Iirc the websites states that there's one main city acting as a hub. It has all the necessary npcs and there's really not much to "explore" in it.Can anyone tell me about the cities ? Is there only one acting as a hub or multiple ones ?
Iirc the websites states that there's one main city acting as a hub. It has all the necessary npcs and there's really not much to "explore" in it.Can anyone tell me about the cities ? Is there only one acting as a hub or multiple ones ?
PC: https://store.na.square-enix.com/product/301322/dragon-quest-heroes-slime-edition-pc-download
PS4 (Day One Edition): https://store.na.square-enix.com/pr...-woe-and-the-blight-below-day-one-edition-ps4
You can also buy it off of Steam directly for $40 instead if you prefer: http://store.steampowered.com/app/410850/
Little cheaper on Amazon as of the time of this post:
Edit: On PS4, I should say, at $26.98
To those playing how is the combat so far? DQH felt weak on that aspect since the combat felt like a straight line of square botton presses and triangle whenever you wanted to end which didn't feel good afte doing the same move over and over since there was a pause after finishing a string and when you got to higher lvls I just spammed magic attacks.
Edit: Also does the Red Head play like Yangus? I liked playing with him since being able to charge his moves made his combat the most interesting.
They made another one of these already?
Combat is the same for the most part. So if you didnt like the combat then, you wont like it now.
Also yes she plays similar to Yangus with the type of moves, but some things are also different.
By the way, I made a playlist containing all my archived streams so far, so if someone wants to check the first ~12 hours, here's the link.
I still want to play it since I did like DQH and a lot of the things it does but I really wanted more combo variety or at the very least make combat faster so I can kill enemies quickly. I just felt that 70% of combat on DQH was squarex3 followed by triangle because why would I do the shorter combos? And the other 30% was just spamming magic without really thinking which one was better for the occasion. Hopefully becoming monsters spices up the combat a little since to me it's the only aspect of the game that holds it from being great, instead it's just good (to me personally).
Thanks for that, will start watching as soon as I get a chance.
Big enemies can be fun, I remember killing a Stoneman ~10 levels earlier than I was supposed to (got a quest for him later). Each non-critical attack did 1 dmg to him and he could 1/2 shot everyone in my party. Took me 2 attempts, but wasn't that hard!
Streaming again, 12 hours in.
Been a little over a year with the first one being released in 2/26/2015 and this one being 05/27/2016
Not to mention they greatly improved a bunch of stuff with the game, so this title is quite the large upgrade over the previous one with the gameplay mechanics. Though combat is still the same, button press combos + activated skills from a quick menu.
That's cool, I liked the first one a lot. I'll pick this up when it gets localized.
Even though I'm super early in I love the way the fields are in this game. So much better than the way it was in the last one. I ended up spending a little too much time already in the first one just having fun taking out slimes and such.
Just completed my first huge battle and whoa was that fun. Had a little trouble at the last part of the.m battle but thankfully it wasn't unmanageable. But some of those attacks the enemy was giving me like thewas so fun.archer assault on the king at the pyramid
Really this game is a huge improvement on the first. And I loved that one too. But all the changes they've made and adjustments really have made this a much more enjoyable experience. Feels even more dragon quest like too the way it's been done. Can't wait to play more. Wanna try multiplayer sometime too if I can ever get the time to play it.
Also now seriously thinking of double dipping and getting the vita version. Did the same with dragon quest builders and that was a great option to have. Kinda want this for vita too as well now.
Its funny I only realized this now but Terry's VA is the same as Levi Ackerman from AOT lol.
For mindless leveling and resource collection the Vita ver is most def worth having. Its crazy too how this has cross-platform MP also. Had though it was quite impressive that they went through the trouble to do that, but very cool as it keeps the userbase together so to speak.
Terry was my main in 1, but he doesn't seem to be so OP here. I think the main reason is that you can't get so many passive skills which increase your tension (I think it was the case in 1, but it was so long ago), so you can no longer split/self heal brute force your way to the invulnerable state over and over again. In the end I kicked him out of my main party for Alena, since having 2 sword users (even if the MC was rolling double swords) made the combat boring.How're the new characters compared to the old ones? Is Terry still OP as fuck? Anyone a suitable Bianca or Nera replacement?
I think it's the worst with Bagi, because the tornadoes are really huge but don't really hit as many enemies as you'd think it would if they're not right in your face.I've played for a while, and I really appreciate all of the changes they made to every aspect of the game. Unfortunately, the combat itself doesn't feel that different. I don't like how imprecise and grandiose most of the attacks are. They've pared back the big packs of enemies, but left the special attacks virtually the same. The result is big attacks that hit only one or two enemies and leave nearby ones alone. It's to the point where I just ignore most enemies because trying to actually do damage to a lone enemy or two is a waste of time.
I'm hoping that as I try out other classes, it'll feel a bit better, but we'll see.
Credits rolling, I just finished the game. As much better as the sequel was, I'm not going to do the postgame, because I've had enough button mashing for a few months (my hand actually hurts).
I was very surprised with how short the main story was (~23 hours) compared to the previous one (~35?), although since the first game dragged like heck near the end, I'm happy that they didn't go for the forced length.
I also did ~70% quests, since I didn't feel like rushing and wanted to enjoy my time with the game.
I also did the first two multiplayer dungeons multiple times, both online and offline. They're fun, although a bit short.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is what the first game should have been. It barely has elements of tower defense, and big fields/multiplayer are a great addition.
While I was bored near the end of DQH1, I think the second one is the perfect length before the player gets bored with the (let's face itsame-ish combat.
One complaint which I have is dumb party AI. I'm not expecting them to perform advanced combos or parry attacks, but healing me when I lose almost half of HP would be great. Also if they actually attacked most of the time and not just used their buffs/debuffs and run around, most fights would be over much faster.
Also, if anyone's interested, here's the playlist with my full playthrough.
I forgot to mention one important thing - the game runs surprisingly well on the PS4.Thanks for all those impressions, I'm really hoping we'll get this one early 2017
The first game ran well on PS4, I'm glad to hear Omega Force knows the hardware well.I forgot to mention one important thing - the game runs surprisingly well on the PS4.
Even when there's total chaos happening on the screen with multiple characters and enemies using their special attacks, explosions, and effects, the framerate doesn't seem to really drop. I think I had one fight which had some performance problems, and one small location was pretty bad, although not bad enough to make playing harder.
If you didn't like it mostly because of the tower defense aspect and the whole game having 0 exploration, then yes. Those are two biggest changes and I think everyone agrees that they're for the better.The first game ran well on PS4, I'm glad to hear Omega Force knows the hardware well.
So after reading through these impressions, if I really liked the first game, I'll enjoy this one even more?
So what's replaced the tower defense aspect of the game?If you didn't like it mostly because of the tower defense aspect and the whole game having 0 exploration, then yes. Those are two biggest changes and I think everyone agrees that they're for the better.
All aspects of the game, like various systems, story, etc. Have been vastly improved.
Missions usually make you go through an area/dungeon or just destroying enemies as they keep appearing. Some have switches and other gimmicks from mainline DQ games.So what's replaced the tower defense aspect of the game?
So what's replaced the tower defense aspect of the game?
How're the new characters compared to the old ones? Is Terry still OP as fuck? Anyone a suitable Bianca or Nera replacement?
The first game ran well on PS4, I'm glad to hear Omega Force knows the hardware well.
So after reading through these impressions, if I really liked the first game, I'll enjoy this one even more?
I forgot to mention one important thing - the game runs surprisingly well on the PS4.
Even when there's total chaos happening on the screen with multiple characters and enemies using their special attacks, explosions, and effects, the framerate doesn't seem to really drop. I think I had one fight which had some performance problems, and one small location was pretty bad, although not bad enough to make playing harder.