So the heroes can basically become the rest of the characters in terms of skills? Not sure if I like that over having their own skills, but it could be cool.
They do have their own skills. Although the chick with her sword and shield her skills are similar to the male MC with the fire effects. While the male MC in this game has ice like the female MC in the first one.
Outside of that you can class change them which gives them access to other weapons and skill / passive unlocks.
Its a lot better that just being stuck with a single character type honestly. Even more so if you did not like the default move set they start out with. That and helps take the sting away when you have to replace one character with another.
Oh cool! Guess I'm going with male MC even though I prefer the female's design (because ice > fire).
So how do I get this baby rocking with multiplayer on dat Vita? Since I have the same account tied to my Vita and PS4, surely I can do it, right? Like, I don't need multiple accounts to take advantage of multiplayer, do I? My wife and I wanna try one of us on Vita one of us on PS4. Not finding in the game where to do that though (though I'm only like an hour and a half in -- just got monster coins and did a battle after, got 6 party members).
Okay guys, I"m sure one of you boned out over the weekend and beat the game.
Who's the secret character this time. Don't hold back on me.
Is Hassan/Carver awesome? Please say he's awesome.
Despite only playing through DQH a few weeks ago I'm 100% ready for more. Although still gotta plat that game so that will tide me over a slight bit, hopefully until DQ7.
Not really his attacks are too slow and having to charge some to have em deal more damage doesnt help.
Later in the game when enemies start to get stronger you will most def want someone with a faster damage output.
Am sure you could modify his stats some with fully upgraded accessories, but at that point you are just better off sticking those on someone else.
Did anyone preorder from and get a DLC code? I thought it was supposed to come with one of the bonus retailer codes, but I didn't receive anything. I just wanted to confirm before I try to go through them speaking English.
This game is so fun. It's the funnest Musou I've played since 8 XL. What a game and it's only at the beginning. The overworld, the battle situations, the combat. Whew. What a game. Could be an all time great Musou game.
Yeah they really did do a fantastic job with this title. Btw I can add your videos to the OTs Media Section if you want
Did anyone preorder from and get a DLC code? I thought it was supposed to come with one of the bonus retailer codes, but I didn't receive anything. I just wanted to confirm before I try to go through them speaking English.
Didn't pre order and got a code just like Parakeet said.
DLC #1: June 2
Additional Stories
Torneko – Clear this to receive the “Slime Abacus” weapon for Torneko.
Maribel and Gabo – Clear this to receive the “Slime Edge” weapon for Maribel and “Slime Claws” weapon for the male and female protagonists, and Gabo.
The following weapons can also be obtained in the Clearing House by exchanging Medals:
Usable by the Male and Female Protagonists:
Slime Dual Swords
Slime Rod
Slime Stick
Slime Staff
Usable by Cesare:
Slime Blade
Usable by the Male and Female Protagonists, and Orneze:
Slime Axe
I got the one included in the box, but this is what I was referring to:
They should've given us Milly instead
Maribel is my favorite DQ character. I was disappointed by how she played. Not a fan. On the other hand I love Ornez's fighting style as you can see! Her design also kicks ass.
Didn't pre order and got a code just like Parakeet said.
You know now that you mention it my 2nd PS4 copy of the game was from Amazon and it doesnt have anything attached to it code wise. Wonder if they threw the code in the box on a different paper? Dont recall getting any email about it.
I'm 70 hours in and I have yet to platinum the game, it takes so long to farm for mini medals and each weapon proficiency. -_-
I was so happy to drop a metal key for the metal slime dungeon but it's actually a consumable, 1 key = 1 try of the dungeon, not sure where to get additional keys....back to exp grind again :-(
You get them by luck as a drop from killing metal slimes. They are quite rare though. Out of all the slimes Ive killed so far only have had 4 drop. So basically dont waste them on something stupid like Lv 1 metal slime dungeon.
Oh then they are quite rare indeed, I've killed a lot of metal slimes, I think the key I got was from a chest in one of those "darkness" fields.
I've used it on the lvl40 king metal slime dungeon, there was 6 king metal slimes in the room. I wish the keys would drop more tho cause at L50+, even with the fortune shoes + orb, farming the hardest darkness field doesn't give much exp and it's still quite long to kill anything worth good exp...have to rely on king metal slimes but I have yet to find a way to trigger their appearance, like there was in the DQH.
Really want to get into this, but had to stop playing the first one after an hour due to the insufferable framerate on ps4 - literally unplayable. Any improvement in 2?
How do I work the Cross-Save action? In other games I've seen it just as a katakana kurosu se-bu option in places I normally save, but here I can't seem to find such a thing. Wanna get my Vita version going.
Its the last save option in the save menu.
Thank youuu~
DLC #2: June 9
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Estark (from Dragon Quest IV) appears as a boss monster! Defeat him to obtain “Estark’s Dual Swords.”
Additional Stories
Maya and Meena – Clear this to receive the “Slime Fan” weapon for Maya and “Slime Tarot” weapon for Meena.
Terry and Carver – Clear this to receive the “Slime Sword” weapon for the male and female protagonsts, and Terry, and the “Slime Gloves” weapon for Alena and Carver.
DLC #1: June 2
Additional Stories
Torneko – Clear this to receive the “Slime Abacus” weapon for Torneko.
Maribel and Gabo – Clear this to receive the “Slime Edge” weapon for Maribel and “Slime Claws” weapon for the male and female protagonists, and Gabo.
The following weapons can also be obtained in the Clearing House by exchanging Medals:
Usable by the Male and Female Protagonists:
Slime Dual Swords
Slime Rod
Slime Stick
Slime Staff
Usable by Cesare:
Slime Blade
Usable by the Male and Female Protagonists, and Orneze:
Slime Axe
Does this have local co-op?
Good news, Western localization release date finally announced for NA / EU
Dragon Quest Heroes II for PS4 coming to North America on April 25, Europe on April 28
Good news, Western localization release date finally announced for NA / EU
Dragon Quest Heroes II for PS4 coming to North America on April 25, Europe on April 28