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Capcom bids farewell to Xbox......


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
efralope said:
Was it Sega's fault that their Japanese-induced games Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, and Panzar Dragoon Orta bombed, even after help from Microsoft for massive TV campaigns (on MTV, Comedy Central, New TNN, etc...)

If I was Capcom, I would look at selling patterns like that before deciding what platforms to put my games on...

No, I'd say it WASN'T Sega's fault in those cases. Unlike Capcom's XBOX games, those games are actually really GOOD. Dino Crisis 3 is shit, their fighting game ports were based on OLD games and were actually inferior to original versions, Auto Modellista XB was a HORRIBLE port (disappearing cars and 5 fps are not a good thing), Tekki was WAY too niche and expensive (and they REALLLLLY screwed up with Line of Contact). They didn't deserve sales for those games, unlike Sega.

The point is that these games didn't fail because they were on XBOX, they failed because they SUCKED.
It's fair to say that Capcom hasn't gone all the way in testing the Xbox market. Of course, seeing how Xbox fans don't seem to purchase any Japanese games other than what Team Ninja puts out, I can understand why they'd be hesitant to put a big title on the system. Dino Crisis 3 was a somewhat significant exclusive, but the game did suck. That's more than some notable Japanese publishers have offered to the Xbox userbase, though.

I'd like to see them port Devil May Cry 3 to Xbox. If that doesn't sell to an American Xbox audience, then it's very doubtful any of their other games will, and writing the system off as worthless for anything other than Live-enhanced fighter ports would be justified.


Tellaerin said:
Maybe if Nintendo starts packing in controllers that are actually laid out to handle Capcom fighting games--you know, six buttons in a more or less equally-accessible arrangement and a decent-sized digital d-pad--then we might see more of them. :p And as for 'going with the userbase', I'd have to say I disagree--Nintendo isn't exactly big on internally-developed fighters, and most of the Cube userbase are in it primarily for games developed by the Big N themselves. (If Nintendo did have an interest in conventional fighting games, the standard controller would be better suited for them--post-SNES, Nintendo seems to be designing controllers specifically to suit the demands of their first-party games.)

You know, I never got this argument. There are arcade sticks available for the GC. I think Capcom wrote off fighters for the GC because they believe that the audience doesn't care. They might be right, but that's hard to say when there's only been a handful of fighters released on the system.

edit--As for the main topic, I'm also not sure that Capcom really did all that they could on the Xbox. It's a similar story for other Japanese companies as well. Tecmo and Sega have been the only parties to really go to bat for the system, and I salute them both for that.


Unconfirmed Member
jobber said:
Well no surprise since they're in cahoots with Nintendo.
Is that why they fucked the Gamecube version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection and withdrew GC exclusivity for Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7?


MetatronM said:
Is that why they fucked the Gamecube version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection and withdrew GC exclusivity for Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7?
Nintendo’s own fault for not buying stocks


being watched
Capcom have been lukewarm for ages. Along with Sega their probably the company who have suffered most from upswing with Western devs quality.

Aside from RE4 they don't have anything else in their catalog coming I'd want on Xbox.

This years biggest selling games will be GTA & Halo 2 - both from companies you'd hardly heard of until a few years ago. While fallen 'greats' Capcom...Sega....lurch from medicoreness to medicoreness.

Memo to Capcom:- If you want to sell games, don't produce utter shit like Dino Crisis 3 - probably the finest example of a franchise being injected with cynide - a double shame after the excellent no.2 on PSX.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It's funny, though...the best Capcom game I've played over the last year is a Western developed game. :p Maximo vs Army of Zin is F*CKING AWESOME! I only started playing it recently and I am closing in on the end, but damn, it is extremely fun and creative. Capcom themselves need to take a look at what these guys did...


Memo to Capcom:- If you want to sell games, don't produce utter shit like Dino Crisis 3 - probably the finest example of a franchise being injected with cynide - a double shame after the excellent no.2 on PSX.


Let's have a recap here on Capcom's Xbox released games:

Steel Battalion - Well, kickass game, but at a $200+ price tag it probably outperformed.
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact - Sux
Auto Modellista - Sux
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO - Old port scraps
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Old port scraps
Group S Challenge - Sux
Dino Crisis 3 - Sux
Pro Cast Sports Fishing - Meh
Robin Hood Defender of the Crown - Sux

If Capcom wants to have their games sell well, they better release something better than the crap they've been releasing (at least on the Xbox).


dark10x said:
...and WHY do you think that is? I'll give you a clue: it is no fault of XBOX.

The only fault of the Xbox is the small userbase in Japan and the American Xbox's western-game-oriented audience (barring the Tecmo games of course). Capcom is better off developing PS2 and GC games that sell.

Although a good, traditional, original game would've helped too. ;)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's funny, though...the best Capcom game I've played over the last year is a Western developed game. :p Maximo vs Army of Zin is F*CKING AWESOME! I only started playing it recently and I am closing in on the end, but damn, it is extremely fun and creative. Capcom themselves need to take a look at what these guys did...
Is it really that good? I thought it was quite boring, actualy, but I didn't play it for too long. Their best game lately IMO is Viewtiful Joe. Can't wait to get to play it some more, and for the sequel. Onimusha 3 is also more fun than either Maximo game, IMHO.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bleh, I didn't like Onimusha 3 very much. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the game (ESPECIALLY considering that I had finished Ninja Gaiden not more than a month before it).

Joe is good, but something about it just didn't click. I enjoyed playing through it, but I can't say it's a favorite of mine.

I dunno, I really like both Maximo games...but the sequel is a lot better than the original.


The only fault of the Xbox is the small userbase in Japan and the American Xbox's western-game-oriented audience (barring the Tecmo games of course). Capcom is better off developing PS2 and GC games that sell.

Although a good, traditional, original game would've helped too. ;)

I agree with dark actually. As many mistakes as MS has made, the indifference to the system from Japanese developers played a bigger role. How can MS atract Japanese gamers if they are not getting the games that they want? The console was written off right from the start in favor of the PS2. That's what sunk it.
I can't blame them or any Japanese developer for dropping the Xbox. The system is D E A D in Japan. MS is just too proud to discountinue it.

Some Square executives must be sitting around patting themselves on the back for not jumping on the Xbox bandwagon.


Just, you know, observing:
When Acclaim dropped the Gamecube, this board lit up like it was the fucking Chinese new year about how Nintendo's doomed.

But Capcom drops the XBox, it's Capcom's own doing? At least be consistent, people. :p


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I think it's a combination of the fact that attracting Japanese gamers has been sort of an afterthought for Microsoft, and...

Capcom have been lukewarm for ages. Along with Sega their probably the company who have suffered most from upswing with Western devs quality.

Capcom has really declined since last generation. In the past few years the only games of their's that I've really enjoyed were Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe. DMC2 pretty much crashed that franchise into the ground right after take off. VJ2 and RE4 look great, but Capcom used to have me interested in far more than two of their games on annual basis.


In late 2000, Capcom's Mr. Okamoto and several colleagues dropped by Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Wash., for a day of meetings and a night on the town with Xbox managers. After hours of swilling a concoction of vodka and lemon juice, the group tied napkins on their heads bandana-style, and passed pieces of chocolate cake around the table -- from mouth to mouth. The rollicking party helped cement Microsoft's ties with Capcom. "Seattle was a good time," chuckles Capcom's Mr. Okamoto. In time, he agreed to put "Onimusha" on the Xbox. ~ WSJ 26th March 2002.
Couldn't resist posting this again. :p


Man, DMC3 would be perfect for Xbox and its audience.

Oh well, i have a GC and PS2 for Crapcom games ;) RE4 yo!


ge-man said:
I agree with dark actually. As many mistakes as MS has made, the indifference to the system from Japanese developers played a bigger role. How can MS atract Japanese gamers if they are not getting the games that they want? The console was written off right from the start in favor of the PS2. That's what sunk it.

The Japanese indifference toward the console is one of MS's many mistakes. Capcom gave Xbox owners their chance, so did Sega and Konami and the Xbox userbase failed to embrace their products. Too bad Xbox owners.


ge-man said:
Wasn't there speculation that Okamoto's departure was somehow related to how console support had been handled by Capcom?

Yes, Okamoto wanted Capcom to support the Xbox more. He saw potential in the platform but Capcom, probably after Dino Crisis 3, saw that the system just wasn't that profitable and decided to dump it against Okamoto's will. So, Okamoto left. Keiji Inafune also mentioned that he likes the Xbox platform but its lack of sales and audience for a Capcom game like Onimusha and MegaMan are the reasons why he won't support it himself. Shinji Mikami hasn't commented on Xbox at all.


The Japanese indifference toward the console is one of MS's many mistakes. Capcom gave Xbox owners their chance, so did Sega and Konami and the Xbox userbase failed to embrace their products. Too bad Xbox owners.

I agree with Sega, but neither Capcom nor Konami ever gave MS a true chance in Japan with their portastic/craptastic releases.


IJoel said:
I agree with Sega, but neither Capcom nor Konami ever gave MS a true chance in Japan with their portastic/craptastic releases.

Its tough. In 2001, any non-Xbox fanboy knew that Xbox was doomed in Japan, including myself. Capcom and Konami PROBABLY knew this too. I suppose Capcom could have made BioHazard exclusive to Xbox or something and I guess it would raise Japanese sales a little bit, but WAY less than what it did for the GC - then Capcom would have dumped it. Konami on the other hand could have put Suikoden III on Xbox and it too would have bombed - and then Konami would have dumped it as well and both Capcom and Konami would be in even deeper troubles than they would be - hence the predictions were true and the giving Xbox owners chances as big as exclusivity would have been a big waste.
IJoel said:
I agree with Sega, but neither Capcom nor Konami ever gave MS a true chance in Japan with their portastic/craptastic releases.

Well they're like most 3rd parties, if your system isn't selling you aren't getting anything other than ports. Most companies aren't going to risk making a big name game for a system that's simply not selling in certain territories.

Plus MS has gotten Japanese developers to make games for them, why haven't they thought about making a game in Japans most popular genre (turnbased RPG's)? It just makes it seem like t hey aren't really trying or just simplydon't have a clue as to what they're doing.


Its tough. In 2001, any non-Xbox fanboy knew that Xbox was doomed in Japan, including myself. Capcom and Konami PROBABLY knew this too. I suppose Capcom could have made BioHazard exclusive to Xbox or something and I guess it would raise Japanese sales a little bit, but WAY less than what it did for the GC - then Capcom would have dumped it. Konami on the other hand could have put Suikoden III on Xbox and it too would have bombed - and then Konami would have dumped it as well and both Capcom and Konami would be in even deeper troubles than they would be - hence the predictions were true and the giving Xbox owners chances as big as exclusivity would have been a big waste.

Frankly, it's bullshit. If they want their games to sell, they need to cater to the NA/Europe audience as well. They HAVE franchises that appeal to those audiences. Games they could've released on Xbox:

- Devil May Cry
- Resident Evil Online
- Castlevania
- Metal Gear Solid 2/3 (this being when the game isn't a year old already :\)

I also doubt anything Capcom or Konami would've released in Japan would've made a significant difference. MS needed a huge game for Japan and nothing short of a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest would've done it. Even then, after overcoming that, they had to overcome the 'foreign' product stigma.

SolidSnakeX said:
Well they're like most 3rd parties, if your system isn't selling you aren't getting anything other than ports. Most companies aren't going to risk making a big name game for a system that's simply not selling in certain territories.

Plus MS has gotten Japanese developers to make games for them, why haven't they thought about making a game in Japans most popular genre (turnbased RPG's)? It just makes it seem like t hey aren't really trying or just simplydon't have a clue as to what they're doing.

There have been many high grossing 3rd party games on Xbox. I just think whoever approved those ports/games must've been stupid to even think that they'd sell well considering their quality/age.

Most companies do risk making big name games for a system that sells significant units in 2 out of 3 major regions. They currently ARE doing it.

MS just never had a chance with big japanese developers. I really don't think there's much they could've made to make a difference. I guess the only thing they can do is keep going and hope a strong showing for Xbox 2 in non-japanese regions will force japanese developers to release games for it.


Square and Enix were also approached to by Microsoft for developing software, but Square and Enix weren't as short sighted as the other big three Japanese developers were. I myself wonder of Ninja Gaiden's potential on the Japanese PS2 or the Japanese GameCube versus the Japanese Xbox one.


IJoel said:
Frankly, it's bullshit. If they want their games to sell, they need to cater to the NA/Europe audience as well. They HAVE franchises that appeal to those audiences. Games they could've released on Xbox:

- Devil May Cry
- Resident Evil Online
- Castlevania
- Metal Gear Solid 2/3 (this being when the game isn't a year old already :\)

I also doubt anything Capcom or Konami would've released in Japan would've made a significant difference. MS needed a huge game for Japan and nothing short of a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest would've done it. Even then, after overcoming that, they had to overcome the 'foreign' product stigma.

But if they only focus on the western markets, the Japanese companies will lose the trust of Japanese gamers in the long run and that isn't good. With the PS2 around, Capcom and Konami have a western market to run to anyway along with an equally huge Japanese market. The balance is also in the GameCube's favor overall. Had the Xbox been able to sell somewhere in the league of 2 million units then I suppose more Japanese support is justified, but Xbox's lousy 400,000 userbase isn't enough to support even the largest games. It just makes little sense.


Queen of Denmark
Square and Enix were also approached to by Microsoft for developing software, but Square and Enix weren't as short sighted as the other big three Japanese developers were. I myself wonder of Ninja Gaiden's potential on the Japanese PS2 or the Japanese GameCube versus the Japanese Xbox one.
I remember that poll on Tecmo's website a while back asking which platform Ninja Gaiden should appear on. GameCube won, while the Xbox was last.

Not that it means anything too significant -- what you said just reminded me of it.


But if they only focus on the western markets, the Japanese companies will lose the trust of Japanese gamers in the long run and that isn't good. With the PS2 around, Capcom and Konami have a western market to run to anyway along with an equally huge Japanese market. The balance is also in the GameCube's favor overall. Had the Xbox been able to sell somewhere in the league of 2 million units then I suppose more Japanese support is justified, but Xbox's lousy 400,000 userbase isn't enough to support even the largest games. It just makes little sense.

Well, DUH. Of course they can't dismiss the japanese market. They just have to be SMART as to what to release for which platform and where.

As I said previously, they would've sold a significant amount of games in US/Europe had they released the proper games for it. Simple enough. It's not about 'only' focusing on western markets. Read well what I said.


But if they only focus on the western markets, the Japanese companies will lose the trust of Japanese gamers in the long run and that isn't good. With the PS2 around, Capcom and Konami have a western market to run to anyway along with an equally huge Japanese market. The balance is also in the GameCube's favor overall. Had the Xbox been able to sell somewhere in the league of 2 million units then I suppose more Japanese support is justified, but Xbox's lousy 400,000 userbase isn't enough to support even the largest games. It just makes little sense.

And I expect a portion that 400K (I would guess 50K at least) is from other Asian countries that imported it (I am one of the early batch of people who imported the box, all because of DOA3, heh).
I myself wonder of Ninja Gaiden's potential on the Japanese PS2 or the Japanese GameCube versus the Japanese Xbox one.

If you want to base that off a similar game, DMC sold 569,763 in Japan and DMC2 sold 456,824 there. Ninja Gaiden has sold 56,053.


IJoel said:
Well, DUH. Of course they can't dismiss the japanese market. They just have to be SMART as to what to release for which platform and where.

As I said previously, they would've sold a significant amount of games in US/Europe had they released the proper games for it. Simple enough. It's not about 'only' focusing on western markets. Read well what I said.

OK genius, what can they release on Xbox that'll sell boatloads? More ports of stuff like RE Outbreak, Lament of Innocence, MGS3 and DMC? Those'll only help western markets since the Japanese have their PS2... and the western markets might or might not buy them. They certainly ignored previous ports of Onimusha, SH2 and MGS2 all of which were million, or multi million selling blockbusters on PS2. Face it, if the Japanese companies agreed with you, then we would see that happening but it isn't, and its too bad for Xbox only owners.

I suppose to be fair, I'll acknowledge Konami's approach to the Xbox with SH4, which was obviously crafted because SH3 didn't perform to well, and I suppose this approach would work to an extent but I don't see SH4 performing to well either.


SolidSnakex said:
If you want to base that off a similar game, DMC sold 569,763 in Japan and DMC2 sold 456,824 there. Ninja Gaiden has sold 56,053.

And then there's the Onimusha series, too.


Tecmo did a poll to ask people which console they would like to see NG on. Gamecube won by a long shot. XBOX results were pathetic.
Internet whores ? Probably.

But I am sure NG, JSR or PDO would have sold much better on the GC. And the same goes for the Silent Hill games.


OK genius, what can they release on Xbox that'll sell boatloads? More ports of stuff like RE Outbreak, Lament of Innocence, MGS3 and DMC? Those'll only help western markets since the Japanese have their PS2... and the western markets might or might not buy them. They certainly ignored previous ports of Onimusha, SH2 and MGS2 all of which were million, or multi million selling blockbusters on PS2. Face it, if the Japanese companies agreed with you, then we would see that happening but it isn't, and its too bad for Xbox only owners.

I suppose to be fair, I'll acknowledge Konami's approach to the Xbox with SH4, which was obviously crafted because SH3 didn't perform to well, and I suppose this approach would work to an extent but I don't see SH4 performing to well either.

As I said before, there's really nothing (or something significant enough) either Capcom or Konami can do about Japan for Xbox. Xbox needed a super popular RPG like FF or DQ to start off on the right foot.

Edit: And I'll stop here... I'm just repeating myself.


xsarien said:
Just, you know, observing:
When Acclaim dropped the Gamecube, this board lit up like it was the fucking Chinese new year about how Nintendo's doomed.

But Capcom drops the XBox, it's Capcom's own doing? At least be consistent, people. :p
Heh, too true. When a flurry of western publishers dropped GameCube, it was because the userbase wouldn't support their stuff and Nintendo failed to cultivate a decent market for 3rd party software. Then when Japanese publishers drop XBox, it's simply because they never gave it a fair chance in the first place, clearly their own fault and their eventual downfall for not realizing the significance of the western market or something. Heh, something tells me Capcom will be just fine without XBox. ;)


OK genius, what can they release on Xbox that'll sell boatloads? More ports of stuff like RE Outbreak, Lament of Innocence, MGS3 and DMC? Those'll only help western markets since the Japanese have their PS2... and the western markets might or might not buy them. They certainly ignored previous ports of Onimusha, SH2 and MGS2 all of which were million, or multi million selling blockbusters on PS2. Face it, if the Japanese companies agreed with you, then we would see that happening but it isn't, and its too bad for Xbox only owners.

I suppose to be fair, I'll acknowledge Konami's approach to the Xbox with SH4, which was obviously crafted because SH3 didn't perform to well, and I suppose this approach would work to an extent but I don't see SH4 performing to well either.

SH2 Saigo no uta X-BOX did quite bad I think (I have no number to back it up), there are still brand new copies around the shops but the PS2 version of Saigo no uta is a scarce item.

SH4 is not performing well even on PS2, I hope it can at least break 100K. It should do better in US and Europe, though. And you guys In US/Europe also have the X-BOX version of it released on the same day. I'd probably also import the US X-BOX version. Heh !

Onimusha and MGS2 on X-BOX were probably too old and not different enough to arouse interest.
I don't think they needed a super popular one. It'd helped if they'd just had a good one at launch. Something that could potentially interest customers who didn't want the system. Instead of trying to build their own RPG franchise there they tried for the impossible and tried to get Square-Enix on board a system who last year sold a total of 97k units in Japan.


xsarien--Hey, I'm actually being consistent myself. Nintendo has a similar situation over here. It's quite sad how both machines have had this road block. There's only so much either can do in this climate to actract more developers and gamers. It the chicken or the egg argument.
IJoel said:
Xbox needed a super popular RPG like FF or DQ to start off on the right foot.
Which no system ever gets, because Square and Enix have traditionally waited to see which platform has the highest userbase before moving ahead with Final Fantasy.

What you're essentially saying is that the only way Xbox could have "started off on the right foot" (let alone done well) in Japan is for a situation to occur that was by definition impossible.

I agree, of course.


IJoel said:
As I said before, there's really nothing (or something significant enough) either Capcom or Konami can do about Japan for Xbox. Xbox needed a super popular RPG like FF or DQ to start off on the right foot.

Edit: And I'll stop here... I'm just repeating myself.

So then, why are you complaining about their lack of support?
So then, why are you complaining about their lack of support?
I think he's complaining that they should have supported the Xbox more in foreign markets, like bringing out Devil May Cry with the expectation that most sales would be done in the US/EU.

Of course, considering abysmal sales of Sega's games in foreign territories I doubt THAT would have worked either.


If anyone's learned anything from the last few console wars, it takes more than one game to succeed, especially in Japan. It wasn't just Final Fantasy that made the PSone successful, it was BioHazard and Tekken's earlier successes which helped the PSone sell well. The N64 was successful because of Super Mario 64, but the rest of Nintendo's games and a few third party ones sealed the deal, despite the absence of Square.

While its nice to wonder whether or not SE has the power to raise the Xbox, I find myself doubting it would have amounted to much. The Xbox probably would still be considerably behind the GameCube, DQ and/or FF's sales would have dropped by 75% or so, and SE would have been criticized. Of course if it were FF and DQ exclusive, plus RE and DMC, and Onimusha and MGS, all built around for the Xbox, then we'd have the PS2.


When Acclaim dropped the Gamecube, this board lit up like it was the fucking Chinese new year about how Nintendo's doomed.

But Capcom drops the XBox, it's Capcom's own doing? At least be consistent, people. :p

Also consider that the Xbox's Capcom line-up is better than the GC's Capcom line-up. It's an arguable statement, but it goes to show that Capcom released all of their good games...they aren't required any more.

Secondly, the GC was abandoned by developers early in it's life...as far as the Xbox goes, this is it's last year.


Kobun Heat said:
I think he's complaining that they should have supported the Xbox more in foreign markets, like bringing out Devil May Cry with the expectation that most sales would be done in the US/EU.

Of course, considering abysmal sales of Sega's games in foreign territories I doubt THAT would have worked either.

I agree it wouldn't have worked. I can't imagine something like DMC working because the western Xbox game would sell less than its western PS2 counterpart anyway, and Japan would be lost almost completely. See where I'm getting at? People gawk at western support for these Japanese franchise games but they're simply unbeneficial compared to fleshed out support. Sheesh, I'm repeating myself too. Eck.


ourumov said:
But I am sure NG, JSR or PDO would have sold much better on the GC. And the same goes for the Silent Hill games.

Bullshit. NG put up good numbers on Xbox (i assume your talking about US market). Whats the best selling action game on GC?


Kobun Heat said:
I think he's complaining that they should have supported the Xbox more in foreign markets, like bringing out Devil May Cry with the expectation that most sales would be done in the US/EU.

Of course, considering abysmal sales of Sega's games in foreign territories I doubt THAT would have worked either.

I'm not complaining really. :p

But Kobun is right in what I tried to explain. Capcom and Konami would've done better with proper product placement. Simple as that.

As for Sega's abysmal sales, what games did they release that would've appealed to the mass market? JSRF? No. PDO? No. Rez? No. Shinobi? Yes (but guess what? a PS2 exclusive), etc...

Edit: And DMC would've certainly worked. Look at NG's sales. Of course, unless they did a craptastic port job and released it too late afterwards, as they all seem to do (and then expect it to do well.)


Queen of Denmark
Fight for Freeform said:
Also consider that the Xbox's Capcom line-up is better than the GC's Capcom line-up. It's an arguable statement, but it goes to show that Capcom released all of their good games...they aren't required any more.
I would heartily disagree with this statement.
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