You read them in a series of overlapping Fibonacci sequences.I'm thinking about jumping into the Valiant universe. Is there a specific chronology of the books?
Comixology is having a Flash Venom sale.
You know you're in the wrong whenSteve "Hail Hydra" Rogers is on the other team.
I'm thinking about jumping into the Valiant universe. Is there a specific chronology of the books?
Meh. I'd rather buy physical books for trades.
We don't talk about Valiant books on here JC. You know this.
I think Bendis doesn't give a shit about all that and it will never come up. It's kind of hilarious.
I think Bendis doesn't give a shit about all that and it will never come up. It's kind of hilarious.
Meh. I'd rather buy physical books for trades.
Edit: Is that sale comprehensive enough to get me mostly caught up on the Valiant stuff if I want to do so?
There kind of is, but everything is self-contained, too. I'll link a comprehensive list, but it's totally up to you what you partake in and don't based on your preferences. I advise staying away from Shadowman and the first Bloodshot series; they're not bad, but historically they give people a bad first impression. It's something you'll get a better appreciation of if you've experienced the universe a bit first.
Harbinger, Archer & Armstrong, Ivar, and The Valiant are the ones I recommend people start with.
but but...
I think, like, it's about eyes with shadows.
Hopefully it probably has kissing in it.
Is X-O Manowar good?
I want the physical versions so much more...ARGH. In. Will buy Harbringer and Archer and Armstrong deluxes. Would buy more (specifically Bloodshot, X-O Manowar, and Harbringer Wars) but don't have enough money.
Quite, and it gets progressively better. It's their flagship title, though it is ending soon sadly. Probably worth noting that the Armor Hunters event is part of that story. It takes place concurrently with vol 7.
Good choices.
For Harbinger Wars, you should just get the single trade. It happens concurrently with the third part of the Harbinger deluxe, but the HW deluxe duplicates issues from other collections (Harbinger and Bloodshot deluxe).
It should be. Tell me which ones you're looking to catch up on and I'll help you out.
What's the reading order for that section for people who read in singles?Quite, and it gets progressively better. It's their flagship title, though it is ending soon sadly. Probably worth noting that the Armor Hunters event is part of that story. It takes place concurrently with vol 7.
I'm going to have to look how expensive it is once I take out the stuff I already picked up here and there, but I was thinking of essentially going all in. That's what I'd been planning to do, but I was honestly expecting to do it series by series as they popped up on sale, but oh well. So I guess I'll just need a general list of what's the good stuff from current continuity, or however that works. Well, assuming it all is worth getting, and none/not much of it is straight up bad or anything.
What's the reading order for that section for people who read in singles?
Speaking of Valiant I might pick up that Britannia book when it comes out. Sounds kind of cool.
Awesome, thanks! I'll give it a look over tomorrow, and see what I end up with. But yeah, admittedly due to the hype (outside of the joking around of course) I've seen here and there in these threads for the Valiant stuff, I'm willing to go in pretty heavy. But since I've already spent a decent bit recently on digital comics, I'll have to weigh out the costs and see how it goes.Well, I can list the stuff on sale that isn't completed...
Bloodshot Reborn
Imperium (the last volume is not out)
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior
XO Manowar
The only thing I've heard is straight up bad is Dead Drop. And the only thing that's not new continuity that's on sale is the old Quantum & Woody by Christopher Priest.
I would stay away from (until you've gotten knee deep into the universe):
Eternal Warrior (pre-Wrath)
Bloodshot (pre-Reborn)
Imperium (until you finish Harbinger)
It's really just a massive amount of content in this sale, so I'd go series by series starting with what you're most interested in, picking up a little bit of each. Or, if you're sure you want to go in balls deep, add one series' books to your cart at a time to make sure you get everything.
Bolded is the only actually necessary stuff. The tie-ins are good, but they just tell side stories.
Armor Hunters #1
Unity #8
X-O Manowar #26
Armor Hunters #2
Unity #9
Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #1
Armor Hunters: Harbinger #1
X-O Manowar #27
Armor Hunters #3
Unity #10
Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #2
Armor Hunters: Harbinger #2
X-O Manowar #28
Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #3
Armor Hunters: Harbinger #3
Unity #11
Armor Hunters #4
X-O Manowar #29*
Armor Hunters: Aftermath #1
I am very excited for that book. I mean, it's Milligan in 2016, but the concept is cool.
but wait, you also complained about the physical trades being too expensive. This is a pretty good middle ground. :/
New AV Club article on Jupiter's Circle 2.
Also explains why Empress is at Icon. Marvel must have terrible terms for Icon books, because no one seems to want to be on there.
nah, Icon has the exact same deal as Image
Your avatar isnt helping Lava
Huh, I wonder why it has so few books on it then. My guess is that Marvel doesn't put a very high priority on it.
Well, for one, it's really only for Marvel exclusive writers, so the pool of creators is already artificially diminished. People thought Icon was supposed to be Marvel's Vertigo competitor but in retrospect it was always more of an incentive for people to sign exclusively with Marvel than anything else. As for specific reasons why there aren't more creators, I dunno how it was for other people but Brubaker has talked about how he wasn't free to do a bunch of Criminal and had to do x amount of Captain America comics before he could do his own stuff, so that might be part of it. And from Marvel's perspective, there's barely any money in it since it pretty much all goes to the creators.
A coworker gave me some of his old comics, I read Spider-Man: Wrath of the Spider-Clan first because it looked like the worst of the lot (other titles were the first 3 volumes of Starman, Mesmo Delivery, and Red Mass for Mars).
I was right. It was awful. Marvel Mangaverse was a mistaaaaaaaaake.
Starman is proving p. dope tho.
They aren't the first three Starman omnibi, are they?
As an aside I've bought the first Vol. of Justice League Dark and am really enjoying it so far. Been meaning to get into it but kept putting it off. Magic has always been my favorite 'corner' of the DC universe.
I adore the art in JLD.As an aside I've bought the first Vol. of Justice League Dark and am really enjoying it so far. Been meaning to get into it but kept putting it off. Magic has always been my favorite 'corner' of the DC universe.