Does anyone feel like the AI overall just plays the opposite of you? Usually I turtle and count my blessings but im being aggressive and wiped out Babylon and everyone is kinda chilling and stacking great art.
It's funny how I used to be a warmongering asshole.
Now, with BNW, I want to be a shining beacon of hope for the world, as they fall before my onslaught of tourism and culture.
It used to be worse, the AI was made originally to be "another player", meaning that they would try to win the game at all costs and would never help you without that goal in mind.
It roleplays more now, but that's still the core of its behavior.
I had the most peaceful game of Civ ever going until last night when I hit around 1940 AD and Germany randomly decides to attack one of my protected CSs. Next thing I know, Austria is calling me up to surprise attack Germany. I go for it and all the sudden Alexander, my oldest friend, denounces me and everyone in turn denounces him. It feels like a WWII was coded in to start at 1940 because my world politics used to be friendly for everyone except Egypt, and now it's mulitple wars and betrayal all over the place. Good thing I'm the only one with subs on this archipelago map![]()
It's funny how I used to be a warmongering asshole.
Now, with BNW, I want to be a shining beacon of hope for the world, as they fall before my onslaught of tourism and culture.
Still better than roleplaying only, tbh.
A switch would be nice, though.
He woke up at 12 and had been playing for 6 hours straight without me lol
Had a friend who was hating on Civ V. He tried to play it alone, said it was wack. I kinda chipped at him for a week or so and he admitted he just didn't know what he was doing. We just had a multiplayer sessions and now he wants to start over so he can make a better build order. He didn't want to stop playing, either. I HAVE DESTROYED ANOTHER LIFE!
This was one of the few good aspects of Civ Rev. As you approached victory, the whole world would declare war on you (on Deity anyway).It'd be nice if the AI recognized it can't win, and threw it's force behind whoever has the best relations and has a shot at winning.
That said, are the harder difficulties super unfair feeling? Or is it actually pretty well done?
Just finished my first ever game.
I enjoyed it on a superficial level, but looking back and considering the absolute lack of depth and challenge, I can't help but feel this game's actually pretty bad.
Are there difficulty levels in this game?
Play the game on Emperor at least before you say this.
I mean you can build or buy another one. You still have the route you just no longer have the unit to complete it.So if a trade route gets plundered are you just screwed? I also am still really shaky on Great Works and Tourism.
Just finished my first ever game.
I enjoyed it on a superficial level, but looking back and considering the absolute lack of depth and challenge, I can't help but feel this game's actually pretty bad.
Are there difficulty levels in this game?
Open as many borders as you can, get all your spies spreading propaganda as Diplomats, maximize your great work bonuses, and continue churning out Great Musicians you can concert bomb with.Just managed my first Cultural victory in BNW. 9 player map on Prince as Pedro (Brazil), took until 2050 AD. Seemed really inefficient, need to find a way to speed that up.
Open as many borders as you can, get all your spies spreading propaganda as Diplomats, maximize your great work bonuses, and continue churning out Great Musicians you can concert bomb with.
I played this a while ago, and it just devolves into me declaring war on people and nuking all of my enemies and their allies. Needless to say I'd make a terrible head of state.
1000x Mongolia. Their unique unit is so overpowered that you can decimate your opponents and win the game before needing oil.So got a question for you guys. Which Civ do you think is better for a military victory, Mongolia or Arabia? The Khan general is a great bonus, but so is double oil and $.
So got a question for you guys. Which Civ do you think is better for a military victory, Mongolia or Arabia? The Khan general is a great bonus, but so is double oil and $.
Anybody else feel like the diplomatic victory is made available a little bit too early in the game? I'm currently finishing up my Manhattan Project, and nobody else have yet to pick an ideology, yet the diplomatic victory is available in a couple of turns...
so is there a way to stall a diplomatic victory vote or will alexander win every time? kinda feel like it should need... something maybe that you can engineer a screwup
Yeah I just meant short term screwed because of how long Caravans and Cargo Ships take to build. Oh well, I should have known better. It seems to me though that trade routes should be fairly low priority for the Ancient and early Classical era at least. The bonuses aren't good enough when you need to build your cities and army up.I mean you can build or buy another one. You still have the route you just no longer have the unit to complete it.
As for tourism and great works you gotta play around with both. Pick a civ ideal for it like France, Venice, or Brazil.
While my game as Venice was fun, playing a game now as Shoshone is awesome too. Great Expanse feels like cheating.I lost...
Venice makes the diplomatic victory super easy. Just get in bed with all the city states through the merchants of venice, make sure to build the Forbidden City wonder (two delegates) and your golden on the world congress/united nations.