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Capcom bids farewell to Xbox......


The more I look the charts the less I understand the SEGA strategy this gen...The day of launch in Europe of NGC, I bought Super Monkey Ball.
If JSRF had been on the platfform I would have bought both and I am sure I wouldn't have been alone.
Oh damn... A so good game...So badly ignored.


Seeing these Sega charts again, I'm still boggled as to why Sega has cut back GC support even more. It boggles the mind. Boggled, I tells ya.
jarrod said:
I'm a little surprised Sega still releases any XBox content outside the ESPN line given their performance on the platform. Then again, it's Sega. ;)

I am glad they do support the machine. It gave me alot of sega fames and thier are still some sega love in the wing: outrun2, spikeout and if the rumors are true. Super Monley Ball. As for capcom, it is thier choice, but people like me who owns multiple gaming machines get the capcom games on PS2.
I am actually surprised how Capcom and konamia have given a few port to X-box. I don't think the X-box had much of a chance in Japan, since many japanses customers are xenophobic toward some western products, Plus, I don't think Microsoft didn't know how to sell to the japanese, an example of this: barbie doll sold terriable in Japan till matel completely redesigned the doll for the Japanese taste.
I never understood ,why in almost every X-box thread that deal with support, why nintendo fan always complain about Sega not dropping x-box for Gamecube. Sega is going to do what they want, the same as capcom.

Dave Long

Culex said:
Seeing these Sega charts again, I'm still boggled as to why Sega has cut back GC support even more. It boggles the mind. Boggled, I tells ya.

No kidding. Even Billy Hatcher has outsold everything they released on Xbox and all but the best selling games on PS2. WTF is wrong with them?! Seems obvious a lot of their fanbase picked up and moved to Gamecube.

Oh, also, Nightshade is $20 at TRU for anyone that didn't get it yet and was waiting for the price drop. Lowest I've seen.


Do I miss Capcom's support?... of course. Having VJ would be pretty cool. But in this day and age it's far more important to have games like Driv3r on your system. As far as the general gamer is concerned... Driv3r >>>> VJ.

BTW Capcom... nice fuck up on Red Dead Revolver.


just to make sure, im not saying MS doesnt need japanese dev support. but specifically capcom's xbox games havent been stunning, and IMO lately their action game quality has been less than steller, in general.
chaos legion, dmc 2, dino crisis 3 arent really good games. auto modellista, and their xbox Xclusive racing game both sucked. havent played VJ though, but thats ONE game. the cell shaded arpg looks pretty generic as well.
MS needs as much japanese support as they can get, but actual "good" support, not bad games. if good, more mainstream oriented games than panzer are made for the xbox, they'll sell. like what tecmo makes for instance.
"-Devil May Cry series
-Viewtiful Joe series
-Monster Hunter
-Street Fighter III series
-PowerStone series
-Monster Hunter
-Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
-MegaMan Battle Network series
-MegaMan Zero series
-Trial Inversion series
-Maximo series
-Marvel Vs Capcom 2
-Capcom Vs SNK series
-Cannon Spike
-Onimusha series
-Resident Evil Remake/Zero/Outbreak
-Steel Batallion
-JoJo series
-Gregory Horror Show
-Gotcha Force
-Crimson Tears"

Wow that's a lot of crap and ports bar a few. I liked the Dreamcast games. In my original post I meant to exclude the Dreamcast from this gen. The PowerStone Games were awesome. Where are they this gen?


If Capcom gave them good games it wouldn't matter. The only reason Team Ninja succeeds is because their games have objectified women or swing their look to a more western style(hi Ninja Gaiden). The xbox audience want guns and cars. Capcom would have to do a Dead to Rights deal.

And GC owners would welcome a Marvel Vs Capcom 2 port.

Wow that's a lot of crap and ports bar a few.

That is why Capcom games don't sell. Owners would rather have mediocre western games than good Japanese games.
Wow, I'm surprised that this thread has gotten so big... The pure and simple fact of the matter is that, outside of an old online 2D fighting port and a niche $200 game, Capcom gave most XBOX owners nothing great to be happy with...no new good exclusives that could sell well (at a $50 price tag)...no new and cool online games...mostly nothing. They shouldn't expect much if they aren't giving much. Now, if they had released Monster Hunter on XBOX, or RE Outbreak, or something that felt like a major seller, this probably wouldn't be the same situation that it is now. You reap what you sow.


well, max payne, dead to rights thats the stuff thats "in" right now. gamecube owners are nintendo fans who are more used to japanese games, and thus they'd buy japanese styled games more. so far those are obvious conclusions.
but i'm not sure if a game like RE or DMC wouldnt sell on the xbox. i think those game would be the type to sell.
nitewulf said:
well, max payne, dead to rights thats the stuff thats "in" right now. gamecube owners are nintendo fans who are more used to japanese games, and thus they'd buy japanese styled games more. so far those are obvious conclusions.
but i'm not sure if a game like RE or DMC wouldnt sell on the xbox. i think those game would be the type to sell.

Yeah, well, Capcom and gamers will never know since they didn't bother trying.


MightyHedgehog said:
no new good exclusives that could sell well (at a $50 price tag)

Why the fuck would a Japanese company throw away a good exclusive on the Xbox when they could release it and sell millions on the PS2 and to a lesser extent on the Cube?
You don't know until you bother trying. Saying it won't happen and not doing anything about it doesn't prove shit. After all, Tecmo (Team Ninja) sells well on XBOX. Konami's done some decent numbers.


MightyHedgehog said:
You don't know until you bother trying. Saying it won't happen and not doing anything about it doesn't prove shit. After all, Tecmo (Team Ninja) sells well on XBOX. Konami's done some decent numbers.

Well, Sega tried, and probably Capcom thought instead of repeating Sega's mistake, they save themselves some money and learn from their fellow Japanese company's mistake...

If I was Capcom, I'd just look at the sales numbers, see the obvious, and in spite of a minority of fans that do buy games like Panzar Dragoon Orta and JSRF, just leave well enough alone and focus on the platforms where Japanese games are selling...

Dead or Alive 3 sold great, and Ninja Gaiden did decent (not the million-seller that some predicted), but other than that, most Japanese games haven't done well on XBox, so why would Capcom spend their money, when other companies (like Sega) have already learned costly mistakes of too much support for XBox (Japanese-style game wise)...
Well, they don't even have to give exclusives...they could simply bring over popular games from other platforms (DMC, VJ, RE, etc.) but they're giving XBOX owners crap that sold like crap on other platforms. Point is, Capcom doesn't expect much from XBOX, and XBOX owners shouldn't expect much from them -- it's a two-way street here.


Sucks at viral marketing
MightyHedgehog said:
Well, they don't even have to give exclusives...they could simply bring over popular games from other platforms (DMC, VJ, RE, etc.) but they're giving XBOX owners crap that sold like crap on other platforms. Point is, Capcom doesn't expect much from XBOX, and XBOX owners shouldn't expect much from them -- it's a two-way street here.
You mean, like Onimusha?
Ummm...that's one title at launch...an enhanced port of one already old game does not a software lineup make. Sure, it sold great on the PS2, but, again, it was old hat when it hit the XBOX, and it's pretty much one of a few titles that could be considered decent from Capcom on XBOX. The vast majority of Capcom's XBOX stuff sucks.

I'll add to IJoel's list of Capcom XBOX lineup:

Steel Battalion - Well, kickass game, but at a $200+ price tag it probably outperformed.
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact - Sux
Auto Modellista - Sux
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO - Old port scraps
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Old port scraps
Group S Challenge - Sux
Dino Crisis 3 - Sux
Pro Cast Sports Fishing - Meh
Robin Hood Defender of the Crown - Sux
Genma Onimusha - Old port scraps with a few differences


The problem with Onimusha was that it was a release title and CAPCOM didn't have enough time to add the first person view to the game...
If they had done it, Onimusha XBOX would have been a great seller.

It's CAPCOM fault ALWAYS...It's not that XBOX userbase ISN't interested on those games.
ourumov said:
The problem with Onimusha was that it was a release title and CAPCOM didn't have enough time to add the first person view to the game...
If they had done it, Onimusha XBOX would have been a great seller.

This is... sarcasm?


It was intended as a sarcasm...But the sad about it is that I am probably right and if XBOX had received a Samurai FPS game, it would have sold more than Onimusha...
Perhaps Capcom's Breakdown ?


Sucks at viral marketing
nitewulf said:
but only the first onimusha sold very well in the states. oni 2 didnt do as well. and oni 3 just came out so we will see how that goes.
Then its a good thing that was an enhanced port of the first game. Plus, he had VJ in his list, so there's no complaining about O2's sales.

I get the feeling the Mighty wouldn't be satisified with Capcom's support even with DMC, VJ, and RE on the Xbox. They'd all just be "old ports."


yeah but still ports tend to not do as well. personally i dont know why genma onimusha didnt do that well on the xbox, its odd. i just dont think all xbox owners dislike japanese games, thats seems an unlikely generalization.
No, I think it'd be nice if those games made their way to XBOX in any form, but it doesn't change the fact that Capcom, from the start, has snubbed the XBOX, compared to the other systems. I'm simply pointing out that Capcom hasn't really tried as hard with XBOX and therefore should not expect much. Much smaller Japanese companies put forth more effort than Capcom on the MS machine.
What does it matter if we don't have access to the production/marketing budgets of games? ~200k is enough to be profitable on smaller releases and ~500k is enough for bigger releases.
I'm not proposing anything. As I've said time and time again, Capcom doesn't treat the XBOX on the same level as the other systems...so they should expect reciprocation of the same level.
MightyHedgehog said:
As I've said time and time again, Capcom doesn't treat the XBOX on the same level as the other systems...so they should expect reciprocation of the same level.
And I'm suggesting that you might be putting the cart before the horse; Capcom knows that they'd pretty much get effed up the A releasing games for the Xbox, so they eventually stopped giving it much thought.


Sucks at viral marketing
nitewulf said:
yeah but still ports tend to not do as well. personally i dont know why genma onimusha didnt do that well on the xbox, its odd. i just dont think all xbox owners dislike japanese games, thats seems an unlikely generalization.
I wouldn't say that all Xbox owners dislike japanese games, either. I would say that the Xbox has picked up a lot of PC gamers and that's where the Xbox's game-sales tend to be the strongest. There just aren't a lot of japanese PC games.

MightyHedgehog said:
No, I think it'd be nice if those games made their way to XBOX in any form, but it doesn't change the fact that Capcom, from the start, has snubbed the XBOX, compared to the other systems. I'm simply pointing out that Capcom hasn't really tried as hard with XBOX and therefore should not expect much. Much smaller Japanese companies put forth more effort than Capcom on the MS machine.
At the beginning Capcom actually gave the Xbox very decent support. Even today, when you compare their Xbox list to the other systems, its not that different. Instead of DMC, VJ, or RE there's Dino Crisis and Steel Battalion. The bulk of Capcom's lineups include old ports for everybody.

The biggest difference between lineups is Capcom's japanese lineups; where the PS2 completely dominates. However, most of those games never get released outside of Japan. Unless, you think that they should port all those games to the Xbox in Japan, too?
Well, this is how I see it:

If you want people to buy your games, in particular, the kinds of games you make and are known for, then you need to make that pattern apparent. Capcom is well-known for RE and Mega Man, and the like. Capcom has not put any of these titles on the platform and, instead, releases old ports and games that, not only are they not known for, but also some of the worst entries into those particular genres. Capcom and racing games? No. Capcom and fishing games? No. Capcom and incredibly expensive games that only 1% of 1% of the hardcore fanbase on any platform would buy? No. Capcom simply did not give anything but niche, crappy, and old games to the system. They've done themselves no favors by setting themselves up for failure with a history of non-Capcom-type games on the platform. 2D fighting gaming is as dead as a doornail, though a small fanbase will still buy them and that's the bulk of Capcom's fanbase on the system. Anyway, Capcom (and others) do nothing to help their situation by not telegraphing their intent to the platform's audience. Who expected two shitty racing games, one which is exclusive, from them on XBOX? That's not what I'm looking for when I think Capcom.
Well, quite a lot of it can be put right on the shoulders of Microsoft. They didn't go hard after the exclusives that would have made more sense. MS made Steel Battalion possible, went after a port of Onimusha, secured Dino Crisis 3 exclusive... etc. Don't think for a second that that early lineup was just Capcom's doing. MS has the job of going to them and arranging the lineup. They failed. And Capcom wasn't about to keep beating a dead horse.
Perhaps, but Capcom has ultimate control over their releases. Putting MS in the driver's seat of a wreck isn't being fair as Capcom signed off on what they did.


MightyHedgehog said:
I'm not proposing anything. As I've said time and time again, Capcom doesn't treat the XBOX on the same level as the other systems...so they should expect reciprocation of the same level.

It's not just Capcom, but other Japanese developers, but you can't boil it down to whether an audience likes games from a particular company or not, but rather what type of games the audience like...

The XBox audience has already shunned Sega's Japanese games, and in general, Western games do very well on XBox, while Japanese ones get lost in the shuffle...

So basically, what you are saying is that Capcom should take a step that other Japenese developers have taken, even though it hasn't really proven worthy for them...


MightyHedgehog said:
It has for Tecmo.

it hasn't for most other companies, plus you are really talking about one launch game, even Ninja Gaiden didn't exactly stir the pot too much except for March basically (unlike DOA which sold about a million in the US alone)...

Besides, DOA was the only major fighting game on XBox for quite a while, with a lot of marketing support from Microsoft, unlike the GCN Japanese games, which kind of sell on word-of-mouth pretty much...


Nintendo fans, let it go. Don't stoop to the level some other fans can be on this board (despite going there already).
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