divisionbyzorro said:So you're saying that wasting a third of my ammo reserves to get a single kill is somehow overpowered?
Not overpowered, just extremely stupid and annoying.
divisionbyzorro said:So you're saying that wasting a third of my ammo reserves to get a single kill is somehow overpowered?
aku:jiki said:The best MW2 video in a minute.
It's a top 10 list of the best reactions to crazy kills. :lol :lol
Then again, quickscoping is pretty fucking hard. I think it's harder than hardscoping.
I really don't understand how they do it - whenever I half-scope like that, it just always misses.![]()
PetriP-TNT said:It's near impossible to kill anyone with Barett without scoping but Intervention is just broken
Spinning Plates said:Isn't this intentional like IW made a rifle for all the quickscopers out there. A skill which I find unnatural as fuck.
divisionbyzorro said:
Patrick Bateman said:GAF in a nutshell. :lol :lol
I just stopped laughing enough to post...holy shit:lol :lol :lol :lol :loldivisionbyzorro said:
divisionbyzorro said:
Sunako said:I need two more nukes for that sweet, sweet emblem.
Yeah, I used that one too when I first unlocked it. But now I'm using the 'Enemy of the State' gorilla emblem and the 500-kill Spas-12 title. I'm working on the 2,500 Spas-12 title now.divisionbyzorro said:When I earned the nuke emblem, I used it constantly - until I got the 8-bit Price. Now I roll with this callsign:
been rolling with 8-bit price ever since I got himdivisionbyzorro said:When I earned the nuke emblem, I used it constantly - until I got the 8-bit Price. Now I roll with this callsign:
Indeed said:Got my first hatemail today! woooop!
If anyone wants to play with me (PS3) add "Inthedeed". Im a noob (lvl64 no prestige) but I can hold my own.
divisionbyzorro said:
divisionbyzorro said:
Brian Fellows said:Were you a "camping fucking pussy"? (In their eyes of course)
I'm with you on this one. I really can't understand why they would make that decision. It's not like they can claim that they had no idea how much people hate launchers - they put the title "Noobtuber" in the game, so obviously they know of the derogatory nickname and how much people hate it. So why would they decide to intentionally fuck with their player base? I really wish some interviewer would ask this!Accidentus said:What were they thinking? Did they honestly expect people to have positive reaction to this?
Actually, you can move while prone.Accidentus said:I guess this is a problem that also directly relates to camping (more on that) since you can't move when you're lying prone so it forces you to ADS down a very specific part of the map.
While I agree that OMA DC tubing is total bullshit, its not that widespread in TDM and FFA. At least on PS3. But I agree, when I play Dom, trying to capture a point and then get mortared by some guy sitting on the other side of the map, I rage pretty hard.Accidentus said:1. Tubers/RPGers. I guess my main beef is that IW specifically went out of their way to cater to these people even though (I would estimate) 95% of people hate tubers. Having the launcher as an attachment instead of a perk, adding in Danger Close specifically for these people, OMA... What were they thinking? Did they honestly expect people to have positive reaction to this? How about having to get 20 kills with the launcher in order to unlock the shotgun. It just adds incentive for these people to use it. If it were a top tier attachment like thermal or HBS I feel like it wouldn't be abused nearly as badly. What can I even say about RPGs other than they're fucking ridiculous. Ever been killed with a Danger Close AT4 from literally 20 feet away? Absurd.
I think Commando is by far the worst thing in MW2.First of all, I play with Tactical Button Layout, so I very rarely knife. You could argue that this is my fault, but I always prefer shooting someone to knifing. Secondly my connection isnt that great. Im rarely in a 4 bar game. That means that I pretty much always lose in a close range firefight. Pretty much everyone uses Commando these days. I really really hope it doesnt return in Black Ops. (Wasnt that confirmed?)2. Commando. I like the concept of Marathon/Lightweight so that's not the problem. My gripe with Commando is twofold. First, teleporting through and around shit. Shouldn't it be trivial to check that Hey this dude's around a corner or behind a short wall so I shouldn't be able to teleport through that. Second is the invincibility frames. The whole concept of, if the enemy is in range of the knife then he dies as soon as the melee is pressed, is idiotic. Shouldn't it be as the knife animation happens?
3. Lying prone. Not a concept unique to MW2 but I've hated it in every game. Ever run up on a dead body only to find out that's not a dead body but a guy lying prone in the corner of the room? I guess this is a problem that also directly relates to camping (more on that) since you can't move when you're lying prone so it forces you to ADS down a very specific part of the map. It also brings in the whole dropshotting mechanic which I feel is bullshit and against the spirit of the game. It's abusive of the game mechanics and playing against a team of dropshotters simply isn't fun, and I'm against things which aren't fun (novel right).
I hate campers. (not as much as commando though =) )4. Campers. A problem in any FPS, but especially so with CoD games. The whole concept of the killstreak is inherent to this problem. Kids will always camp to boost their killstreaks and I don't really see any workaround other than remove the killstreaks all together (props to IW for introducing the Barebones playlists).
Other minor gripes would include
- Nuke boosting - I don't really play FFA so it's not that big a deal to me.
- Stinger unlocks at 30
- The Intevention hitbox. I can't even count the number of times I've had someone kill me even though their reticule was 3 feet over my shoulder. This also is why quickscoping is somewhat viable.
- Grenades are now useless due to the longer fuse.
8-bit Price ftw! Been rocking that emblem since I unlocked it on first prestigedivisionbyzorro said:When I earned the nuke emblem, I used it constantly - until I got the 8-bit Price. Now I roll with this callsign:
JustHadToJoin said:yea, but you cant game winning suicide with a semtez now can you?
Hyunkel6 said:Have they announced when is the next double exp weekend? I've been waiting for one to get back into the game. Maybe this weekend to celebrate the 4th of July?
divisionbyzorro said:Everything
TheApatheticOne said::lol I find it difficult as well. SO MANY people seem to have quickscoping the Intervention down to a fine art, almost machine-like, that Ive tried it, and it just.... doesnt work for me.
I'll agree, quickscoping is not easy, I certainly cant do it (and dont want to, just like everything else thats wrong with the game, it ruins the spirit of the game). Playing this game, sometime, really test me. Im old school - I bring up my sights, take aim, and fire. Unfortunately, these young bucks run around all hopped up on demerol and grape soda, dolphin diving or jumping the the air spinning like a damn ballerina, quickscoping me with an intervention even before my sights meet them. :lol
divisionbyzorro said:I just had the worst night of MW2 I have ever had. I think my head is going to explode from rage. Allow me to articulate why I'm furious.
EDIT: Yes. I know this is nothing new. I've probably said all of this before. But I'm basically to the point where I no longer want to play this game by myself. It's just not worth it. At least with a team we can communicate and count on each other. With randoms I might as well sit on a bed of nails; it'd accomplish just as much.
divisionbyzorro said:Stuff
Brian Fellows said:Nothing more satisfying than busting up a group of boosters.![]()
Brian Fellows said:The guys I encountered tonight were on Storm back in a dead end behind a big truck. I come around a corner and see red and green tactical insertions laying right next to each other and I'm like WTF?!?! So I lob a thumper round back there killing the guy on the other team. The two guys on my team proceed to follow me around for the next minute or so knifing at me.
Then they tried the same thing again on Skidrow but this time I was looking for it. I just followed the two on my team around the whole time. Killed their buddy 6 or 7 times.