efralope said:Was it Sega's fault that their Japanese-induced games Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, and Panzar Dragoon Orta bombed, even after help from Microsoft for massive TV campaigns (on MTV, Comedy Central, New TNN, etc...)
If I was Capcom, I would look at selling patterns like that before deciding what platforms to put my games on...
No, I'd say it WASN'T Sega's fault in those cases. Unlike Capcom's XBOX games, those games are actually really GOOD. Dino Crisis 3 is shit, their fighting game ports were based on OLD games and were actually inferior to original versions, Auto Modellista XB was a HORRIBLE port (disappearing cars and 5 fps are not a good thing), Tekki was WAY too niche and expensive (and they REALLLLLY screwed up with Line of Contact). They didn't deserve sales for those games, unlike Sega.
The point is that these games didn't fail because they were on XBOX, they failed because they SUCKED.