Nope, Grayson 3 retains that title.
If you're Tosh.0
Nope, Grayson 3 retains that title.
Could anyone of you sell me a Axis 1 Code?^^
I think I'm supposed to like Klarion, because, hey, it's a weird book about WIZARDS fighting TECHNO-GOTHS with metaphors and shit but god damn. It's unreadable. Literally. As in, the combination of Nocenti's disjointed prose with McCarthy's weird JH Williams III inspired layouts means I was all kinds of confused regarding what happened in the issue. I don't even think it was that bad. Just very incoherent.
Batgirl however had everything I liked and then some and I love it so much you guys it had capes and friendship and bisexuals and hashtags and one of those crazy spreads where people walk around a single room looking for clues like what McKelvie sometimes did in Young Avengers. IT WAS GREAT.
Yeah^^ Thanks^^I'll send it to you for free once I get my copy later
I agree with this if you are being serious. I really liked it. Not as much as Gotham Academy but still liked it. But I am fairly sure you aren't being serious :/
Could've done without the hashtags though
If you're Tosh.0
What books???
Damn I thought you meant he was doing a series or something.Uncanny X-Men Annual in November and I think an All-New X-Men Annual.
Damn I thought you meant he was doing a series or something.
I don't read either of those but I will buy em.
What is the best device for reading digital comics? I am about to get into comixology today, and am looking to purchase a new reader. I currently own the latest Kindle Fire HD. Is for example an iPad or a Samsung tablet much better?
If you're Tosh.0
no joke, that page kinda put me off the comic.
stuff like that's fun to joke about on message boards but it's hella goofy when it's in promotional stuff and the book itself
Not really getting what I meant by that I guess.Wait... What. Did I misunderstand it? I thoughtHe was controlling them . or was that him changing from person to person at the end. Wut
Or is that why Bruce says they are slower than usual because it's not them.
I'm so dumb sometimes
Guys... embrace the lulz
Not really getting what I meant by that I guess.So on that level it's a little disappointing.It's not Wonder Woman he's interacting with in this story, but an assassin wearing Wonder Woman's form instead. Whether that means she's being influenced by Joker, or he's somehow taken over her mind, OR that there's no Joker at all and this is an elaborate delusion brought on by fear gas (making this a Scarecrow story with a Joker misdirection), the fact remains that it's not really her.
EDIT: Perils of phone posting.
how are you getting that from what we saw so far?
i feel like I missed a big thing then, other thanthe obvious JL(real members) have been somehow affected by the joker. But nothing about how it's not really her.
also I must have missed the part where he put that bind of veils on her unless it specifically was obtuse about it's use. I just saw her chop his arm off and then next panel she's got a silver lasso on?
Marvel is really proud of the SIXIS logo
I laughed out loud when I saw the interiors
Shit, Batman fucking blew my mind. It's going to be hard a hard book to beat this month.
Francavilla poster.
Marvel is really proud of the SIXIS logo
I laughed out loud when I saw the interiors
Why does that ninja cat have a plunger on his chest?
Why does that ninja cat have a plunger on his chest?
Batman was good...
Avengers was better. Reading this book makes my head spin, I love it. The stakes are so massive.
My store was shorted its copies of Klarion #1. Thank god. Enough other people bit the bullet anyway.
My shop actually ran out of Batgirl. There was only a three or four variants left on the rack and it was one they were selling for like $20.
Oof. My shop will probably run out soon, there weren't a whole lot there when I went, and the shop had only been open for a half hour. Hella lot of Wytches and Evil Ernie, tho. The importance of pre-ordering.
Is it called pre-ordering when we're talking about comics? I just refer to it as pulling.