It's dumb that everyone is totally cool having a one of history's greatest terrorists chilling on their couch.In what way? Magneto fighting for mutantkind is better than Saturday morning supervillain.
It's dumb that everyone is totally cool having a one of history's greatest terrorists chilling on their couch.In what way? Magneto fighting for mutantkind is better than Saturday morning supervillain.
Many Marvel characters used to be bad guys. Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Rogue, Emma Frost, Elektra, the Vision...they've been long reformed periods for Juggernaut, Black Cat, Red Hulk, Sandman, Taskmaster, Red Hood, even Loki for awhile.
Worked for Lex.It's dumb that everyone is totally cool having a one of history's greatest terrorists chilling on their couch.
I was thinking of The Hood, who also wears Red
Being a bad guy isn't the same as being Magneto. This is a racist, genocidal maniac. Guy was always fucking around with nukes, and did a massive EMP attack that would have resulted in many thousands of innocent deaths. And that's just the stuff I know about. There's a ton of X-Men I've never read.
Being a bad guy isn't the same as being Magneto. This is a racist, genocidal maniac. Guy was always fucking around with nukes, and did a massive EMP attack that would have resulted in many thousands of innocent deaths. And that's just the stuff I know about. There's a ton of X-Men I've never read.
This is a good postI think Magneto is much more interesting as somebody who goes in-between the realms of "good" and "evil" than a cackling silver age bad guy. His motivations are rooted in the very real fear that government and society at large is working to destroy mutantkind, and if he has to rise up violently to protect his people he will. It comes out of his background as a Jew during the Holocaust, who saw first hand how fear and hatred can turn into genocide against his race.
and I mean currently he's on a squad with straight up super murderers Mystique and Sabretooth and ninja assassin Psylocke, so "he who is without sin, cast the first stone"
Storm: Raise your hand if youve never gone through a stage that others characterized as mainly super villain.
I was thisclose to adding $135 worth of Valiant comics to my Comixology cart. I went to look up a definitive reading order, and one of the results said to try a Scribd trial. Lo and behold, everything is on there.
Thanks, Google.
Yeah just about everything from them is on there. They also have IDW and some other pubs too. It's a good service.I was thisclose to adding $135 worth of Valiant comics to my Comixology cart. I went to look up a definitive reading order, and one of the results said to try a Scribd trial. Lo and behold, everything is on there.
Thanks, Google.
I followed you on Twitter
Yeah just about everything from them is on there. They also have IDW and some other pubs too. It's a good service.
Many Marvel characters used to be bad guys. Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Rogue, Emma Frost, Elektra, the Vision...they've been long reformed periods for Juggernaut, Black Cat, Red Hulk, Sandman, Taskmaster, Red Hood, even Loki for awhile.
Lets be real, Wolverine has killed way more people than Magneto, canon wise, and he set up a school to teach children
I just think there's a world of difference between "killer" and "genocidal".
I mean...Sandman and wtf is that other guys name...Rage or whatever...they were reserve avengers.
I almost made a thread about how literally anyone can be an Avenger, but I decided against it. Their background checks are about as good as a gun dealer in Texas.
I suppose I agree with that. But I still think he's on a whole other level from a guy who's like "yeah, I'll kill some people if it comes to that".I think Magneto has been many things, including a mass murderer, a revolutionary/terrorist, a racist(or at very least a spiciest), but I disagree that he's ever been genocidal. I dont really think there's a lot of evidence of him ever really being genocidal, or wishing to destroy all humans, in the way that US declaring war against Britain or Germany or Japan didnt mean they were for the "systematic, planned annihilation of an ethnic, racial, or political group"
There's a much larger thing somebody wrote a few years ago about how meaningless the Avenger name has become, basically just synonymous with "I'm a Marvel Universe character". Superhero, supervillian, power, no powers, we'll take you if you sign up! West Coast Avengers, Dark Avengers, Young Avengers, Old Avengers, New Avengers, All-New All Different Avengers, Avengers Prime, Avengers Alpha, Mighty Avengers, Cosmic Avengers, blah blah blah
Since it's also Simone's birthday she's getting some art from fans and friends. Here's Walter Geovani's present:
Edit: The Seeley issues(#17 to the end where the Rebirth team does the final issue)have been pretty great. Wish he would keep doing the book in Rebirth.
New 52 wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either. It was decent fun for the first few volumes and then quickly dropped off. I dropped New Suicide Squad after the first arc.. It was just not good.
All I know is that I'm not picking it up.
It's dumb that everyone is totally cool having a one of history's greatest terrorists chilling on their couch.
JC why is Shadow Warrior an open world loot and shoot now?
Lol and I remember when I first saw it and pointed the flying numbers, everyone said that plenty of shooters had that and it was gonna be fine.because the publisher promised to fund a sequel, but only if they went down the whole AAA Western gaming checklist to make it broadly appealing
-focus on online multiplayer? Check
-A larger focus on shooting people in the face? Check
-superfluous loot and RPG elements to water down the game with? Check
-Open world, proceduraly generated level design thats all the rage these days? Check
I await the season pass announcement
Most of his major terroristic acts were retaliatory. He was basically a supervillain until the Dark Phoenix saga and then after that he became the grey character we know today. The biggest act I can think of, which was the whole Planet X business, was in retaliation to Genosha being completely obliterated (an actual genocide orchestrated by Cassandra Nova). Even then he was high on Sublime, whi was another mutant. House of M wasn't orchestrated by him. That was Pietro via Wanda. Assassinating Senator Kelly during Days of Future Past was when Mystique was in charge of the Brotherhood.I suppose I agree with that. But I still think he's on a whole other level from a guy who's like "yeah, I'll kill some people if it comes to that".
HarbringerSo if you've never read any of the Valiant collections on sale, what 3-5 do you suggest a newcomer should start with?
So if you've never read any of the Valiant collections on sale, what 3-5 do you suggest a newcomer should start with?
Woody and Armstrong
Thanks!Archer and Armstrong is probably the easiest to get into. Helps that it is really good as well.
What about that Reginald Hudlin fanbase?
Oops meant archer and Armstrong
What Bengal cover are people mad about?
Betty and Veronica was the most disappointing book of the month and fans should be mad at that rather than a cover.
I didn't read it at all, so I'll just enjoy the covers.
The covers are nice lol.
Jughead will be starting it's Sabrina guest appearance soon and hopefully that leads to a new ongoing for the character.
Betty and Veronica was the most disappointing book of the month and fans should be mad at that rather than a cover.