You like me, you really really like me!
The new matchmaking system kicks some serious ass.
4 green bars FTW
4 green bars FTW
Whoa. What was improved?Cerrius said:The new matchmaking system kicks some serious ass.
tuco11 said:Are the new maps in regular rotation lists now? ie in Hardcore Team deathmatch. I was just on and saw only Hardcore Stimulus mosh pit shit. F' that. WAW> Modern warfare 2.
I thought it was supposed to help lag problems outside of America?Genesis Knight said:Now it starts out checking for games with <50ms of ping and goes up from there in increments of 10 milliseconds if it can't find games. Pretty balls for everyone outside of America.
Skel said:I thought it was supposed to help lag problems outside of America?
Lionheart1827 said:They are in regular rotation along with double xp. However, if you ONLY want to play the new maps you have to go into the stimulus playlists.
What do you use for a primary? SCAR, TAR, UMP, or something like that? (gun that doesn't need SP)Bumblebeetuna said:Man I tried a new setup today and am greatly enjoying it. Scavenger + Lightweight ++ AA12 FTMFW. It is great in TDM, Sabotage and CTF. That's what's great about this game, even after seven days of play time there are still so many different combinations and setups that create vastly different playstyles and open up almost a whole new game.Commando Pro *feels dirty*
Genesis Knight said:Now it starts out checking for games with <50ms of ping and goes up from there in increments of 10 milliseconds if it can't find games. Pretty balls for everyone outside of America.
Aumann said:Is double xp going on at the moment? If so when does it end?
divisionbyzorro said:EDIT: Actually, I suppose the main drawback to the SPAS is the weapon raise time. Lightweight does mitigate this, but the knife is still much faster.
Amen to this. IW redeemed themselves a bit with this one.Cerrius said:The new matchmaking system kicks some serious ass.
4 green bars FTW
tuco11 said:"They are in regular rotation along with double xp. However, if you ONLY want to play the new maps you have to go into the stimulus playlists."
Horseshit. What is so difficult about just seperating it out like WAW did with each map pack? Eat a dick IW.
zero margin said:It was double XP yesterday also, this is for people with the map pack only. It will go for a week.
jedimike said:I think it applies to everyone... I have the map pack, so I can't confirm, but I'm getting double XP on everything for all maps new or not. Shoot down a harrier... 600 points. First kill... 300 points. Double kill... extra 100 points.
The only things that aren't giving double XP are the challenges.
edit: was playing FFA and the new maps were showing up very frequently.
zero margin said:Yeah you will get double XP on the old maps, just the map pack is the requirement.
I actually noticed I'm getting more kills now xDCritical Jeff said:Thanks to the stimulus package I've been having at least a 2.0 kdr average, with my best score on quarry with a suppressed UMP/fmj magnum, Marathon/cold blooded/ninja, knife/stun. 35-4 in TDM. It's So fun not having to play the HXC kids all the time, when they're all playing the stimulus playlist.
I didnt get the maps
buy teh haloz said:Amen to this. IW redeemed themselves a bit with this one.
Mojo said:I believe the PS3 and PC versions have had this ping patch for months now.
What? This wasn't on the 360 yet? It has been there for the PS3-version from december or something :/Genesis Knight said:Now it starts out checking for games with <50ms of ping and goes up from there in increments of 10 milliseconds if it can't find games. Pretty balls for everyone outside of America.
Yeah it's been frustrating having the 360 constantly match me with players from other countries, when people I know with the PS3 version could get local games fairly frequently.PTCoakley said:Almost positive the PC had it from the start and PS3 got it very soon after launch or even had it the entire time. It was really weird going from those 2 to the 360 version and NOT having that mechanism in place.
vladimir rus said:My screenshots 360 versionCanon
vladimir rus said:My screenshots 360 versionCanon
divisionbyzorro said:Wall of screenshots is great. But can we not quote the wall of screenshots?![]()
lionelhutz said:Why?
Mikasangelos said:ok so i played last night for a few hours and Double XP wasnt being given on other playlists besides the map pack playlist. I thought Double XP was going full blown? did i miss something?
vladimir rus said:My screenshots 360 versionCanon
LosDaddie said:I don't care what anyone says, MW2 is the best looking FPS I've played this gen.![]()
divisionbyzorro said:I got double XP in Ground War last night...
Genesis Knight said:Now it starts out checking for games with <50ms of ping and goes up from there in increments of 10 milliseconds if it can't find games. Pretty balls for everyone outside of America.
divisionbyzorro said:Go back and watch some Machinima videos on YouTube of Call of Duty 4. It looks positively ancient compared to MW2.
Mikasangelos said:damn, i played with a group of 9 from 7-11 o'clock eastern time and we got no double XP. We did play on the new maps quite often though which mad us happy.
illeaturfamily said:double xp was working all night for me.