Okay, I *really* try not to bitch and moan about all the overpowered/overused nonsense in this game. I don't quit out of games because I'm losing, I don't call everyone a camper just because they can hold a point better than I can storm it, and I don't yell and scream at other players like I'm 8 years old. I play it pretty much daily unless I have a new game, then I usually don't touch it for a week or two while I play the new one, and I always seem to do a lot better when I come back from a break. That tends to help me not get too tired of the series even though I've put tons of time into CoD4, WaW and MW2.
But I think I've finally had my fill of MW2. It just encourages people to be complete assholes and I can't take it anymore.
All week I've been dealing with an extreme amount of Commando runners, Heartbeat monitor abusers and Thermal snipers. Way more than I've seen in the past. Fine. Whatever. I just change up my tactics and move to my stealth class which helps with pretty much everything except Commando runners and their magic teleports.
But then last match I played, literally the "thump...boom!" sound never stopped. Noobtube after noobtube. It was a solid, constant wave. Every single person had grenade launchers, OMA and probably Danger Close, but I didn't bother to look during the killcams. You usually see a few people with them, but every single person with them shooting randomly non-stop? I've never seen anything like that before. I don't even really mind grenade launchers, it's hardly the biggest evil in the game, but I've NEVER seen anything like that. I was using my stealth class and trying to avoid being anywhere near the rest of my team. Taking the long way around to try to flank the objective points, and every time I turned a corner I was met with an explosion. I never wanted to quit a match so much in my entire life, but I didn't because I didn't want to be one of *those* assholes.
I pray Black Ops fixes some of this insanity. It's still the only MP series I've really gotten into, but IW really went too far with this one. All the embarrassingly childish player titles & emblems should have tipped me off sooner