there.
- Make the Stinger a level 10 unlock.
I'm also tempted to say that Danger Close should be removed all together, but I'm not 100% sure about that one just yet.
divisionbyzorro said:Maybe they could replace Danger Close with an air-support focused Perk.
- Danger Close: Increased air support damage.
- Danger Close Pro: One extra flare on all air support.
I totally agree with itsnervedamage - I want the game to go back to infantry tactics rather than seeing how silly you can be. Even folks like SeaNanners and WingsOfRedemption admit in their videos that their tactics only work when people in the lobby aren't tube-spamming or knife-running. And the super-high killstreaks only encourage lesser players to just sit and camp. Pull all that crap out and I think you'll find the game gets much better.
bobs99 ... said:Yeah I agree, and the 'sillyness' is what has put me off this game a lot, the core gameplay is BRILLIANT when you get some good lobbys going, but with limited time I dont want to take that chance when I load up my xbox.
Me too. Something like double experience weekends. Even one per month would be enough. Is there any reason why there aren't any (except when mapacks are released)?Jtones said:I might actually start playing again, but I need more reasons to start playing.
I read there are two coming up, May 28 and June 4. I might prestige so I can get the extra class, and then use the weekends to boost myself back up.Hyunkel6 said:Me too. Something like double experience weekends. Even one per month would be enough. Is there any reason why there aren't any (except when mapacks are released)?