Well, this is how I see it:
If you want people to buy your games, in particular, the kinds of games you make and are known for, then you need to make that pattern apparent. Capcom is well-known for RE and Mega Man, and the like. Capcom has not put any of these titles on the platform and, instead, releases old ports and games that, not only are they not known for, but also some of the worst entries into those particular genres. Capcom and racing games? No. Capcom and fishing games? No. Capcom and incredibly expensive games that only 1% of 1% of the hardcore fanbase on any platform would buy? No. Capcom simply did not give anything but niche, crappy, and old games to the system. They've done themselves no favors by setting themselves up for failure with a history of non-Capcom-type games on the platform. 2D fighting gaming is as dead as a doornail, though a small fanbase will still buy them and that's the bulk of Capcom's fanbase on the system. Anyway, Capcom (and others) do nothing to help their situation by not telegraphing their intent to the platform's audience. Who expected two shitty racing games, one which is exclusive, from them on XBOX? That's not what I'm looking for when I think Capcom.