John Workman's "NAAAAH" skills are through the fucking roof
American Vampire. His work on that book is simply stunning. Snyder and Albuquerque tore shit up on that book.
Give this a look if you enjoy Kaiju movies. Next for me is Godzilla in Hell.
I'll give it a try. Snyder is hit and miss with me but I heard a lot of great things about American Vampire.
The Flash #3: Wow, that cliffhanger had me laughing my ass off., really? What a hilarious name for a Flash villain. Other than that this title is the perfect definition of mediocre. I'm starting to like the art (maybe Stockholm syndrome?) and the story is okay but incredibly generic so far. I might drop the book after this arc if it doesn't improve. 2/5Godspeed
I also want to mention the amazing Godzilla: Half-Century War by James Stokoe that I finished a few days ago. The dialogs can be pretty weak but the overall story is interesting and chronicles a japanese soldier's battles against Godzilla over 50 years. The art is some of the best I've seen in years, so energetic and powerful:
His height is the problem. He also doesn't look aged.CW Superman looks awful
I don't know if it's because I like Jojo but that name is amazing for a Flash villain. You take that back.
I'm not quite sure yet if I love it or hate it. If his personnality and origin story are appropriately ridiculous and over the top, he could be great! It was just such a weird character reveal on the last page of a fairly dull issue.
Yea if his origin wasn't super crazy or really good than his name is wasted. I was hoping he would be like Carnage.
Edit: Suicide Squad preview is up.
They made Waller fat again. Thanks to the movies.
Yea if his origin wasn't super crazy or really good than his name is wasted. I was hoping he would be like Carnage.
Edit: Suicide Squad preview is up.
They made Waller fat again. Thanks to the movies.
I'll give it a try. Snyder is hit and miss with me but I heard a lot of great things about American Vampire.
The Flash #3: Wow, that cliffhanger had me laughing my ass off., really? What a hilarious name for a Flash villain. Other than that this title is the perfect definition of mediocre. I'm starting to like the art (maybe Stockholm syndrome?) and the story is okay but incredibly generic so far. I might drop the book after this arc if it doesn't improve. 2/5Godspeed
Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens #1: Just bought it on a whim as I enjoyed the few Dredd comics I've read over the years and I liked the Glenn Fabry cover. Good artwork but very weak story that took some unnecessarily weird turns instead of focusing on what the name promised. I don't care about Manimal and his crew, where are the damn Aliens? I give it a 2/5 and that's mostly thanks to Archbishop.Emoji
Hellblazer Rebirth: What the hell was that? DC really has no idea what to do with Constantine. The only Rebirth title so far that I have dropped before the actual first issue. And was that a Hobbit hole? 1/5
I also want to mention the amazing Godzilla: Half-Century War by James Stokoe that I finished a few days ago. The dialogs can be pretty weak but the overall story is interesting and chronicles a japanese soldier's battles against Godzilla over 50 years. The art is some of the best I've seen in years, so energetic and powerful:
Give this a look if you enjoy Kaiju movies. Next for me is Godzilla in Hell.
Wasn't thinking when I wrote that. My bad, I should have said she looks more intimidating because of the movie.You calling Viola Davis fat? Cause, bruh...
Good. Mean's she's still got it.She talked the President from a stance of :Suicide Squad is finished" to getting another member in about 5 panels?
Captain America: Steve Rogers #3 - Spencer has continued adding new wrinkles to this with each issue, and it's getting pretty interesting.It seems like the war for control of Hydra is going to be between Red Skull and Steve, not Red Skull and Zemo. I'm not 100% clear what Steve's immediate goals are based on how the issue ended, but the philosophical divide is a key point that is eventually going to boil over. I like this idea that "Hydra Cap" is not as simple as we may have expected. Everyone was so caught up on how/why he was Hydra, we hadn't really considered the possibilities for what him being Hydra could actually mean.
Wasn't thinking when I wrote that. My bad, I should have said she looks more intimidating because of the movie.
don't you EVER besmirch the name of Beasts of Burden like that, Jill Thompson wouldn't be caught dead working a Valiant comic
Nice of them to give us half of Jim Lee's rebirth suicide squad pages in the preview. Love Amanda Conners variant too. Love her Harley.
My goodness that logo is trash. Just use the movie logo and get it over with.
I dropped Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur after issue #3 and just caught back up. Damn, what a cute comic. Great stuff happening in it.
I want a new Batman logo. Never liked the one from the Snyder run.My goodness that logo is trash. Just use the movie logo and get it over with.
Yeah, it starts picking up in the fourth issue and firmly plants itself as a cute superhero story. If you're not in the mood for that, I would recommend waiting for a sale.I lost interest around that point. Did it suddenly get more interesting?
I actually think that was Phillip Tan in the preview. The backups don't start till issue #1.
I was like... I just finished batman and Robin Eternal and it was really great. Moved onto Detective rebirth and was like this us awesome and it feels like a continuation of that story. I didn't realize James Tynion IV wrote both. That dude is talented .
I thought Bleach was going to next year but to my surprise it ends next week...
Yea but his in black leather and strapped to a chair.I hear Aizen has become Metron?
Everytime someone says Tec in reference to Detective, I think they're actually talking about this guy:
I thought I was the only one who read Beasts of Burden?
there are dozens of us
I thought I was the only one who read Beasts of Burden?