So I've played only CoD4 since buying it and I'm pretty sure I'd love to like it more than MW2, but it still has the shittacular matchmaking that MW2 got a patch for - in other words, it's basically hopeless to play for a european. Most of your bullets will miss most of the time... :/
Still, some things I think are way better in CoD4:
- All weapons have a much better feel to them. Shotguns and most sniper rifles really feel like "BOOM!", the sway and minor recoil on everything else gives them a weightier feel than, say, the ACR.
- Pretty much nobody noobtubes! Danger Close is actually in CoD4 (which is something most of us have forgotten about, it seems), but nobody uses it...
- Sniping is actually awesome.
- Restrictions! Can't equip that attachment with that perk and so on - why are there
no restrictions in MW2 whatsoever?
- Handguns can actually kill people without involving massive amounts of luck!
- The lighting is actually much better-looking in MW1 - I had totally forgotten this. I love the glowy feel of Bloc, the streams of light in Vacant and so on.
- It seems like lag goes both ways here much more than it does in MW2. The guy you can't kill can't kill you either, which he seems to be able to in MW2.
Some things that really suck in CoD4:
- It's a complete cesspool of zzirGrizz wannabeism. Literally every single match has at least 2 guys running around with M40A3 ACOG trying to 720 noscope and shit. Every single match. I just played a match on Strike where everybody on the opposing team took two steps out of their spawn, then parked themselves with an M40A3 - literally every single player on their team. Kinda sad.
- The lag mentioned above. As a euro, you have to play this in the daytime to stand a chance. At night, there will be only US hosts picked and 70% of your shots will miss for no reason.

- The player base is really, really...stupid. I thought the MW2 community was stupid, but MW1 is really bad. The kids are great at quickscoping and aiming in general, and everybody knows about spawn-nades and stuff like that, but they are shockingly bad at strategy and tactics. I'm constantly facepalming when I die and spectate in S&D in MW1, whereas I only have to facepalm once an hour or so when playing MW2. Maybe I've been having bad luck with my teammates since I re-bought the game, but I thought this was really peculiar...