Get to Accordia, once you get there all the DLC and claimed rewards will be given.
I've been to Accordia like 4 times already.
Get to Accordia, once you get there all the DLC and claimed rewards will be given.
Finished the first battle sequence complete with boss. Really fun! Haven't tried Maribel and Ruff yet because I really like my party and just wanted to keep continuing with the battle sequences. Definitely loving the improvements to DQH1.
Anyone find the DLC weapons? Or the DQH1 save bonus costumes? I got nothing.
Also my PSN is XxVpunxX if anyone wants to play online multi
I've been to Accordia like 4 times already.
This game is already entertaining me far more than the first.
I really liked the first game.
Here you go:
Make sure to thank Gyoru especially. I made some tweaks in Reshade's file to disable the mild sharpening and changed the SMAA from 0.05 to 0.08.
I'm really in a DQ mood (finished 7 yesterday, now playing 8) and I was thinking about grabbing the game again to do all the quests I missed, post game and DLC stuff, maybe some multiplayer.Credits rolling, I just finished the game. As much better as the sequel was, I'm not going to do the postgame, because I've had enough button mashing for a few months (my hand actually hurts).
I was very surprised with how short the main story was (~23 hours) compared to the previous one (~35?), although since the first game dragged like heck near the end, I'm happy that they didn't go for the forced length.
I also did ~70% quests, since I didn't feel like rushing and wanted to enjoy my time with the game.
I also did the first two multiplayer dungeons multiple times, both online and offline. They're fun, although a bit short.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is what the first game should have been. It barely has elements of tower defense, and big fields/multiplayer are a great addition.
While I was bored near the end of DQH1, I think the second one is the perfect length before the player gets bored with the (let's face itsame-ish combat.
One complaint which I have is dumb party AI. I'm not expecting them to perform advanced combos or parry attacks, but healing me when I lose almost half of HP would be great. Also if they actually attacked most of the time and not just used their buffs/debuffs and run around, most fights would be over much faster.
Also, if anyone's interested, here's the playlist with my full playthrough.
I disliked the first one. Or more like it got me bored because of these tower defense stuff. But I love this one because it's more of an actual Musou title with some light RPG elements.
I miss my boy Yangus.He's my favorite character in the franchise and always had a place in my party in DQH1.
Damn, quite a difficulty spike ~10 hours in atBunch of enemies that can one or two shot. With only 4 leaves for the most part, they can go fast if you get unlucky. I have all upgraded equipment and done all but one side quest up to this point too.Bedrock/Great Divide.
Wow I must be playing really slowly, I dunno what area that is and I just got Maya with 12:30 on the clock. Frankly I've no idea how i played that much but I don't recall leaving the game on without playing so not sure.
PC or PS4?
You're right before where I'm at.
I asked my husband about the spike this morning and he says you have to dodge much more in this game or you're gonna get one-shotted. He says the attacks are generally telegraphed and that you have to pay attention. So basically, an entirely different strategy from the first game.
What I hate about some fights is how the bosses are hardcoded to ignore your party and go straight for you. I'm on the other side of the area using a bow, and the boss will ignore the 3 melee members with provoke accessories to come hit me and only me. That's straight up bullshit.
And how your party member can't be ordered to engage the enemy, so sometimes they just stand around because I'm attacking from range.
Just swap to the melee range dudes when the boss starts walking to you and get back shots in with the melee guys. Learning to use at least 2 of your party members on the fly goes a long way it will also increase your damage output overall as the ai doesn't go crazy with attacks.
One way to handle that situation is to swap to character slot 4 as the monster is heading towards your main. Then do the team tag special which will give you control back of character 1 but they are teleported to character 4's spot
Yeah, I could swap around but there are skills and items that specifically state they provoke enemies to attack them. They straight up don't work in boss fights, which is a bug or just shitty design. Might as well just run with 3 bow characters and the healer.
The items are chance based, the skills... well the npcs have to use them first LOL
The thing is as the controlled character you are generally going to be pumping out way more damage than the npcs ever do so the mobs are have a chance to turn on you
Not quite, that's how all the post game missions in the first game became. It was basically monster hunter dq edition at that point
Man Angelo doesn't seem anywhere near as good as Bianca. For one, Rain of Pain was nerfed (though it might still be good for bosses/mini boss enemies). Bummer![]()
PC players who want some additional antialiasing,
here's a prepackaged ReShade2.0 + SweetFX set up for SMAA and mild sharpening.
I tried ReShade3, but that version crashes on startup. ReShade2 works fine though.
Really liked the first game but I'm surprised how much better this one feels. The voice acting is excellent, I like the skill system, the more open levels and the visuals. 25 hours in currently, just working through the snow area.
The online seems crap though. I get a lot of errors and it seems kind of dead.
Any suggestion on best melee weapon/class for the hero? I'm doing claws right noway for MA and it's pretty damn fun, but wondering if there are any super strong combinations to be aware of?
I have the first but only played about 3 hours before setting it aside for no good reason. I didn't dislike it. Should I finish that one first or just jump to this one?