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Class of Heroes 2 |OT| Our dungeons go to 11!

The map is sold at the school, or the Mage learns a spell a little later.
Gotcha. I ventured out haphazardly, because I knew I wasn't going to save my game anyway. I'm also sure there's a lot I missed because I skipped all of the text. I'm gonna try and dive in proper this weekend and start a real game.
CJ has your map answer.

I use the L/R triggers to sidestep and the analog or D-pad to go forward/back. Makes it pretty easy to move through an area quickly (once you know there aren't traps in the area. :)
Oh, awesome. Good to know. Thanks again.


Cool, gotcha.

Yeah, its a start. Btw isnt the digital version supposed to have a digital manual too? I know there is usually a little book icon when zooming out to the Vita home menu, unless i'm confusing that with PS1/Vita games.

There isn't a digital manual with the game, PSP games seem to be a hit or miss with including a digital manual.



Cool, gotcha.

Yeah, its a start. Btw isnt the digital version supposed to have a digital manual too? I know there is usually a little book icon when zooming out to the Vita home menu, unless i'm confusing that with PS1/Vita games.

We just put up a full size manual as a download because, being our first PSP game, I didn't realize until very late in the process that PSP online manual format is *completely different* than the PSP physical manual and would require a totally new layout, start to finish. There wasn't time/money for that, so we just did the full manual online, and P+d buyers will get a real-deal paper manual with the physical game.

In the future, even if we did include an online manual, it would probably not be much more than a controls cheatsheet and maybe some tips because of how radically different the layout is than a regular PSP manual.


Sketchbook Picasso
First off, it's so cool to get this at Midnight. Happiest PSN downloading experience yet, lol.

I'm totally thrown off by how quick everything started. No OP (I know why), no company logo screen, just... BAM, GAME.

For a person who'se main experience with Wizardry style games is multi plays of the PSN Wizardry downloadable demo (and fumbling around in Unchained Blades "why am I still here?" Chapter 1 dungeon), I have to ask... Why is the "Random bonus points distributed during class creation" thing... a thing? Is it just an outdated roleplay standby? I'm pretty happy with my 22, then I see a 25... and a whopping 39! Number crunchin' RNG mayhem! The Gamer in me wants to grind all near-40s for everyone... my sensible side just wants to get into a dungeon!

I'm surprised how fast I'm thrown into everything, and with so little explanation. It's pretty nice, but I also feel a bit bewildered. Do I get to respect my character after "playing god" (haha, nice), or are they stuck as a "novice", if I can't give them the stats to be something epic like a Puppeteer or Idol? Wizardry-style games safely assume "You've done this before... NOW HAVE AT IT!", eh?

All these places to go! Meddle around until you figure something out! (Go to beginners brush, you dummy!)

Wow, those Triumphs sound like they're gonna take some real gameplay to get!

These maps seems to list every dungeon-place in the game... that's kinda surprising.

6 Character limit for names! My "Deedlit" will just have to be "Dee'd", I suppose...

I already like the music, ha.

Just some impressions from a genre neophyte... This doesn't feel anything like Unchained Blades ATM, lol. *Happily hums as he gets back to playin'*


I wouldn't worry too much about rerolling for a really high bonus point total. In the other games like this one, stats would lower at level-up until they were more normalized with the class/race combo. So if you put ten points into strength for a gnome, they'd lose a bit over time. I've gained a few levels in this game and things seem to be the same.

So you get some diminishing returns on the higher numbers. Generally, I'd look for about 28 bonus points as your minimum, it's pretty easy to roll that on this game and it'll do fine. If you happen to roll a 40 or something in the process, well, that works too.


We just put up a full size manual as a download because, being our first PSP game, I didn't realize until very late in the process that PSP online manual format is *completely different* than the PSP physical manual and would require a totally new layout, start to finish. There wasn't time/money for that, so we just did the full manual online, and P+d buyers will get a real-deal paper manual with the physical game.

In the future, even if we did include an online manual, it would probably not be much more than a controls cheatsheet and maybe some tips because of how radically different the layout is than a regular PSP manual.

On the PSN store or on the Class of Heroes 2 site?

EDIT: Pretty happy with my party so far, but I need to get some actual equipment for my characters, and turn my lead into a Samurai. Btw, any reason why sometimes my Ranger can attack from the back row with her dagger? Or is it just a case of it being late at night, and not noticing someone knocked to the back to switch positions temporarily?


First off, it's so cool to get this at Midnight. Happiest PSN downloading experience yet, lol.

I think that worked out really neat, too. Almost like a real-world midnight movie/game release event.

I wouldn't get too hung up on making the bestest characters ever. As long as you have a reasonable balance you should be fine. The game drops you into the action pretty quickly, but the curve is pretty mild so you can figure things out as you go and more is explained and/or becomes obvious. Just save a LOT, in multiple slots, so you can back up in case a resurrect goes bad or a quest or quests disappear before you can get to them.

Thanks again for your support!


On the PSN store or on the Class of Heroes 2 site?

EDIT: Pretty happy with my party so far, but I need to get some actual equipment for my characters, and turn my lead into a Samurai. Btw, any reason why sometimes my Ranger can attack from the back row with her dagger? Or is it just a case of it being late at night, and not noticing someone knocked to the back to switch positions temporarily?

The link to the full size PDF was in the email with the PSN code that was sent out.



I wouldn't worry too much about rerolling for a really high bonus point total. In the other games like this one, stats would lower at level-up until they were more normalized with the class/race combo. So if you put ten points into strength for a gnome, they'd lose a bit over time. I've gained a few levels in this game and things seem to be the same.

So you get some diminishing returns on the higher numbers. Generally, I'd look for about 28 bonus points as your minimum, it's pretty easy to roll that on this game and it'll do fine. If you happen to roll a 40 or something in the process, well, that works too.

Oh I realize how the underlying system works. I'll still do it, however.


Cutting through enemies pretty nicely, which is funny since the first pack of enemies I ran into nearly killed my party :p


Cutting through enemies pretty nicely, which is funny since the first pack of enemies I ran into nearly killed my party :p

Yeah, you can get sometimes a random encounter with 3 or 4 rows of monsters that wear you down or kill you from the sheer amount of hits they can deal. Best to remember Flee is your friend if you're not confident against something like that.


Sketchbook Picasso
"____ has turned to ash, and will be harder to resurrect!"

(O.O) !!

Ever since Phantasy Star II, I found resurrection in RPGs to be.. odd, but that 100% took it to a whole new level.

Wow, sleeping is "expensive".

Ooo, I wish I could read through the manual on my Vita :( So glad a physical version is on the way :) Hey, games, remember these things? I actually enjoyed good full color manuals, full of art and personality. It feel so sad to buy new games now-a-days, and get thin ads for MORE crap to buy + Black and white, personality-less tech-rundowns.

Thanks again for your support!

Thanks for the Info, and for being a part in making / providing things worthy of support! That feel of watching your party getting decimated by humming, scatter-brained bats... and receiving bacon from Poison Porcupines. Magic, I tells ya.


Wow, sleeping is "expensive".

Sleeping to heal MP and HP is most expensive outside of the school campuses. the method I usually used is to charge my healer's HP for free ("Rest") and then having THEM heal everyone's HP, then topping off my healer's MP one more time before leaving. Total cost - 0 gold.


Sketchbook Picasso
That's quite smar~ I, I mean... I would have figured that out myself, Baka! *ahem*

No, really, thanks!
Time to ignore that idea for a moment, and randomly make a new character to fill up my "injured" 'mates spot!

Random idea on the manual-on-Vita thing; Wouldn't it be possible to turn the pages on their sides, and just save them as PNG's or something? Even if just provided as a web link to an image gallery online, it'd still be nice to have access to it in such a way.


Played it for about an hour. Some impressions:

  • Item management is greatly improved. No more items per character and there's a separate equipment menu
  • Alchemy is as annoying as ever
  • Some buttons have been changed, a bit confusing if you just played the first game, but it's for the better
  • There's some eerie music playing whenever you open a menu within a dungeon. It gets a bit annoying over time
  • That alchemy instructor.......
  • Though you can only use 6 letters for your character names one of the preset characters has a 7 letter name. No fair!
  • There's some overflowing text in the alchemy book
  • Magic now uses MP instead of fixed uses per level
  • As always I couldn't really afford new weapons for the people in the back row at the beginning. So I had to defend a lot.
  • Overall I like it, but I already liked the first. Better item management is a godsend and if the dungeon structure really is easier to understand, it sounds like a big improvement.
  • Importing a CoH1 save doesn't give you anything important, but you get a "proof for completing Class of Heroes" even if you didn't.


For us folk that didn't kickstart the physical. It's a long wait till the store updates :( I'd love to kick off the download over lunch and be able to play when I got home from work.


Got my code yesterday night before going to bed so i downloaded the game and going to play tonight after work .

I got a question , is it like the first one where the back row Can't attack unless it's ranged or magic ?

I remember playing the first one where my back row character were almost useless because i did not had enough money to buy them ranged weapons .


Game looks pretty snazzy on a Vita screen. Really glad the OP was cut, as the small file size -- something around 230mb if I remember - fit nicely on my jam packed Vita 4GB card.

I really need to upgrade, but damn those memory prices...


That's quite smar~ I, I mean... I would have figured that out myself, Baka! *ahem*

No, really, thanks!
Time to ignore that idea for a moment, and randomly make a new character to fill up my "injured" 'mates spot!

Random idea on the manual-on-Vita thing; Wouldn't it be possible to turn the pages on their sides, and just save them as PNG's or something? Even if just provided as a web link to an image gallery online, it'd still be nice to have access to it in such a way.

The dimensions and aspect ratio are completely different for PSP paper manuals. Also, the print on the PSP one is so small because there's so much information that it would be essentially unreadable on the Vita/PSP without a complete re-layout anyway.
I almost forgot about this so getting that email was a wonderful surprise!
Downloading right now, going in blind as I never played the first. If it's anywhere near as excellent as Etrian Odyssey 4 I'll probably be completely absorbed for the rest of the day.


Downloaded mine in MediaGo last night and transferred it to my PSP and spent a few hours rolling my party. Has anyone gotten higher than 39bp when rolling? My chars all had from 34-39 bp starting out.

Also wondering if anyone knows of a reference as to the minimum stats required for each of the basic and advanced classes? I was able to get any of the starting classes I wanted but was concerned I may have shorted some of the stats needed when I eventually want to switch to the advanced classes.


Downloaded mine in MediaGo last night and transferred it to my PSP and spent a few hours rolling my party. Has anyone gotten higher than 39bp when rolling? My chars all had from 34-39 bp starting out.

Also wondering if anyone knows of a reference as to the minimum stats required for each of the basic and advanced classes? I was able to get any of the starting classes I wanted but was concerned I may have shorted some of the stats needed when I eventually want to switch to the advanced classes.

The manual has a pretty decent chart on page 15.


Are "boss" fights repeatable in this like in Wizardry / Elminage? The wiki is stressing how important it is to save before boss fights and ensure you get a good drop.


Are "boss" fights repeatable in this like in Wizardry / Elminage? The wiki is stressing how important it is to save before boss fights and ensure you get a good drop.

I don't *think* so. I only hit the "?" again a few times after a boss fight, but never got that boss battle again.


Ah thanks. Completly missed your previous post about the manual download and the link in the email. Too anxious to get into the game I guess :)

The chart is just a stat base, but that's very helpful. Classes are also race-based and alignment matters, too. If you want a quick visual guide of what is and isn't possible for the class you're going for, check out the "Classes" section of classofheroes.com and click on the class you're going for. It will show you what races can be that class. Also note that sometimes there is more than one screen of characters per class, so you need to click the left or right arrow to see the other screen of them.

Finally, for some of the prestige classes, you have to change class at Panini or Bruschetta Academy (the other two schools) once they open up to you - you can't get access to all the classes at the beginning.


One thing I'm hearing on the wiki is "Mania Mode" -- "マニアモー". Is that just what was translated as "Hard Mode"? Because the wiki makes it sound like there's a rather significant XP and Item drop rate boost for playing on it.


Sketchbook Picasso
The dimensions and aspect ratio are completely different for PSP paper manuals. Also, the print on the PSP one is so small because there's so much information that it would be essentially unreadable on the Vita/PSP without a complete re-layout anyway.

Vita lets you pinch / un-pinch for zoom / un zoom on images, so the text shouldn't be as big a problem in that case (It might be a little inconvenient, but better than nothing). I think PSP allowed the same with buttons and the analog nub, but it's been a while since I've used mine (gave it to brother after Vita purchase.)

At any rate, great to see those translation notes in the back of the manual, and it really does explain quite a bit about the game. Quite the worthy read / flip-through. Anyone not familiar with this particular sub-genre would do well to check it out.


So I've put a Novice in my team... good or bad idea? Is there even a reason to go Novice?

I believe they have the same benefit as Novices in Ragnarok Online -- they're shit, until level 90, then they gain insane MP. They're a late or post game class I believe.


I don't seem to have received an email/code. Can anyone let me know the sender or the email title or something, so I can double check?


I don't seem to have received an email/code. Can anyone let me know the sender or the email title or something, so I can search for it in my emails and to double check? :|

Sender is webmaster at gaijinworks

Subject is "Class of Heroes 2 PSN Code - Order#<snip> - Inside!"


I believe they have the same benefit as Novices in Ragnarok Online -- they're shit, until level 90, then they gain insane MP. They're a late or post game class I believe.

Ah, they also gain a little bit of everything -- healing, attack, buffs, etc. At level 40 they get a their last spell, a revive spell. For the races that can't be spellcasters, they're a good choice.

Apparently they gain 2 MP a level until level 90, then they gain 300+ a level, and this results in some odd stuff -- basically you can get 9999 MP by using the reincarnation system and Novices.

But the BEST thing about them is apparently they can equip anything in the game. I'm not sure if "anything" just means "any armor" or literally anything, but that's apparently their biggest asset -- no matter what items you find, if you have a Novice, you have SOMEONE who can use it.


Ah, they also gain a little bit of everything -- healing, attack, buffs, etc. At level 40 they get a their last spell, a revive spell. For the races that can't be spellcasters, they're a good choice.

Apparently they gain 2 MP a level until level 90, then they gain 300+ a level, and this results in some odd stuff -- basically you can get 9999 MP by using the reincarnation system and Novices.

But the BEST thing about them is apparently they can equip anything in the game. I'm not sure if "anything" just means "any armor" or literally anything, but that's apparently their biggest asset -- no matter what items you find, if you have a Novice, you have SOMEONE who can use it.

Nice, now I need to rethink my party already. It looks like there is a lot of opportunities for min/maxing in this game. I was just looking at the manual in see the clinic option of transform which looks interesting.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Played it for about an hour. Some impressions:

  • Item management is greatly improved. No more items per character and there's a separate equipment menu
  • Alchemy is as annoying as ever
  • Some buttons have been changed, a bit confusing if you just played the first game, but it's for the better
  • There's some eerie music playing whenever you open a menu within a dungeon. It gets a bit annoying over time
  • That alchemy instructor.......
  • Though you can only use 6 letters for your character names one of the preset characters has a 7 letter name. No fair!
  • There's some overflowing text in the alchemy book
    [*]Magic now uses MP instead of fixed uses per level
  • As always I couldn't really afford new weapons for the people in the back row at the beginning. So I had to defend a lot.
  • Overall I like it, but I already liked the first. Better item management is a godsend and if the dungeon structure really is easier to understand, it sounds like a big improvement.
  • Importing a CoH1 save doesn't give you anything important, but you get a "proof for completing Class of Heroes" even if you didn't.
Wait really?
Oh man you don't know how i hate that system of fixed uses per level! It's the reason why i didn't buy coh and wizardry games.
Well now i consider this game(if it will come to eu)!


Sender is webmaster at gaijinworks
Subject is "Class of Heroes 2 PSN Code - Order#<snip> - Inside!"
Cheers for the help. I don't seem to have anything yet unfortunately. I'll give it a bit longer, and I guess if it doesn't appear I'll have to shoot off an email and enquire about it.
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