This might be in teh OP, I didn't look, but how do you increase the amount of trade routes you can hold?
Usually from different techs (Sailing, Compass, Engineering etc.), Venice get double.
Just been reading some of the available tenets for each ideology, god DAMN some of them are powerful. I didn't realise till now that you can only pick one tenet per tier which will make decisions harder but further increase your flexibility and add to replay value.
Definitely eyeing up autocracy, and since I know I'm going to play as Shaka, I'll be able, for example to reduce unit maintenance by 33% on top of the 50% reduction Shaka gets as his UA...
Terracotta Army now duplicates your land army :lol Can also purchase Industry+ units with faith if you get the Reformation belief, going to try some crazy religious game later.
Check Buy/Sell thread in Community for Dunder, or you can trade like 6-7 TF2 keys for a copy at TF2Outpost, keys are ~$2 on Steam Market.
Do you need to stay behind the VPN until friday? Or is it different for DLC and I can just stay on my ip?
Just need the VPN to activate it.
I started as Venice planning on playing a relatively peaceful, trading-oriented game to get used to some of the new mechanics.
I started just north of Shaka.
We have been at war for two thousand years now.
Dude does not know when to quit.
Edit: Actually, I seem to be in a pretty bad way. I've been spending all my Venetian trading lucre on fighting Shaka, while Ashurbanipal has basically been running roughshod over the entire rest of the continent. According to the trading interface he is now 7 techs ahead of me, which is, uh, not good. I'm not sure what the situation is precisely, but from the rate of age progression of unknown civs I think that one of the unmet civs is dominating across the ocean.
So I've got two runaways, a belligerent neighbor who's draining my dosh, and I kinda let the whole thing get away from me because I was so fixated on learning the new systems.
I can't even remember the last time I lost a game of Civ 5 on King difficulty, but it might be about to happen.
I powered through a game in the last 2 nights, as Rome. It was just me and Arabia on North America, with me in roughly the US and him in Canada, but the sneaky little prick snuck down and grabbed most of the southern most states and Mexico (I had a little output near Panama). It was all going OK, my religion - always Judaism, I dunno why - was pushing out his relatively well. I was going for a science victory and he just flat out declares war on me out of no where. I had by far the lowest "pointiest sticks" of everyone. He surrounded one of my cities in New England, and that was the last time he was ever ahead. Thanks to my science pursuit, I had my (purchased) paratroopers blowing away his stupid camel archers, my Battleships and Artillery were massacring his coastal cities and my bombers were carpet bombing his interior cities. I began taking them and he finally sued for peace by giving me 3 cities and a bunch of Horses (gee, thanks). I declined, Nuked Mecca and then re-offered the same deal which he accepted. Take that, you fucker.
why can't Jews and Arabs ever get along?
He started man. He started it.
(It really is just like real life. Israel to nuke Mecca confirmed?)
you're only hope is cultural/diplomatic victory
create some kind of buffer between you Shaka then sue for peace. Focus the rest of your gold on getting chummy with the city states. If you're neighbours are more advanced, they'll probably get an ideology before you, if they go for the same one, go with their ideology.
oh my days hotspot shield works and with no problems ohhhh my days full download speed ohhh my days.
How did you get it working? Steam keeps forcing itself into offline mode if I try to start with it enabled.
I had no luck with FlyVPN or Spotflux as well.
is it worth starting if i couldn't for the love of me win even one campaign before this expansion? I just want to peacefully win without having to attack anybody
I just sarted it up and used a false email and password to sign up for 7 days. Didn't do anything else.
Game doesn't want to load up as BNW though, still shows god's and kingsI need that missing .dll file but the only link on the internet no longer has it.
For those of you who like military strategies, when is the earliest you go on the offensive? If you explore some ruins and get an upgrade, do you just go straight for it (even just to kill the workers and settlers that another faction creates, choking them off early if not outright taking their city) or do you wait til you have a few siege units and do it "properly"? I never really go for all out military, though I typically concentrate on tech and then hope to over-tech people in war rather than use numbers (ie bombers vs archers).
I guess GMG hasn't released the keys for everyone yet, is that right?
For those of you who like military strategies, when is the earliest you go on the offensive? If you explore some ruins and get an upgrade, do you just go straight for it (even just to kill the workers and settlers that another faction creates, choking them off early if not outright taking their city) or do you wait til you have a few siege units and do it "properly"? I never really go for all out military, though I typically concentrate on tech and then hope to over-tech people in war rather than use numbers (ie bombers vs archers).
In previous games I might rush a neighbour within the first 15 turns.
It's very difficul to do that in Civ V though, because regardless of how many units they have, a city with one citizen is by all accounts a fuly armed and operational battle station.
I think they could have balanced that by say, tieing city bombard damage to improvements like walls and castles.
In Civ V I start the game fairly insular and my military escapades are generally reserved for barbarians, since destroying encampments is an easy way to get chummy with City States who can give you a boost when your civ is still young.
Is it even possible to take cities from just village upgrades? I don't believe so, but I suppose it would depend on the difficulty. But I will often steal settlers that a neighbor sends in my direction. You'll most likely take a pretty big diplomacy hit from doing this, but it's worth it to stop your neighbor during that initial land-grab. Plus, hey, free worker. I won't ever start war just for enemy workers though - isn't worth it.
When war-monging, I typically do it "properly", after the initial land-grab is about done and borders are established. That way I better know in which direction I want to expand too.
Using the Great Library to pop Iron Working is always an easy road to early domination.
Gah, I should have done that when Arabia went land-grabbing down south. They were usually guarded, but I'm sure I could have found one or two instances where they weren't. I did have a fun little cat and mouse game where both me and Arabia were rushing to settle next to a wonder. I had to use an archer and some nearby mountains to basically funnel him into a dead end so my settler could get there. Then the settler (and his escort) just went wandering around aimlessly for about 12 turns.
Gah, I should have done that when Arabia went land-grabbing down south. They were usually guarded, but I'm sure I could have found one or two instances where they weren't.