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Capcom bids farewell to Xbox......


JJConrad said:
Has it? They've only released 3 games and 2 of them haven't done that well.

Ninja Gaiden and DOA 3 done well. For a volleyball game, DOA done decent numbers (over 300k i think)

No Team Ninja games have bombed
Tecmo's success on the platform is not a fluke, IMO. NG has already passed the 600k mark in sales after 4 months of availability...it's extremely likely that it's making profit for them and will continue to do so as we haven't even hit the holiday season and the Platinum Hits phase of the release.

Capcom and other Japanese companies need to see XBOX as equal to other platforms (at least the GC) if they expect some success on it in the world market. Seeing only one territory, and a shrinking one at that, as their reason for making the decisions that they do is doomed thinking, IMO. They create a self-fulfilling prophecy of low to non-existent sales by not bothering to read and react to the market. If Capcom treated the XBOX, in Europe and North America, like they do with the PS2, I'm sure that you'd see much more successful releases on the platform. Look at Konami and what they're doing; they're releasing decent multi-platform titles on the system in markets where those titles traditionally do well, but avoid releasing them in Japan. They've adjusted their releases to suit the different markets.

This generation's lost for Japanese publishers on the XBOX...because of the failure of the system there, but mostly because they failed to adapt for the territories where the system is actually a success. Tecmo is the prime example of how to do this on XBOX. Others can follow or simply marginalize the platform.
JJConrad said:
Has it? They've only released 3 games and 2 of them haven't done that well.

Where does it say that every title needs to be a million-seller to do well? This is endemic to the sales-age type of thinking and is wrong, IMO. If DOAXVB did not make a tidy profit for Tecmo, then they spent far too much money making it.


Sucks at viral marketing
MightyHedgehog said:
Where does it say that every title needs to be a million-seller to do well? This is endemic to the sales-age type of thinking and is wrong, IMO. If DOXVB did not make a tidy profit for Tecmo, then they spent far too much money making it.
When did I say that they did. The main point of my post was the number of titles Tecmo has released, not how they've done.

Tecmo is developing almost exclusively for the Xbox. When you try to set up Tecmo as an example for other Japanese companies to follow, keep in mind that all 3 of those games were exclusive and insanely hyped (even DOAXB). Even then, the fanbase they built with DOA3 did not turn around and buy their other 2 games.

If Tecmo truely is an example for other japanese developers to be successful on the Xbox, than other japanese developers will also need to make the Xbox their primary focus to suceed. Capcom makes too many games, on too many consoles for this example to be helpful.
Only Team Ninja makes games exclusively for XBOX, one team that resides alongside at least two others in a relatively small Japanese publisher. Surely, Capcom could dedicate a single team to the console...as they are, in my estimation about 3 times larger than Tecmo.


AniHawk said:
Around 2 million among 3 games isn't bad at all.
It's 4 games actually. Fatal Frame counts also. :)

MightyHedgehog said:
Capcom and other Japanese companies need to see XBOX as equal to other platforms (at least the GC) if they expect some success on it in the world market. Seeing only one territory, and a shrinking one at that, as their reason for making the decisions that they do is doomed thinking, IMO. They create a self-fulfilling prophecy of low to non-existent sales by not bothering to read and react to the market. If Capcom treated the XBOX, in Europe and North America, like they do with the PS2, I'm sure that you'd see much more successful releases on the platform.
Thing is, Capcom doesn't need to do that. Avoiding XBox won't hurt them in the least when they have more stable, long term worldwide revenue streams in Nintendo and Sony platforms. Why give XBox the same push as PS2 when it commands less than a fifth the userbase? Why throw away highly lucrative licensing deals with Nintendo and Sony just to port RE or DMC to XBox?

I agree with Kobun. If Xbots lay blame anywhere, it should be with Microsoft for not going to whatever lengths Nintendo and Sony did for their big name Capcom franchises. Evidently, Dino Crisis 3 was as good as Microsoft felt they needed...

MightyHedgehog said:
Look at Konami and what they're doing; they're releasing decent multi-platform titles on the system in markets where those titles traditionally do well, but avoid releasing them in Japan. They've adjusted their releases to suit the different markets.
Er, all Konami's done is a few throwaway multiplatform games that go everywhere (TMNT, ESPN), some PC ports done by their western teams (DDR, YuGiOh, Silent Scope) and some notable ports Microsoft most likely paid for (PES, MGS2S). Silent Hill 4 even going to the platform had more to do with the series itself declining (and a simple PC based port) than the XBox userbase. And being honest here, Konami's perfromance on the platform is hardly stellar either.


i think you guys are undermining how well NG did...look at sales of similar action games on other platforms. it isnt easy for these games to clear a million in a short period of time nowadays. but i do think eventually NG will clear 1 million easily.
its actually about making games that cater to the strengths of the system i think. NG isnt a mainstream game at all, in fact its known as one of the tougher action games that came out recently. but still it sold well. why? excellent production values, top notch graphics and gameplay. obviously tecmo worked long and hard on it. its like a MGS or FF game, an AAA title. AAA games tend to start off a chain reaction of hype through the community, more people get exposed to the game, and in turn buy it once its out.
had capcom made an effort to create such a game on the xbox, i believe it would have performed similarly as well.
this is where the problem comes in, for many of the japanese devs, that would be too much trouble since there already is a well established platform, namely the ps2, to put forth such efforts on and get clear results. so why should they bother with xbox?
tecmo made their choice early on, got out of the gate running with DOA3, and established themselves as a name among the xbox owners. none of the other japanese devs did that with the xbox in the states. and as for japan, xbox doesnt have enough of a userbase to warrant such attention. so its all a vicious circle.
my point being, if you put forth strong effort, it will be noticed. capcom checked the waters with some weak and niche stuff. similarly sega's efforts, while excellent (PDO is my favorite xbox game) were very niche. JSRF, PDO, Gun Valkyrie, HoTD3...none of these have mainstream appeal. Crazy Taxi 3 was not a good sequel at all. and specifically, xbox owners being gamers who mostly like western styled games...they had even less chance selling, and went on to sell horribly.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I fully support Capcom on this courageous decision.


its not corageous, its an easy and normal decision. hell if i was their boss i would have done the same thing.

"xbox? what are you, crazy? shift all focus to ps2, immediately...pheh...make a game for xbox, what a nut. whats his name? demote that guy."

Dave Long

Jet Set Radio Future doesn't have mainstream appeal? House of the Dead 3 doesn't either?

If those two games can't appeal to the mainstream, then you guys are basically winning the argument for everyone against you. It's simply not worthwhile to make an Xbox game if you're a Japanese publisher unless you're willing to make them exclusive AND have Microsoft push them very hard. And even then, you might not succeed...

Seems like a no brainer to me. Just stop making games for Xbox. Especially when you know Japanese sales will be pure shit.


JSRF? heh, sega advertised the original like crazy, it was supposed to be one of the biggest dreamcats games of the year! nothing happened, it sold admirably, sure, but it didnt do as well as they hoped.
and arcade gun games...i dont know, i think sometimes you guys gauge the whole game market with your own hardcore-ness. you might buy it but i dont think gun games have large appeal anymore. not to mention they changed it to a shotgun gameplay, its not quite like the previous two, not as fast.

It's simply not worthwhile to make an Xbox game if you're a Japanese publisher unless you're willing to make them exclusive AND have Microsoft push them very hard.

not necessarily, but the games they ported actually had either bad gameplay or niche(steel battelion). but yes, if their efforts were stronger, perhaps the games would have sold.

Seems like a no brainer to me. Just stop making games for Xbox. Especially when you know Japanese sales will be pure shit.

of course einstein, of couse. that was the whole point of my post. but i'd also add american sales in your quote.


Hellraizah said:
Next gen, Capcom will regret not supporting the leader.

C'mon. I know Capcom has only been giving the system a few games, but from here out it looks like support will probably be picking up a little. Supporting the Gamecube is really going to pay off for them next gen.


Shoryuken said:
C'mon. I know Capcom has only been giving the system a few games, but from here out it looks like support will probably be picking up a little. Supporting the Gamecube is really going to pay off for them next gen.
If Nintendo takes the 1rst place in sales next gen, I'll fuck a camel live on webcam.


I don't think Capcom will regret anything.

Ask all those developers who left the GameCube...they're probably patting themselves on the back right now.

It's the Xbox's last year, and there is no hope for the Xbox in Japan. They are releasing their best videogame ever on the Xbox...it's better to go out on a bang like this IMO.


Fight for Freeform said:
I don't think Capcom will regret anything.

Ask all those developers who left the GameCube...they're probably patting themselves on the back right now.

It's the Xbox's last year, and there is no hope for the Xbox in Japan. They are releasing their best videogame ever on the Xbox...it's better to go out on a bang like this IMO.

Their best videogame ever? What exactly would that be?


The thing is, I don't see how Microsoft can ever win in Japan. Usually you only get one shot in that market.


Fight for Freeform said:

I don't know if I'd call that their best game ever, but it will definitely be a treat. I would like to try some 3rd strike online, but I can't stand either of the Xbox pad's d-pads for fighters, outside of DOA.


many of the Xbox games are bankrolled by MS anyway, so it didn't matter to Capcom how well their Xbox games sold. I don't know how much Capcom got from MS, but I do know Namco got some sick money for their Xbox titles (even for the non-exclusive ones).

considering how games like Dino Crisis 3 turned out, Capcom should have just taken the money and pack pieces of turd in lime green DVD cases coz the gamers wouldn't have noticed anyway.
As most have said, Capcom and Konami, have given a few ports, but it think the only way a Japanese game will truly Sell is if it is molded for the us customer and is hyped. I think, capcom just doing fighting games for X-box is the correct thing for them at this time, and Capcom would have to really try a on AAA title on the X-box, if they wanted it to sell. An example would be making a new Devil May Cry that was just for the x-box, that was not a port of 1 and 2, and it pushed the graphics big time.
I kind of agree, with someone that said that alot of the x-box fan base seem to be inclined to support more western titles. A friend of mine just bought an x-box this week, who used to be a big nintendo supporter in the 8bit and 16bit days ( I on the other hand supported Sega), I thought he would get a PS2 or Gamecube if he bought a system this generation, but he got an X-box. Intially, I was shocked at first , till I rembered he was big into pc games after the 16 bit generation, and since he has a fmaily and it is easier for him to buy the x-box then upgrade to a new pc. These days he tend to snub most Japanese developed games.
I know Sega games didn't do that well on the x-box, but besides the Sonic games, and Virtua Fighters not many of thier games have sold well for Sega. Alot of Sega's games are real niche in this day and time, and thier games dont have mainstream appeal as they once did. :(
Even though I will pay the MSRP price for spikeout and Outrun 2, I don't think others will. I Hope spikeout does well, since thier aren't any online beat em ups, but I have my doubts.


Shoryuken said:
I don't know if I'd call that their best game ever, but it will definitely be a treat. I would like to try some 3rd strike online, but I can't stand either of the Xbox pad's d-pads for fighters, outside of DOA.


Your friend


Fight for Freeform said:
Ask all those developers who left the GameCube...they're probably patting themselves on the back right now.
Actually, a few of them have greenlighted new releases it seems (Second Sight, Intellivision Lives, Midway Arcade Treasures 2, etc).
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